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丹麦驻华使馆举行首届圣诞集市 Christmas Fair Celebration at The Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing
发布日期:2018年12月13日  来源:旅游休闲

丹麦王国驻华大使馆在 12 月 12 日(星期三)举办首届圣诞集市,舒适惬意的丹麦圣诞节日氛围、 松木装饰、 温暖的烛光以及丹麦式“小确幸“hygge 成为了本次活动的焦点。 Cosy Danish Christmas festive atmosphere, pine wood, candle light an

丹麦王国驻华大使馆在 12 月 12 日(星期三)举办首届圣诞集市,舒适惬意的丹麦圣诞节日氛围、 松木装饰、 温暖的烛光以及丹麦式“小确幸“hygge 成为了本次活动的焦点。
Cosy Danish Christmas festive atmosphere, pine wood, candle light and Danish Hygge were at the centre at the first-ever Christmas Fair at the Danish Royal Embassy on Wednesday, 12 of December.

More than 600 Chinese and Danish visitors had found their way to the Danish Embassy for an eveningfilled with music, and that special kind of cosy atmosphere the Danes call hygge.

这场持续了两个小时的活动不仅让中国公众亲身体验传统丹麦圣诞节,还感受到 hygge 这一有关舒适、 惬意的丹麦文化。
The night was filled with activities and entertainments that offered Chinese public a first-hand experience of traditional Danish Christmas fair and hygge - the Danish art of cosiness and comfort.

在舞台上,丹麦爵士四重奏乐团 Marie Mørch 演奏了现场爵士乐圣诞音乐,展示了丹麦人是如何通过欢快、 甜美的圣诞歌谣来拥抱寒冷的冬日。中国国家话剧院演员徐卫也向观众大声朗读了安徒生的童话故事,吸引了很多孩子们聚集到舞台上。
On stage, Danish Marie Mørch Jazz Quartet performed live jazzy Christmas music showing how Danes embrace the winter cold with joy and sweet Christmas tunes. Chinese actor Xu Wei also read out aloud from H.C. Andersen’s fairy tales, much to the joy of the Children that flocked to the stage.

为了驱寒,游客们排起长队来品尝正宗的丹麦 gløgg 热红酒。 热狗、 饼干和各色圣诞小食也颇受欢迎。与分发小礼物的圣诞老人合影也是不少游客们热衷的活动之一。
To keep warm, visitors lined up for a taste of authentic Danish gløgg mulled wine. Hotdogs, cookies and Christmas snacks were also popular; so was posing with Santa Claus who handed out small gifts for everyone.

本次圣诞集市的亮点之一是著名丹麦作家、 TEDx 演讲者和世界上唯一的幸福研究所的首席执行官迈克·维金的出席。 他此次首度访问中国,与中国读者会面。 他的两本著作《丹麦人为什么幸福》 和《刻意放手:向最幸福的人学习幸福》 已被翻译成包括中文在内的 38 种语言,也让“hygge” 这一丹麦词汇风靡全球。
One of the highlights of the evening was the participation of famous Danish writer, TEDx speaker and CEO of the world’s only Happiness Research Institute, Meik Wiking. The author is visiting China for the very first time meeting with his Chinese readers. The author is known for his two books, “The Little Book of Hygge” and “The Little Book of Lykke”, which have been translated into 38 languages including Chinese—and made the Danish word “hygge” world-wide famous.

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