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发布日期:2017年07月27日  来源:丽思卡尔顿酒店集团

北京丽思卡尔顿酒店联手中国国际航空股份有限公司(以下简称“国航”) ,由巴罗洛餐厅明星主厨阿米地奥·费里(Amedeo Ferri)倾情研发设计国航美国航线,北京出港头等舱的空中精选美食,让旅客在旅途中享受非凡餐膳。 The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing collaborates wi

北京丽思卡尔顿酒店联手中国国际航空股份有限公司(以下简称“国航”) ,由巴罗洛餐厅明星主厨阿米地奥·费里(Amedeo Ferri)倾情研发设计国航美国航线,北京出港头等舱的空中精选美食,让旅客在旅途中享受非凡餐膳。

The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing collaborates with Air China inviting Chef De Cuisine Amedeo Ferri of Barolo to design its first class inflight menu for Beijing to the United States routes.

Amedeo Ferri为头等舱旅客精心打造的四道式菜单,将于2017年8月1日至2018年7月31日期间在指定航班供应,其精选应季食材,革新烹饪方式,每隔三个月更新菜品。率先发布的菜单将于2017年8月1日至10月31日期间,在北京出发前往美国长途航班的头等舱供应,包含纽约、纽瓦克、旧金山、圣何赛、洛杉矶、华盛顿和休斯顿,日后将于更多航线为旅客呈现以其传承技艺精心设计的典藏食味。

Chef Amedeo designs 4 course seasonal menus for a variety of long-haul destinations from August 1st 2017 to July 31st 2018. From August to October 2017, it will be served to First Class passengers onboard selected Air China flight departing from Beijing to New York, Newmark, San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles, Washington, Houston, and more routs coming soon.


Air China has long understood the importance its passengers place on inflight dining and their Catering Company goes great lengths to source high-quality food to suit every palate. Air China teams up with celebrated chef from luxury hotel for the first time, to elevate the dining experience in the air.

Amedeo Ferri来自美丽的意大利翁布里亚,他于2016年6月出任屡获殊荣的巴罗洛餐厅厨师长,在其19年的烹饪生涯中,他的职业足迹遍布世界各地的知名餐厅和酒店。他以其丰富经验和创新理念向旅客细细道来每款佳肴,头盘意式香料明虾沙拉,香料采用新鲜罗勒晒干制成,配上香脆可口的明虾和必不可少的番茄与土豆,展现出了独特的意大利风味;新鲜番茄配上消寒祛暑的紫苏熬制而成的浓汤,风味浓郁;丝滑香嫩的牛里脊作为主菜登场,与香味浓烈的鼠尾草相配凸显了浓烈似火的意大利风情,口感柔软的帕尔玛火腿更是锦上添花,香甜的紫薯与爽口的西兰花使这道主菜色味俱全;甜品为意式奶冻布丁,柔软多汁的浆果和杏仁的香味使浓浓奶香的布丁清凉爽口,入口即化。

Chef Amedeo Ferri comes from Umbria, Italy, and has been appointed Chef De Cuisine of Barolo since June 2016. Chef Amedeo spent the last 19 years perfecting his culinary skills at various renowned hotels and restaurants. He has designed a delicious menu for Air China with an inventive approach while staying true to the classic Italian flavors at heart. The menu includes a Prawn Salad with Couscous, which influenced by the south of Italy combines the freshest ingredients contemporary presentation. Tomato Soup this fresh and healthy vegetarian soup is perfect for hot summer days. The Saltimbocca, one of the signature dishes from Barolo, is a traditional recipe originally from the center of Italy, but modern presented for this inflight menu. The Panna Cotta is a classic Italian delicate and refreshing dessert that matches the season.


“We are committed to providing an exceptional travel experience from the very moment our passengers book their flights with us right through to their final destination and beyond.” said Mrs. Huang Zongying, General Manager of Cabin Service Department, Air China.

“很荣幸与国航合作推出头等舱餐单”,北京丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理文睿珂(Patrick Weder)先生说道,“愿绅士淑女享受焕然一新的空中美馔和无与伦比的飞行体验,留下美好的丽思卡尔顿回忆。”

“It’s a great pleasure to collaborate with Air China”, said Patrick Weder, General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, “We hope all the ladies and gentlemen enjoy an exceptional dining experience in the air, and The Ritz-Carlton memories last for long.”

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