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天津丽思卡尔顿酒店2017 “仲夏夜之梦”婚尚盛典即将启幕
发布日期:2017年07月27日  来源:丽思卡尔顿酒店集团



As one of the most elegant and charming hotels in China, The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin will showcase the latest upscale wedding themes and trends at “A Midsummer Night's Dream” wedding fair on August 6, 2017.

天津丽思卡尔顿酒店地处天津市泰安道英式风情区,外观与室内装潢均洋溢着欧洲新古典风格,堪称市内典雅浪漫的标志性酒店之一。酒店拥有1050平方米的无柱式宴会厅,由蜚声国际的法国著名设计大师Pierre-Yves Rochon精心设计,优雅华贵而独具特色。宴会厅可分隔为5间独立的场地,或根据新人要求进行不同的组合,满足规模多样的婚宴需求。宴会厅宽敞明亮的前厅,可举办餐前酒会,亦可举办婚礼仪式。除此以外,酒店拥有汽车升降梯,新人可乘坐酒店的劳斯莱斯婚车直达宴会厅,拥有标新立异的婚礼开场,开启震撼全场、毕生难忘的婚礼庆典。

Located in a British-style area in Tianjin, The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin, is renowned for its classic European ambience. The hotel’s glamorous 1,050-square-meter pillarless Grand Ballroom is the most prestigious wedding banquet venue in the city, styled by the revered French designer Pierre-Yves Rochon. The ballroom can be divided into five salons, which can be customized to meet the needs of the newlyweds. The venue also includes a spacious foyer for pre-dinner receptions – and giant ‘stage lift’ for newlyweds to make a spectacular arrival in Rolls-Royce.

天津丽思卡尔顿酒店已成功为多对新人量身打造特色主题婚宴,并以独具特色的“皇室婚礼”和地标 “城堡”建筑为特色,成为国内举办高端婚宴的青睐之选。此次 “仲夏夜之梦”婚尚盛典的现场摆台和舞台设计将展示欧式婚典的最新潮流趋势,并搭配酒店新古典主义的设计风格,充分展示丽思卡尔顿婚礼特色。活动当天也将为宾客展示婚礼主题甜品、高端婚纱、高级定制男装等产品。

The hotel’s exterior design like a castle paired with its most prestigious “Royal Romance” wedding package has been famed for attracting wide media attention. This time, themed in purple and gold at the hotel’s classic Grand Ballroom to create a “mysterious and romantic garden of love in the summer”, the wedding fair is bound to enchant the guests with international designer trends, wedding dresses, menswear, decorations, themed desserts, and the hotel’s delicate ‘one-stop’ wedding services fusing elegance, fantasy and fashion.


In addition to the world-class banqueting, The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin’s admired ‘one-stop’ wedding planning team assure faultless preparation for the ‘big day’ with dedicated personal services and attention to every detail.

活动时间:2017年8月6日,周日,14:00 – 17:00


预约电话:022-5809 5126/5129

For reservations or enquiries, please contact The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin’s wedding professionals at (86 22) 5809 5126/5129.


Follow The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin via WeChat RC-TIANJIN.

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