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发布日期:2017年08月01日  来源:瑜舍

瑜舍很高兴宣布艺术家Luke Chiswell将入住酒店展开为期一个月的艺术品创作。出生于澳大利亚堪培拉,Luke作为当代杰出的视觉艺术家,在绘画和雕塑领域独树一帜。

瑜舍很高兴宣布艺术家Luke Chiswell将入住酒店展开为期一个月的艺术品创作。出生于澳大利亚堪培拉,Luke作为当代杰出的视觉艺术家,在绘画和雕塑领域独树一帜。今季8月,Luke将会在瑜舍中庭现场创作两个系列的作品,命名为“Hold Your Head Up” 及 “Hold Each Other’s Heads Up”。该系列共计八件雕塑,外观为头部及手部静置于细长的双腿之上,每件作品高7英尺,由石膏塑造而成,主色调为红色,象征着幸福。

The Opposite House is pleased to welcome its artist-in-residence Luke Chiswell. A native of Canberra, Australia, Luke is a visual artist who works primarily in painting and sculpture. Throughout the month of August, he will be working at the hotel’s Atrium to create two series of installations, “Hold Your Head Up” and “Hold Each Other’s Head Up”, comprised of eight sculptures with oversized heads and hands, resting gently atop spindly legs. Each soaring to seven-foot high, the sculptures are made of plaster and painted red to symbolise happiness.

“Hold Your Head Up”展示出两只手依靠彼此的力量互相支撑,同时“Hold Each Other’s Head Up” 呈现六双手环环相扣,依托发力。整个作品暗喻经历低潮后的活力焕发,表达出无论处于何种窘境与困顿中,都要充满自信,斗志昂扬的美好愿景。

“Hold Your Head Up” presents guests with two figures standing alone and relying on their own strengths while “Hold Each Other’s Head Up” is composed of six interlocking figures relying on each other for strength and support. The figures portray those who fell down and bounced back up; it is an ode to keep the flame of confidence burning even in the toughest circumstances.

“我们很高兴邀请到Luke入住瑜舍,” 北京瑜舍总经理柏熙明说道。“面对都市工作的繁忙,无处不在的挑战,Luke的作品暗示着我们要不断提高个人的心理素质,善于从积极的角度对待问题,直视困难,接受挑战,同时在帮助他人解决问题的过程中提升自己。我们诚挚邀请每位朋友前来瑜舍参观,与Luke交流,他一定十分乐意与大家分享自己的艺术心得。

“We are delighted to welcome Luke to our House,” says Mark Passmore, General Manager of The Opposite House. “In a world where we are constantly busy and facing challenges, Luke’s work reminds us to train our mind to see the good in every situation, focus on what matters and rise up by helping others. Do come by to our House and say hello to Luke. He’d be delighted to talk about his art pieces and introduce you to the world of art.”

Luke Chiswell 将于8月1日至8月24日在瑜舍中庭现场创作,“Hold Your Head Up” 及“Hold Each Other’s Head Up” 作品将于8月31日前展出。

Luke Chiswell will be working at The Opposite House’s Atrium from 1 August to 24 August, “Hold Your Head Up” and “Hold Each Other’s Head Up” will be showcased until 31 August 2017.

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