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发布日期:2018年02月07日  来源:天津丽思卡尔顿酒店



As one of the romantic hotels amongst The Ritz-Carlton around the world, The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin is reputed to be “The castle that every girl with a princess dream must visit during her life.” For the upcoming 2018 Valentine's Day, The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin launches its Extraordinary Valentine’s Experience, with its understated luxury and legendary qualities, inspires life’s most meaningful and romantic journey for lovers.


The exterior of The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin is like a castle, while the interior is decorated like a magnificent palace, with every detail full of European romantic aura. Nowadays Tianjin is the ideal destination for excursions, where you can taste a variety of local delicacies and enjoy a tranquil and peaceful environment, making every trip relaxing and full of fun. In this beautiful city, there are not only historical buildings and parks, but also profound cultural history, which make the city an ideal choice for a short trip on Valentine's Day.

本次情人节非凡浪漫礼遇的亮点是酒店将提供总统套房,即连续两年获得美国Elite Traveler “全球百佳套间”殊荣的丽思卡尔顿套房作为爱侣的“私人官邸”,并享受酒店行政总厨奥兰多先生亲自创意并精选食材烹饪的鱼子酱盛宴。情人节当天,总统套房将配以私人订制的特色欢迎礼特别呈现,包括:甜蜜巧克力及草莓、唐·佩里侬香槟王、订制金线刺绣枕套和浴袍、丽思卡尔顿蛋糕、和Rose Only玫瑰等。入住期间,酒店还将安排专业摄影师全程陪同,为爱侣定格情人节的甜蜜瞬间,让爱的回忆珍藏一生。

The highlight of this romantic experience for Valentine’s Day is staying in The Ritz-Carlton Suite, which is the Presidential Suite of this hotel, ranked into “Top 100 Suites in the World” for two years by US magazine Elite Traveler. The Presidential Suite will be a lovers’ “private residence” where they can enjoy a luxury caviar dinner with selected ingredients, created by the hotel's Executive Chef Ornato Antunes. On Valentine's Day, the Presidential Suite will be accompanied by personally tailored welcome amenities including sweet chocolate and strawberries, Dom Pérignon champagne, custom embroidered bathrobes, The Ritz-Carlton Cake, and Rose Only roses. During their stay, the hotel will also arrange professional photographers to capture the lovers’ sweet moments, allowing them to cherish these romantic memories for the rest of their lives.


The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Tianjin also offers the lovers a customized experience. Besides Valentine's Day, guest will have unlimited access to the spa for the entire year (only for one person), where the guest can enjoy the series of treatments crafted by the British luxury skincare brand ESPA. Even more exciting is that the hotel will offer lovers a round trip first class air tickets from Beijing to London with a three nights’ accommodation in a luxury brand hotel during Prince Harry’s wedding in May 2018, to enjoy a romantic journey and witness the royal romance.


The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin is renowned for its personalized service. This Valentine’s Day, with dedicated services from Ladies and Gentlemen, the lovers will experience precious and lifelong memories, captured with the most special moments of this romantic experience.

“携爱奢享, ‘思’续情缘”情人节礼遇

Extraordinary Romantic Experience Package


Price:RMB333, 400

Applicable only to the two lovers

• 面积410平方米的总统套房两晚住宿

• Two-night stay at the Presidential Suite “The Ritz-Carlton Suite”

• 私人定制欢迎礼,包括甜蜜巧克力及草莓、唐·佩里侬香槟王、订制金线刺绣枕套和浴袍、丽思卡尔顿品牌蛋糕、和Rose Only玫瑰等

• Personalized welcome amenities including sweet chocolate and strawberries, Dom Pérignon champagne, custom embroidered bathrobes, The Ritz-Carlton Cake, Rose Only roses

• 单人一年内无限次体验天津丽思卡尔顿水疗中心水疗项目(限本人使用)

• Unlimited access to The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Tianjin for one year (only for one person)

• 享用由行政总厨奥兰多先生亲自创意并烹饪,在总统套房内或FLAIR餐厅酒吧提供4道菜式情人节晚宴,食材包含名贵鱼子酱,并畅饮以客人名字命名的特调鸡尾酒(2位宾客)

• One-time Chef’s Table tailor-made by Executive Chef Ornato Antunes with exclusive ingredients of Caviar

• 房内享用惬意床上早餐,或在香溢餐厅享用丰盛自助早餐

• Enjoy “Dining on the Bed” breakfast in room or breakfast buffet in ZEST

• 于备受欢迎的香溢餐厅或特色中餐厅天泰轩享浪漫双人午宴

• Valentine’s Day lunch in ZEST or Tian Tai Xuan

• 情人节入住期间,在天津市享受全程劳斯莱斯幻影接送服务

• Rolls Royce Limousine Service in Tianjin in Valentine’s Day

• 专业摄影师全程陪同,定格入住期间的甜蜜瞬间

• Photo shooting by professional photographer during the stay

• 两张北京至英国伦敦往返头等舱机票

• Two round trip first class air tickets to London for the lovers in May

• 于2018年5月赴伦敦期间豪华酒店四天三晚住宿

• A three nights’ accommodation in a luxury brand hotel during the trip to London

如欲查询更多“携爱奢享‘思’续情缘”情人节礼遇详情或预订,请致电(86 22)5809 5138,或发送电子邮件至 rc.tsnrz.reservations@ritzcarlton.com

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