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A Day in Austria Embassy in China
发布日期:2022年02月11日  来源:旅游休闲 记者:熊一涵

In Feburary 9th, I attended Austria embassy’s activity with Travel&Leisure All Media as a little journalist. The activity is held by Austria embassy, min

In Feburary 9th, I attended Austria embassy’s activity with Travel&Leisure All Media as a little journalist. The activity is held by Austria embassy, ministry of tourism and sponsors in Austria in order to show the culture of Austria.

As we passing through the gate and corridor, we immediately felt the ambience of skiing because there was a ticket-checking machine like what I’ve seen in snow resort. Also, there was a cable car model sponsored by the cable car company in Austria.

Firstly, the ambassador and his wife and officer in ministry of tourism made a speech to welcome all the guest and invited us to watch the Winter Olympics alpine skiing race. After that, we started to enjoy the buffet provided by the Austria embassy with many delicious food from Austria like cabbage relish and ox tail soup.

Being a journalist, I went to interview one of the officers in ministry of tourism in Austria to ask for his opinions about this Winter Olympics. During the conversation, he told me that Austria ministry of tourism put a lot of efforts in advertising the skiing culture and beautiful landscapes in Austria to attract Chinese tourist. Because the ongoing Winter Olympics raised a fever in winter sports and the epidemic in Europe isn’t that severe. Therefore, it is the best time to introduce their country to Chinese people in order to develop their tourism. On the other hand, not only the tourism, but also other industries like manufacturer of the cable car and snowmaker cooperated tightly with China to reach a win-win situation.

The interview inspired me a lot that Winter Olympics is not only a chance for the host city but also for every attendant. The economic benefit is quite large for a country that is famous for its winter sports because the advertisement of Winter Olympics substantially increased people’s willingness to travel to a country with winter sports culture. Therefore the market increased largely.

Xiong Yihan (熊一涵), The Little Journalist of Travel & Leisure All Media

更多旅游休闲 记者:熊一涵资讯
