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Vincenzo Guarino米其林餐桌上的艺术对话
发布日期:2017年11月01日  来源:北京丽思卡尔顿酒店

Vincenzo Guarino将于11月24至26日期间做客北京丽思卡尔顿酒店巴罗洛餐厅,与厨师长Amedeo Ferri一同为您呈上一场感官与味觉的双重盛宴。

拥有世界各地顶级餐厅烹饪经验的米其林星级厨师Vincenzo Guarino,将于11月24至26日期间做客北京丽思卡尔顿酒店巴罗洛餐厅,与厨师长Amedeo Ferri一同将意大利风情美食完美再现,为您呈上一场感官与味觉的双重盛宴。

Michelin Chef Vincenzo Guarino is specialized in blending the authentic Italian gastronomy and his worldwide culinary experience into one. Together with Barolo chef de cuisine Amedeo Ferri, they will take you to experience and indulge in a Micheline treat at Barolo during 24 to 26 November, 2017.


Chef Vincenzo comes from Naples Italy, he fell in love with the culinary art at the tender age of 14 and the idea of becoming a chef began to mature within him. With his diploma in hand, he begins to take part in internships held in popular locations such as Lausanne, Zurich, Naples and Milan. In order to perfect the techniques inherent to particular types of dishes, he attends specialization courses in confectionery as well as preparation of risottos and Finger food. He believes that the passion for cooking and the exploration of new ways can push dishes to a higher level.

番茄秘制鳕鱼Black Cod Marinated in Tomato Water

Vincenzo的早期职业生涯中,他就曾和多位知名主厨如Gualtiero Marchesi一起就职于欧洲各地。为了磨练自己的烹饪技术他还参加了许多全国性的烹饪大赛,并且在2008年荣获Chicco d’oro最佳意式烩饭一等奖。得益于与生俱来对烹饪的热情和丰富的经验,他在2009年担任行政主厨期间摘获了自己的第一颗荣誉米其林星,而且于2012年再次获得荣誉认可。2016年,在托斯卡纳的Pievano餐厅作为行政主厨仅工作了7个月就又摘得米其林评星。自2013年开始,Vincenzo开始参加与海内外各式活动,例如莫斯科和伦敦的“美食周”,迪拜和中国的“意大利美食峰会”等。

The early part of his career, he works in several Michelin-starred restaurants both in Italy and abroad, alongside the likes of Chef Gualtiero Marchesi in Capri. In order to hone his culinary skills, he participates in several national competitions, such as Chicco d’Oro Award (Verona, 2008), where he gets the first prize for the best risotto in the competition. As a result of his rich experiences and infinite passion, he obtained the first prestigious Michelin star while working as Executive Chef in 2009. What worth to mention is that the aforementioned recognition shall be reconfirmed in 2012.  In addition, he obtained a Michelin Star last November 2016 at the Pievano restaurant, where in just 7 months as an Executive Chef. Since 2013 he has participated in various events both in Italy and abroad including "Gastronomy week" in Moscow (2013), the "Italian Cuisine World Summit Dubai" at Dubai (2014 - 2015 - 2016), "Gastronomy week "in London (2015) and the "Italian Cuisine World Summit” in China Beijing (2016).

龙虾, 扇贝, 鹅肝配花椰菜奶油酱Lobster, Scallops,Foie Gras with Cauliflower Cream

此次做客巴罗洛餐厅,Vincenzo Guarino为京城食客带来5道式定制午宴及8道式定制晚宴,菜品包括日式寿喜明虾配传统意式茄子奶酪塔,意式溏心土豆丸配香融马苏里拉芝士,番茄秘制鳕鱼,羊里脊配酥脆面包屑和草莓冰霜配牛奶奶油慕斯等。Vincenzo一直致力于为客人打造无与伦比的米其林臻味,他将自己对意式美食倾注的热情和多年的料理烹饪经验相结合,在地道的意大利风情和精湛的技艺灵感的相互融合中为您呈现出一道道精彩绝伦的美食经典。

Chef Vincenzo offers a five-course set lunch menu and eight-course set dinner menu, showcasing Shabu-Shabu Prawns with Eggplant Parmigiana; Black Cod Marinated in Tomato Water; Strawberry Sorbet, Milk Cream Mousse and so on. Chef Vincenzo commits to creating unique Michelin tastes, he combines the innate passion and rich experience together and presents you the fantastic Italian legends.

草莓冰霜配牛奶奶油慕斯Strawberry Sorbet

“当美食和味蕾碰撞出流光溢彩的火花时,那就是烹饪的价值所在。”北京丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理文睿珂先生(Patrick Weder)表示:“很荣幸可以请到米其林星级厨师Vincenzo Guarino莅临巴罗洛餐厅,让您可以在美食中体会无与伦比的匠心工艺。

“When the food brings glorious sparks to reality, that's the real significance of cooking.” said by Patrick Weder, the general manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, “we are delighted to invited Michelin-starred chef Vincenzo come to Barolo, so that you can experience the extraordinary cuisine art of our talented chef.”







Time: 11:30am to 2:00 pm; 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., November 24th to 26th, 2017
November 25th – 26th Lunch: RMB 688 net per person, 5-course set menu,
RMB 388 net per person for 3 wine paring
November 24th – 26th Dinner: RMB 1288 net per person, 8-course set menu
RMB 388 net per person for 3 wine paring
Venue: Barolo, 2nd floor, The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing
Reservations: 86.10.5908 8151

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