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发布日期:2018年11月13日  来源:奥地利航空公司



The first Airbus bearing the new Austrian logo starts operating today. The Airbus A321 with the identification OE-LBD is the second aircraft in the Austrian Airlines fleet on which the adjustments to the brand presence can be seen. The first aircraft to sport the new design, the company’s sixth Boeing 777, identification OE-LPF, was introduced in May 2018. It will take around seven years in total before all Austrian Airlines aircraft with the new design are operating. More than a dozen of Austrian’s 85 aircraft are expected to be using the new livery by the 2019 summer flight schedule.


Adjustments to logo


Austrian Airlines is continuing to redevelop its brand presence, and at the heart of this project is a small adjustment to the logo. Both the core elements of the brand image, the arrow and the Austrian wordmark, have been modernised, and their effect strengthened. This will increase the long-distance effect on aircraft and posters in particular. Since 80 percent of internet usage now takes place on mobile devices, special attention was paid to ensuring the logo is more easily and clearly recognisable on these mobile devices and on smartwatches. 


Key changes to the external design of the aircraft 


The extension of the red area from the tailplane downwards across the fuselage will enlarge the tailplane optically. This will make it possible to draw greater, more dynamic attention to the logo. The Austrian wordmark, in the front section of the fuselage, is also being used more extensively. The engines will be white in future. As a result, the arrow and the Austrian logo are brought to the fore, and are visually more charming. The typically Austrian greeting, “Servus”, which features on the belly of the aircraft, will remain.

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