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发布日期:2024年10月13日  来源:旅游休闲

2024年10月8日,西班牙,圣塞巴斯蒂安 (San Sebastian,Spain)。 Fabien Ferré是La Table du Castellet***(法国Le Castellet)的厨师,他准备了两道菜,其中真正好的产品是真正的主角。 他演讲的标题非常令人回味,“普罗旺斯散发

202410月8日,西班牙,圣塞巴斯蒂安 (San Sebastian,Spain)。

Fabien Ferré是La Table du Castellet***(法国Le Castellet)的厨师,他准备了两道菜,其中真正好的产品是真正的主角。

他演讲的标题非常令人回味,普罗旺斯散发着地中海的气息,主角来到库萨尔,是34岁时获得米其林指南三星级的最年轻厨师,也是第一个一次获得三星级的厨师。La Table du Castellet***(法国Le Castellet)的厨师Fabien Ferré没有让人失望,他用寥寥数语和大量行动证明了他的烹饪是非常真诚的,注重产品和味道,没有滥竽充数的产品,正如他所定义的那样。




A cuisine without products that become parasites

Fabien Ferré, chef at La Table du Castellet*** (Le Castellet, France), prepared two dishes in which the product, the really good product, was the real protagonist.

The title of his presentation was very evocative, 'Provence that transpires the Mediterranean', and its protagonist came to the Kursaal with the distinction of being the youngest chef, at 34, to receive three stars in the Michelin Guide and the first to do so in one go. Fabien Ferré, chef at La Table du Castellet*** (Le Castellet, France), did not disappoint, demonstrating with few words and many deeds that his cuisine is "very sincere, focused on the product and the taste, without products that parasitise", as he has defined it.

Life is beautiful and I hope you enjoy it. Let's cook', she said, as a declaration of intent for what was to follow, the preparation of two recipes that summed up her cooking philosophy in as many bites. The first was a beef carpaccio on crispy spelt, anchovy fillets, anchovy cream (salted since 2020), berries (to give it a floral touch), desalted and dried capers and chickpeas. All the customer has to do is taste it," he sums up.

The second recipe was a tartlet with pectin and ginger vinegar, tuna tartare and bonito sesame. Ferré was amazed by the quality of the bluefin tuna: 'If they let me, I will always come to San Sebastian to buy it,' he joked. The chef stressed the importance of the fish being firm and not too nervous.

He adds a vinegar made from ginger, which has matured and thickened, giving the dish a more acidic flavour. Good quality olive oil, salt and pepper, lime zest, fresh ginger and the famous bonito sesame complete the recipe. It is simple and anyone can make it, but always with quality products," explains the chef.

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