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时尚下午茶 · 崧
发布日期:2018年09月05日  来源:旅游休闲

时尚下午茶 · 崧 9月3日至30日,下午2点至下午6点

时尚永无止境,分分秒秒刷新闪亮人们的视觉。欣赏与大饱眼福之余,愉悦味蕾与身心日渐盛行。初秋若带暑热的9月在Plush大堂酒廊悠然静享闲适时光,浅酌香茗,慢品甜点 - 惟妙惟肖的崧的产品元素,在饼房厨师长付师傅及其团队成员的巧手中幻化成真,点缀于茶点之间,令人爱不释手;同时,还可以现场欣赏具有别具设计风格,时尚混搭包包品牌崧的设计师们原创作品。其中不乏本季流行色孔雀蓝与墨绿色等一应出现在当季作品中;秋季新品更可在其沙龙活动时伴你左右。快来与崧时尚下午茶约起吧!

双人时尚下午茶 每套人民币228

更多信息请致电6629 7825


Afternoon Tea meets SONG

September 3 - 30

As a new fashion is starting to heat up, during September, enjoy our fashion afternoon tea set for a perfectly chic leisure time at Plush Lobby Lounge. Relish of a great leisure time with a glass of tea or coffee while tasting outstanding desserts, as well as enjoy the design and master works by SONG.

Fashion afternoon Tea CNY 228 per set

For more information, please call 6629 7825.

Silk & Song was founded by Song and her Mom from China in 2013, with the label of original design, handmade, top quality, and environmental friendly, perfect combination of eastern and western aesthetic, the brand has gained mouth to mouth reputation and is aiming to become Hermes of China.

Song is a UI designer with over 10 years’ experience in top level international company. She creatively uses the interactive design philosophy to make high quality and user friendly bags.

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