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发布日期:2019年03月05日  来源:旅游休闲

Ms. Lindsey Ueberroth,现任璞富腾酒店及度假村集团首席执行官。


What is the performance of the Chinese market in 2018? What are the surprising highlights in 2018?

Ms. Lindsey Ueberroth:与2017年相比,璞富腾酒店及度假村在2018年在预定收益同比增长了42%,为中国地区的成员酒店在预定房晚上的贡献同比增长了33%。





In 2018, compared to 2017, Preferred Hotels & Resorts generated a 42% increase in reservations revenue and a 33% increase in room nights on behalf of its member hotels in China.

Until the end of 2018, we total have 34 member hotels in China, included Hong Kong and Taiwan. We have entered many secondary cities beyond Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou to serve the country’s growing travel market, specifically Chengdu, Shenyang, Dalian, and Wuhan.

As more independent hotels in China come on the market, PreferredmHotels& Resorts is a significant partner to support their efforts because we provide them with resources, platforms, and methodology that will make them more competitive.

To support our brand and hotel efforts in China, we keep developing the China social media platforms, included Sina Weibo and WeChat.

Strategic partnership developments with key players such as Ctrip and UnionPay International.


What are the new characteristics and changes of the hotel consumption trend of Chinese travelers in 2018? Will there be any adjustments to these changes in products and services in 2019?

Ms. Lindsey Ueberroth:中国酒店及旅游消费者2018年趋势:

· 根据数据显示,2018年酒店及旅游消费者年龄从19岁至25岁的人数渐渐成为主力人群,用户人群逐渐年轻化。同时,虽然该段人群中以男性为主,但是女性用户人群数量在2018年也有一定涨幅。

· 另外,年轻用户更倾向于选择高端精品酒店。与男性用户相比,女性用户在消费上更倾向于感性消费,所以酒店需要在这方面下功夫,对于家庭消费及儿童消费也需要得到重视。

· 主要消费群里90后已经成为主力,精品酒店所能提供的独一无二、精致体验刚好能够满足这些用户的需求,满足他们对关注及个性化的需求。

· 用户越来越依靠OTA平台进行预订,并且愿意体验酒店的人工智能服务。


· 2018年,我们在中国开展了与银联国际的长期市场合作,为更多到国外旅游的国内用户以及到国内旅游的国际用户提供更多的付款方式。并在全年有针对性的进行市场项目的合作,比如在春节前期,官方网站上推出与针对璞富腾酒店及度假村用户的优惠活动,以及在双十一期间推出的合作项目等。

· 在2019年,璞富腾酒店及度假村荣幸地宣布推出全新I Prefer客户忠诚联盟项目,该项目出作为一个全新的创新平台,旨在帮助独立酒店和区域酒店品牌得以将I Prefer客户忠诚度酒店积分奖励的全面权益推荐给每一位参与其独有贵宾权益项目的会员。璞富腾酒店及度假村携手日本东急酒店集团推出了首个I Prefer客户忠诚联盟项目,我们也会将该项目推荐到与更多中国地区的成员酒店的合作。

The consumption trend of Chinese travelers in 2018:

· Based on the market research, the proportion of consumers aged from 19 to 25 has significantly increased and the overall consumer group in the whole market is getting younger. While this group is still predominantly male, but the percentage of female consumers has increased by 12.3% in 2018.

· On the one hand, the younger consumption trend will have a certain impact on the positioning of high-end hotels. On the other hand, as compared with men, women are more likely to have emotional consumption. In the actual operation, hotel needs to take more attention of the family and parent-child consumption needs.

· The main consumer has become the Generation Y/Millennials, and boutique hotels can just give those consumers a segmented and targeted user experience to meet their needs of respect and personalization.

·  Users have become more reliant on OTA channels and would like to experience hotels with artificial intelligence and micro intelligence.

From Preferred Hotels& Resorts:

· In 2018, we have increased the cooperation with UnionPay to add more method of payment and increase more overseas travelers. Took initial actions for more and more marketing campaigns, e.g. to launched the Chinese New Year package on the website and pay attention on the flesh sell on the day of "Double 11".

·  In 2019, Preferred Hotels&  Resorts just launched of I Prefer Alliance, an innovative new loyalty platform that allows independent hotels and regional hotel brands to extend full benefits of I Prefer Hotel Rewards to members of their distinctive guest benefit programs.  And Tokyu Hotels just became our first partner of this program. We will communicate with China member hotels and hotel groups based on this I Prefer Alliance to offer more benefits for both clients and hotels.


What new products, services and technologies bave been used in 2018? How about the effect and the feedback from the guests?

Ms. Lindsey Ueberroth:在2018年,璞富腾酒店及度假村全新英文官方网站PreferredHotels.com正式上线。通过权衡网站形式及功能性之后,全新推出的响应式网站拥有超前的视觉效果,旨在吸引更多有效的流量,并在旅行者和璞富腾酒店及度假村旗下700家独立酒店之间建立更加有效、快速的连接方式。


In 2018, Preferred hotels& resorts launched the new official website, PreferredHotels.com. With careful consideration to the balance of form and function, the new visual forward, fully-responsive website has been deftly designed to draw more qualified traffic and make a quick, impactful connection between travelers and the brand’s global portfolio of 700 independent hotels worldwide.

Visitors to the site will also see that each member hotel is highlighted through large-scale, vibrant photography that is complemented by lively, expanded property guides. Further, all hotels now have the opportunity to target visitors to the site through a variety of new merchandising opportunities on the enhanced homepage. The revamped site will better capture consumers’ attention through informative destination tips; new filters that invite searches by destination, travel theme, type of property, and level of luxury; and an enhanced technical structure that translates seamlessly onto mobile devices, tablets, and desktop computers. A real-time feed of consumer reviews through TripAdvisor will appear on every hotel page, creating an unabashed transparency to help potential guests make an informed, confident purchase decision – a new feature perfectly timed following Preferred Hotels & Resorts being named the #1 “Most Excellent” large hotel chain by TripAdvisor travelers.


Does the proportion of individual bookings continue to increase? What improvements have been made in terms of products and services for individual guests?

Ms. Lindsey Ueberroth:璞富腾酒店及度假村的用户主要来源以散客为主。正如前面数据所提到的与2017年项目,璞富腾酒店及度假村在2018年在预定收益同比增长了42%,为中国地区的成员酒店在预定房晚上的贡献同比增长了33%。

The clients for Preferred Hotels& Resorts are mainly individual booking. As the above data mentioned, we got an revenue increase of 42% and 33%  increase of room booking over the year of 2017.


Are AI, big data, robots and so on applied in your hotel group? What's the effect? How will you continue to move forward?

Ms. Lindsey Ueberroth:璞富腾酒店及度假村一直专注于分析大数据,并通过I Prefer项目为忠实用户提供更加个性化的服务。在拥抱新科技的同时,我们也致力于通过对酒店及成员酒店内部不断培养更多专业人才,来进一步扩大酒店行业的人性化服务。

We are focused on utilizing data to identify better ways to personalize our offerings to our most loyal guests through I Prefer. While we embrace technology, we are also focused on further developing the human aspect of hospitality by fostering more talent within the organization and the hospitality industry at large.


Will there be new hotels in China in 2019? How about the layout of brands and regions of the newly opened hotel?

Ms. Lindsey Ueberroth:我们将持续不断在中国开发一线、二线城市的成员酒店,比如上海、成都等。

We are continually developing more member hotel in first-tier and second-tier city of China, e.g. Shanghai, Chengdu etc..


What measures have been taken to promote your hotel group in 2018? What's the effect? What kinds of marketing campaign will be launched in 2019?

Ms. Lindsey Ueberroth:在2018年,璞富腾酒店及度假村不断扩大自身及成员酒店在中国市场的知名度,并吸引更多的用户:



3.在2018年10月,璞富腾酒店及度假村在北京及上海开展了2张50周年庆典,邀请了国内主流媒体。璞富腾酒店及度假村总裁Michelle Woodley在现场介绍酒店集团的历史、成就及未来发展方向。


In 2018, Preferred Hotels& Resorts is continually enhance the popularity of our own brand and the member hotels to attract more user to experience:

1.Developed more market strategy activities and carried out interaction with Ctrip, Unionpay international and other partners.

2.In order to expand the brand to the member hotels in China’s market, we also constantly development Chinese official website and main social media platform.

3.We hosted the 50th anniversary party in Beijing and Shanghai in October 2018 and invited the major domestic media. During the event, Michelle Woodley, President of Preferred Hotels & Resorts introduced the history, achievements and future development of the company.

In 2019, we will carry out more brand cooperation and pay more attention to the interaction and updates of social media platform.


What are the biggest difficulties that may be encountered in 2019? Are there any corresponding countermeasures?

Ms. Lindsey Ueberroth:如何将璞富腾酒店及度假村在中国市场上保持领先地位是我们要面临的挑战。面对这个挑战,我们不断的扩大团队力量,目前我们在中国5个办公室中拥有26位员工,致力于为成员酒店在公关、市场、销售及预订业务提供专业的服务。

How to keep the leading position of preferred hotels& resorts in the market is the challenge we are facing now. For this challenge, we are continually to  expand our team, until now we have 26 associates at 5 offices in China, and aim to provide professional guide to our member hotels in PR, marketing, sales and reservation aspects.

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