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南非旅游面面观 / What You Should Know About South Africa
发布日期:2017年12月28日  来源:南非旅游局


Thrilling adventures in the sunshine make South Africa a great getaway escape from the cold and damp of China’s winter.


Because South Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere, the festive season is in the middle of summer. So one major difference is that wild flowers are blooming in their full glory, the sun is shining and everything is vibrant. All that vitality is brought to life even more by the festive mood of the people – with the same decorations, markets, carolers and Christmas dinner (which in South Africa is more of an outdoor lunch) helping you get into the festive spirit.


South Africa is a country with a great affinity for outdoor activities, so it's no surprise that thousands of people visit to the Big Five game parks like the Kruger National Park to spot lions, leopards, elephants, buffalos and rhinos.


South Africa is the adventure capital of the world. With over 130 adventures and counting, there is something for everyone from magnificent hiking routes, such as the six-day Hoerikwaggo Trail, between Table Mountain and Cape Point, to skydiving in KwaZulu Natal and shark cage-diving at Gansbaai.


Glorious days of sunshine carry an irresistible invitation to beautiful white sand beaches along the 3,000 km coastline, including 41 ‘Blue Flag’ awarded beaches voted among the best in the world.


For one of the world’s most spectacular drives, the Garden Route is a scenic stretch of the south-eastern coast from Mossel Bay in the Western Cape to the Storms River in Eastern Cape, famed for hiking trails and various eco-tourism adventures in its verdant forests and nature reserves dotted with lagoons, lakes and some of the world’s most beautiful golf courses.


Along the popular Garden Route you can experience “Ocean Safari’s” in unique marine reserves, home to dolphins, seals and a host of other marine life, including the endangered Southern Right Whales. Ocean Safaris offers a unique opportunity to see some of the ocean’s largest and most mysterious inhabitants in their natural environment in Plettenberg Bay.


Whale and dolphin tours are also in Port Elizabeth's Algoa Bay from January to July, when the phenomenal ‘sardine run’ attracts countless marine and birdlife. Whale species include southern rights, humpbacks and Bryde's, while Port Elizabeth is also known as the Bottlenose Dolphin Capital of the World, with a population of around 30,000. Algoa Bay is a paradise for bird-watchers, declared a ‘hope spot’ for survival of the endangered African penguin. The St Croix Island group, including Brenton and Jahleel, is home to vast colonies of bird species, and St Croix is home to the largest breeding colony of African penguins in the world. Bird Island is meanwhile the world’s largest gannetry for Cape gannet, as well as being home to 6,000 Cape fur seals.

太阳城以其豪华的度假酒店、景点及引人入胜的活动而闻名全球,坐拥豪华奢靡的失落城皇宫酒店(The Palace of the Lost City)、悠闲雅致的瀑布酒店(the Cascades),以及充满热带风情的波之谷 (Valley Of The Waves) ,被誉为南非的高端度假胜地。太阳城亦十分适合游客携子女同游,孩子们可在工作人员的看护下,在“小鳄鱼营”(Kamp Kwena)的游乐场和儿童活动中心、极具魅力的“动物世界”、“娱乐中心游戏廊”或惊险刺激的水上世界尽情玩耍,尽享欢乐时光。

One of Africa’s premier vacation destinations, Sun City, is internationally renowned for its superb resort offering of hotels, attractions and world-class events, from the lavish opulence of The Palace of the Lost City to the casual elegance of the Cascades and the tropical thrills of the Valley of Waves. The family-friendly destination is also superb for kids, with a supervised playground and dedicated kids’ activity centre at Kamp Kwena, charming Animal World, Entertainment Centre gaming arcade and thrills of a magnificent Water world.

高尔夫也是南非的一大亮点体验之一。加利皮亚乡村俱乐部与高尔夫球场 (Gary Player Country Club and Golf Course) 蜚声国际,是享誉业界的莱利银行高尔夫挑战赛 (Nedbank Golf challenge) 的举办地。

Then, there is golf. The huge desert style Lost City course has real crocodiles at the 13th hole! and The Gary Player Country Club and Golf Course is one of the most famous in the world, home to the prestigious Nedbank Golf Challenge.

风景如画的开普敦拥有很多标志性的景点,桌山便是其中的一处。桌山是一处由联合国教科文组织所认可的世界遗产地,可经缆车或徒步抵达;罗德岛则是南非最具历史意义的地标之一,是南非国父纳尔逊·曼德拉曾被关押过的地方;维多利亚与阿尔弗雷德码头区 (V&A Waterfront) 则可为游客带来一流的购物与娱乐体验。

Iconic attractions in picturesque Cape Town are UNESCO World Heritage sites Table Mountain, accessible by cableway or an exhilarating hike, and Robben Island, one of the most significant historical sites in South Africa, with famous former inmates including Nelson Mandela. The V&A Waterfront is meanwhile a world-class shopping and entertainment precinct.

南非旅游局亚太区总裁白文博(Bradley Brouwer)先生表示:“对中国旅行者而言,南非是一座充满探险机会、欢乐氛围及探索体验的宝地,可在寒冷的冬日为他们带来温暖和煦的阳光,使他们避开北半球的凛冽冬日。游客可携家人前往南非度过独特愉快的圣诞与新年假期,相信热情好客的南非人民将为他们带来难忘的节日季体验。”

“For Chinese travellers, South Africa offers a world of adventure, fun and exploration in the sun over the festive season, and a welcome escape from miserable winter weather in most of the northern hemisphere,” says Mr. Bradley Brouwer, President: Asia Pacific, South African Tourism. “South Africa provides a unique holiday option for family vacations during Christmas and New Year, with the warm and welcoming people of South Africa ensuring this festive season will be a memorable one.”


China is one of South Africa’s five core tourism markets, alongside the USA, UK, Germany and India. To make the travel experience even more seamless, South African Tourism has established visa facilitation centres in nine Chinese cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xian, Shenyang, Wuhan, Jinan and Hangzhou.


The recent launch of a new ‘BOC Inspirational South Africa FIT Credit Card’ in partnership with Bank of China is another milestone in making the South Africa experience even more appealing and accessible, introducing a host of benefits to cardholders.

此外,为了提升自驾游游客的体验,南非旅游局与滴滴打车合作,为用户提供权威全面的导游信息,提供南非旅游自驾车路线和更多实用信息。 帮助游客在南非拥有安全、便捷的旅游体验。

Additionally, in order to enhance the experience of self-driving tourists, South African Tourism has teamed up with Didi car rental to provide users with an authoritative and comprehensive guide with insightful information on self-driving routes and tips from South African Tourism, which will help tourists navigate South Africa in safe and convenient experiences.


South African Food Culture


South Africans are very proud of their unique culinary heritage and cultures, embracing a food culture that began with ancient dessert nomads and migrating African tribes, like the Xhosa, Zulu, Phedi, Bathla, Shangaan. Sotho, and so many more that make up a beautiful diverse nation.


This fascinating history traces back to the ancient ‘Khoi’ and ‘San’ people of the Namib and Kalahari deserts….who lived on edible roots and plants, and harvested succulent oysters and mussels from the seashore.


Next, Bantu people migrated south and settled, introducing agriculture….cultivating maize, sorghum and millet, for baking pot bread.

南非人民结合荷兰开拓者的饮食文化,创造出经典的南非烤肉和铁锅炖菜。英布战争期间,随着南非历史上著名的“大迁徙”,荷兰人向内陆迁移,以耕种和猎捕野生动物为生。他们将野生动物的肉类腌制成肉干,这种肉干后来成为南非最受欢迎的美味— “biltong”。

Dutch settlers and African’s infused the tradition of cooking meat over open fires with ‘braai’ barbecues and ‘potjie’ cooking pots. When they migrated inland on the ‘Great Trek’ during the Anglo-Boer War, living off the land and wild game meats, they preserved meat into dried strips called ‘biltong’.


Colonists from Germany, France and later Britain brought their own European cooking styles – from ‘wurst’ and ‘boerewors’ sausages to the centuries old wine-making tradition of French Huguenots…and the English pudding culture.


Domestics from Indonesia, Malaysia and Madagascar imported aromatic spices from the Far East…


The Portuguese brought chilies from their colonies introducing hot ‘peri-peri’ dishes. And curry and rice arrived with Indian immigrants.


The heritage of South African cuisine is as colourful and diverse as the numerous cultures that make up the ‘Rainbow Nation’, with its 11 official languages.

“从传统的非洲食物到殖民者和外来移民引入的美食文化,南非美食不断进化发展,如今已经成为全球最具多样性、最令人垂涎的风味美食之一。美食之旅已经成为游客到访南非的一大亮点所在,有美食的地方,就一定是能吸引八方来客的地方,” 南非旅游局亚太区总裁白文博先生表示道。

“This culinary evolution, from traditional African food through waves of colonisation and immigration, results today in one of the most diversified and flavourful cuisines in the world that is a highlight of any journey to South Africa, nothing brings people together like good food” added Mr. Bradley Brouwer.


With a wine-making tradition dating back 300 years, the famous Cape Winelands stretch all the way from Cape Town to Stellenbosch, Paarl, Franschhoek and Elgin, with three excellent wine routes just a short drive from Cape Town. Each winery has its own warm character with interesting food and wine pairings like olives, chocolate, toffee and even craft beer and biltong tasting.

文章关键词:南非 美食
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