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发布日期:2022年11月11日  来源:贵阳安纳塔拉度假酒店

Maggie Ma - General Manager of Anantara Guiyang Resort

美诺集团旗下的奢华度假酒店贵阳安纳塔拉度假酒店近日任命马丽(Miggie Ma)女士为其酒店总经理,负责酒店的全面运营工作。

Anantara Guiyang Resort has recently appointed Mdm. Maggie Ma as the new General Manager.

马丽女士不光有丰富的酒店从业经验,还具备奢侈品从业经历,具有高超的审美和卓越的时尚品味。此前,她曾供职于洲际集团,万豪集团,有过丰富的管理经历。先后任淄博喜来登酒店、青岛景园假日酒店总经理一职。多年的管理经验塑造了马丽女士卓越的战略性思维、敏锐的市场洞察力、出色的领导才能和优秀的沟通能力, 尤其在产品创新和市场开拓方面有着深入的思考和独到的见解。

Besides extensive experience with IHG and Marriott hotels, Maggie also has an exceptional taste and keen judgement in luxury brand and products. Before this assignment, Maggie had been the general manager for Sheraton Zibo and Holiday Inn Qingdao. Years of management experience have made Maggie a strategic thinker with keen market judgement, outstanding leadership, and skillful communication skills. She is especially prominent in creating new products and penetrating market.


Maggie is known for her outstanding creativity and marketing strategy. She created products needed by the market and satisfied by customers. Internally she shared her successful experience with all associates. “Achievement = efforts X time” is what she always used to lead the understanding and performance of associates. Her positivism and success have not only won the support from associates, but also the recognition of industry peers and owners.


Based on her belief that “Good Products Speak for themselves”, Maggie will lead the team to create new and unique products to rejuvenate our sales and marketing activities as well as to lead the team with positive attitude to create new excellence for Anantara Guiyang Resort.

* 图片由酒店提供

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