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发布日期:2018年01月05日  来源:苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店

新年伊始,苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店迎来新任行政总厨——方瑞珑 Triston Fang。

新年伊始,苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店迎来新任行政总厨——方瑞珑 Triston Fang。

It gives us great pleasure to announce the appointment of Triston Fang Rui Long (方瑞珑) as Executive Chef of Pan Pacific Suzhou effective from 2 Jan 2018.

Triston 来自新加坡,拥有17年的烹调和厨房管理经验。他曾先后在新加坡、澳门、中国和泰国的知名酒店集团工作,多元化的工作背景为他积累了丰富的工作经验。

Triston brings with him 17 years of experience in culinary and kitchen management. Prior to joining us, he worked in Singapore, Macao, China and Thailand with many renowned hotel groups.

在过去的十年间,Triston 凭借其丰富的工作经验和对菜肴制作的独特理念,多次获得新加坡国内和国际烹饪比赛的团体和个人大奖。例如,2007年MLA 黑盒厨艺大赛亚军,2013年 HOFEX 美食团队挑战赛金牌,2016年德国爱尔福特IKA奥林匹克世界烹饪大赛总冠军金牌。他还曾在2009年,于西班牙马德里的米其林三星餐厅DiverXo 完成了为期一个月的培训,与餐厅主厨Chef David Munoz 共事。

Working in different cultural backgrounds has enriched his culinary skills and he has received many awards for his excellence:

2006 - Food and Hotel Asia at Singapore (National Team Challenge) Team Assistant for Singapore National Team

2007 - MLA Black Box Culinary Challenge – 1st Runner up

2008 - FHA Gourmet team challenge Gold Medal overall champion

2009 - Completed a month training in Three Michelin Star Restaurant with DiverXo Chef David Munoz in Madrid, Spain

2011 - HOFEX Gourmet team challenge Silver Medal

2012 - FHC Gourmet team challenge Silver Medal

2013 - HOFEX Gourmet team challenge Gold medal

2014 - EXPOGAST Culinary World Cup, Luxembourg Overall Champion Gold Medal

2016 – IKA Culinary Olympic, Erfurt Germany Overall Champion Gold Medal

Triston 的加入,将为苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店的美食团队注入新的活力,打造美食“新”势力!

Triston will lead our kitchen team including the Chinese, Western, Japanese and Banquet.

Please join us in welcoming Triston to the Pan Pacific Suzhou family.

  • 新春家宴 •“好口彩”——苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店


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