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流转的岁月 永续的温度
发布日期:2023年11月15日  来源:北京瑞吉酒店

An Exquisite Celebration of Thanksgiving Day






2023年11月23日 景苑咖啡厅感恩节主题自助晚餐
详询或预订请致电景苑咖啡厅 +86 10 64606688转2340,或关注酒店官方微信:“北京瑞吉酒店SRBJ”

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, The St. Regis Beijing is thrilled to present a grand buffet dinner, offering a delightful feast to all our luminaries. On this special occasion, we have prepared not only the traditional roast turkey, but also a Chinese-style roasted turkey, alongside festive-themed cocktails for a truly vibrant Thanksgiving celebration.

Our buffet dinner boasts a wide variety of dishes to cater to every guest's diverse taste and preferences. In addition to the sumptuous roast turkey and the flavourful Chinese-style roasted turkey, we have a range of traditional holiday delicacies, including succulent honey-glazed ham, fresh vegetable salads, creamy mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Moreover, we offer an array of exquisite desserts and snacks, such as rich pumpkin pies and tempting apple turnovers, giving you the perfect opportunity to satisfy your sweet tooth.

If you wish to enjoy this delectable feast in the comfort of your own home with your family or friends, we also provide a takeaway option for the roast turkey. Each turkey is sufficient to serve 6-8 people, making it an ideal choice for family gatherings or quality time spent with your loved ones.

Thanksgiving is a day of reunion and gratitude, and at The St. Regis Beijing we aim to create an unforgettable Thanksgiving experience for each guest with our delicious cuisine and professional service. Reserve your seat now to savor the most special dinner of the year. 

For more information or make reservation, please contact Garden Court via +86 10 64606688 ext. 2340.

* 图片由酒店提供

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