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在北京,享受爵士乐——北京瑞吉酒店总经理 Mr. Derek Flint (福林德) 先生履新
发布日期:2021年02月07日  来源:北京瑞吉酒店

“Live in Beijing,Live with Jazz” ——The new General Manager of The St. Regis Beijing, Mr. Derek Flint recommends


“Live in Beijing, live with Jazz and your beloved ones.”

刚刚履新的北京瑞吉酒店总经理 Mr Derek Flint (福林德)先生是第二次来到北京。 2007年北京奥运会前夕,他开启了北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店的大门,为帝都的奢华酒店再添传奇。13年后,福林德先生再次掌舵亚洲首间瑞吉酒店 —— 北京瑞吉酒店,此前,他已经在香港瑞吉酒店深耕三年,让香港瑞吉酒店成为亚太地区客户满意度最高的奢华品牌酒店,并被《福布斯杂志》评选为福布斯五星奢华酒店。

The newly appointed General Manager of The St. Regis Beijing, Mr. Derek Flint, is in Beijing for the second time. In 2008, the year of The Beijing Olympics, he unveiled The Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street, adding to the legendary story of luxury hotels in this historical capital. 13 years later, Mr. Flint came back to helm the very first St. Regis brand hotel in Asia —— The St. Regis Beijing. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Flint accumulated in-depth understandings of the brand by successfully opening The St. Regis Hong Kong, generating the prestigious Forbes 5-star hotel ranking after only 8 months of operation and obtaining the highest guest satisfactory rate among luxury hotels in Asia Pacific.

对于拥有三十年奢华品牌酒店管理经验的Mr. Derek Flint(福林德)先生来说,北京将再次开启他职业生涯的新篇章。他的职业生涯始于纽约丽思卡尔顿酒店,随后在旧金山的四季酒店,柏悦酒店和凯普顿广场酒店担任房务部的行政经理,并于2000年重归丽思卡尔顿集团,在其后的22年间,纵横北美及亚太,执掌多家丽思卡尔顿酒店,并于2008年被 “Luxury Travel Advisor’s Award of Excellence” 提名为全球顶级奢华酒店及度假村总经理。

Mr. Flint has 30 years of experience in managing luxury hotels. Beijing will be another storied chapter in his career. He started in the hospitality industry at The Ritz-Carlton New York and later served as Executive Assistant Manager of Rooms at The Four Seasons Cliff Hotel, The Park Hyatt Hotel and The Campton Place Hotel in San Francisco, before re-joining the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company where he has stayed for the last 22 years operating hotels in both North America and Asia Pacific. In 2008, he was nominated as the “Top General Manager of a Luxury Hotel / Resort Worldwide” by “The Luxury Travel Advisor’s Award of Excellence”.

多年的奢华酒店管理经验,以及加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校心理学的教育背景,使得Mr Derek Flint (福林德)先生能够非常深刻的体会顾客及员工在特殊时期的心理感受。履新之初,他努力与员工及客户建立联系,并以和蔼可亲,轻松幽默的态度开启每一天的工作。

Mr. Flint has an education background in psychology from The University of California, Berkeley. He therefore is able to deeply understand the emotional feelings of customers and our hosts at critical moments. At the beginning of his tenure here, he is making every effort to build relationships with customers and our hosts by starting each day with an affable, warm-hearted greeting and an inspirational brief message.

每天,酒店的员工都能收到总经理发来的每日分享,短短的句子足可激励人心。面对疫情期间的市场变化,Mr Derek Flint (福林德)先生以其多年在不同区域的工作经验及对跨文化交流的敏感,瞬间找到消费者的心理诉求,在新春到来之即,为驻留北京的消费者推荐两个北京瑞吉酒店为春节长假特备定制的客房包价: “瑞吉家庭礼遇 —— 大英博物馆授权埃及萌神系列”针对有孩子的家庭,一价包含两大一小的早餐及晚餐,并可畅享酒店的温泉、泳池及健身中心,经典瑞吉管家服务让父母可以轻松休息;“欢庆的艺术 —— Blue Note 爵士三重奏”则是为年轻人及情侣打造的特殊礼遇,精致的“Blue Note 巧克力三重奏”下午茶将为北京的节日带来独特的文艺气息,情人节当日还可选择包含两杯玛姆香槟的双人下午茶与爱侣共赏。而Blue Note Beijing 爵士俱乐部及APM王府井将为顾客送上节日红包和福包。

To deal with the changes caused by COVID-19, along with his years of solid working experience in different regions and sensitivity of cross-cultural communication, Mr. Flint has instantly found the psychological demands of consumers. Prior to the Spring Festival and in accordance to the government instruction, Mr. Flint and his team worked out two room packages to meet consumer’s demand: “Family Tradition —— Cute Egyptian from British Museum” which is designed for families, including breakfast and dinner for parents and one child. Also includes free access to natural hot springs, the swimming pool and the fitness centre. The second package: “The Art of Celebration – Blue Note Chocolate Trio” is designed for young couples with groovy jazz elements. The “Blue Note Chocolate Trio” afternoon tea on Valentine’s Day also contains two glasses of Mumm Champagne. Red packets from both Blue Note Beijing and APM Wangfujing will surely brighten the day.

瑞吉品牌与爵士乐的渊源由来已久,1904年启幕的纽约瑞吉酒店在19世纪末和20世纪初成为影响美国爵士乐历史的众多大师的演出集散地,其中不乏爵士乐的顶尖艺术家如: Count Basie 和Duke Ellington。春节期间,北京瑞吉酒店与拥有国际知名度的Blue Note Beijing爵士俱乐部联名打造轻松的爵士氛围,让帝都顾客的假日充满轻松的异域风情。Mr Derek Flint (福林德)先生不无感慨的说: “语言的尽头是音乐,作为酒店人,我们会尽己所能,为顾客提供安全、卫生、有趣、有情的居停体验。生活如此美好,位于首善之地,曾经接待过超过八十多个国家元首和世界名流的北京瑞吉酒店值得多次体验。”

Jazz music is one of The St. Regis brand traditions. Dating back to early 20th century, The St. Regis New York played host to some of history’s most beloved jazz greats, such as Count Basie and Duke Ellington throughout the Jazz age. Even today, when you step into the lobby of The St. Regis Beijing, more often, Jazz music is being selected and performed by a professional pianist regularly. During Spring Festival and throughout March, together with Blue Note Beijing, The St. Regis Beijing will create a soothing atmosphere by jazz in the heart of this capital city. The General Manager of St. Regis Beijing Mr. Flint emphasizes: “Music rises where language ends. Being a hotelier, we will try our utmost to make every stay of our guests a memorable and inspirational experience. The St. Regis Beijing is THE ADDRESS for international luminaries and connoisseur, and we look forward to having our luminaries repeating with us, time and time again.”

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