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发布日期:2024年02月20日  来源:北京瑞吉酒店

The St. Regis Beijing Announces Appointment of New Executive Chef

北京瑞吉酒店正式宣布任命Dallas Cuddy 戴乐思先生为酒店行政总厨,他将全面负责酒店5间餐厅及酒吧的餐饮出品及厨房团队的日常运营及管理工作,提升名流雅士用餐体验。

The St. Regis Beijing proudly announces the appointment of Mr. Dallas Cuddy as the Executive Chef. He will take full responsibility for overseeing the culinary offerings and daily operations of the kitchen team, enhancing the dining experience for esteemed guests. 


Chef Dallas, who was born in Australia, started working at a local restaurant at the age of 17. The young and energetic atmosphere in the kitchen attracted him, and he began his career as a chef. Starting from his internship at a famous restaurant, he won numerous awards in various cooking competitions and quickly became a sous-chef, earning recognition for his talent.


After that, he moved to London and worked at several restaurants, including a Michelin one-star Japanese restaurant and a Michelin two-star French restaurant. Through his experience with Asian and French cuisines, he gained a wealth of experience and learned to view food from multiple perspectives. He then entered the international hotel industry and continued to contribute to the culinary world.


Chef Dallas's cooking philosophy is "taste," and his steadfast belief is based on the "3T" cooking concept of taste, texture, and temperature. He believes that taste is the most fundamental and important element of food, and temperature influences taste, so mastering the cooking temperature is crucial. With his discerning eye, he absorbs the essence of gourmet dishes from around the world and shares his passion and dedication for food with diners. Prior to his new appointment, Chef Dallas served as the Executive Chef and interim Director of F&B at the Grand Hyatt Seoul in South Korea, leading the culinary team to serve 11 restaurants and bars. His culinary journey has spanned the UK, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, and China. These rich experiences have allowed him to be flexible in his cooking approach, using local ingredients and creating dishes that embody the local flavors. His distinctive style of creatively presenting artistic cuisine has made him remarkable.


Regarding his new appointment, Chef Dallas sees it as full of opportunities and challenges. Beijing, as the political and cultural centre of China, has a rich historical heritage. People are open to new things while also valuing tradition. He hopes that, with the collective efforts of the team, they can convey cultural heritage and integration through food. Danieli’s Italian Restaurant will continue to focus on Mediterranean flavors and advocate for a light and healthy dining concept. The Garden Court will highlight international cuisine that caters more to local tastes. Chef Dallas greatly values direct communication with diners and believes that the possibilities of cooking are endless and innovative. He will uphold the concept of maintaining high quality and attention to detail, leading the culinary team at The St. Regis Beijing to create new signature dishes, tailored and elegantly presented for luminaries. Mr. Oliver Achatz, the General Manager of the St. Regis Beijing, also believes that Chef Dallas's professional experience in the food and beverage industry and solid operational capabilities will be enlivening the hotel and create exquisite and elegant culinary art for our luminaries.

* 图片由酒店提供

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