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发布日期:2018年05月07日  来源:上海新天地朗廷酒店



The Langham Hospitality Group celebrates “Loving Earth Month” during 24 March – 22 April 2018. The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, has organized a string of environmental friendly activities for her colleagues and her hotel guests over the period.

324日星期六当晚830930分 “地球一小时期间朗廷会行政酒廊全面熄灯,走道及餐桌上放置了蜡烛,且酒店熄掉了所有外墙装饰灯,调暗酒店内部照明。同时,酒店也鼓励住店宾客们调低或关闭房间的照明,电视和空调,力求将对环境的影响降至最低,为更美好的上海做出贡献。

Kick-off event of “Loving Earth Month” was the Earth Hour from 8:30pm to 9:30pm on 24 March 2018. Hotel guests were encouraged to dim or turn off their room nights, television and air-conditioning as well.  All non-essential lighting of The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, was turned off and the hotel’s interior lighting of was also dimmed during the period.


Throughout “Loving Earth Month”, The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, has organized a string of environmental friendly activities. All colleagues have participated actively them. Activity highlights feature Green Mondays (vegetarian meals were served at Staff Canteen every Monday in April), Recycled Bottle Competition and Vertical Fun Run Challenge.


The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, has been upholding the concept of sustainability since it was open in 2010.  From 2014 to the present for four consecutive years, the hotel has attained the internationally accredited EarthCheck certification and was honoured with the title of EarthCheck Silver Certified Hotel.  Moreover, the hotel has proudly garnered “China Green Hotel Gold Leaf Certificate” presented by China Tourist Hotel Star-rating Committee of Shanghai, China.

上海新天地朗廷酒店于每年每个季度,针对企业社会责任定期举办活动,召集酒店员工上下积极参与今年321日, 我们组织了淮海街道40位老人,参观了位于中华艺术宫的《从石库门到天安门》的展览; 另外,酒店也定期为卢湾辅读学校的学生们开展不同的专业培训,以实际行动来持续关爱社会,保护地球

Since opening in 2010, The Langham ,Shanghai, Xintiandi, has been organizing quarterly activities with focus on corporate social responsibility, and staff have proactively  participated in them.  On 26 March, the hotel has organized 40 elderly people from Huaihai Committee to appreciate the exhibition of “From Shikumen to Tian An Men” of China Art Museum.  On 26 April, the hotel has launched the “Housekeeping Technical Class” for the students of Luwan Special Needs School to attend.  With concerted efforts, everyone at The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, shows personal care of the community.

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