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上海外滩W酒店“撩动魔都”首映礼 闪耀天际线
发布日期:2017年09月22日  来源:上海外滩W酒店


万豪国际集团领导人及金光集团领导人共庆上海外滩W酒店首映礼。从左至右:万豪国际集团亚太区品牌高级总监周涛声、金光集团总裁黄志源、W酒店全球品牌领导人Anthony Ingham以及上海外滩W酒店总经理 Christian Humbert

Marriott International and Sinar Mas Group executives celebrate the Premiere of W Shanghai - The Bund. From left to right: Carol Zhou, Senior Director, Luxury Brand Management, Asia Pacific, Marriott International; Teguh Ganda Wijaya, CEO, Sinar Mas Group; Anthony Ingham, Global Brand Leader, W Hotels Worldwide; and Christian Humbert, General Manager, W Shanghai – The Bund.

万豪国际集团(纳斯达克股票代码:MAR)旗下W酒店举办上海外滩W酒店盛大首映礼。逾千名嘉宾受邀出席此次以流光“异”彩为主题的首映礼派对,包括全球知名媒体、业界翘楚、意见领袖及各领域名人。新锐说唱歌手VAVA(毛衍七)现场首次出演为上海外滩W酒店创作的独家音乐引爆全场。与此同时,为庆祝酒店开业,在首映礼当晚开启以中式名点小笼包为灵感的创意装置——“小笼包手推车” 在亚洲、纽约及伦敦的快闪巡游之旅。

W Hotels Worldwide, part of Marriott International (NASDAQ: MAR), stole the scene in China with the recent premiere of W Shanghai – The Bund. The grand opening party, themed to capture the hotel’s design narrative of ‘Captivating Contrasts’ was attended by over a thousand guests including local and international media, industry influencers and personalities. Taking center stage at the Premiere was Chinese rapper VAVA, who debuted a song specially written for W Hotels from her yet to be released album. Additionally, in celebration of the hotel’s opening, the premiere also kicked off the first stop of the traveling Xiao Long Bao – an iconic Chinese delicacy – cart tour, with stops to be made across Asia, London and New York.

上海作为世界上最具代表性的国际大都市之一,有美轮美奂的夜生活,极具个性的时尚氛围以及对新潮未来的不懈追求,而这些,都使这座城市成为展现W酒店品牌理念的理想之都。”W酒店全球品牌领导人Anthony Ingham表示,作为行业的革新者,我们通过W酒店的首映礼展现备受追捧的上海外滩W酒店,并通过动感音乐,前卫表演和先锋时尚将品牌激情元素全然表达。当晚的表演旨在呈现上海这座城市源源不断的活力与志存高远的城市文化,东方与西方文化在这里交融碰撞,为上海创造了独具特色的城市精神。

“Shanghai is one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities, fueled by its endless energy and appetite for what’s new/next,” said Anthony Ingham, Global Brand Leader, W Hotels Worldwide. “As an industry innovator, we are thrilled to showcase W Shanghai – The Bund through the W brand’s Premiere tradition, bringing to life the brand’s passion points through pulsating music, edgy performances and bold fashion. The performances have all been designed to reflect the sky high bold ambition of Shanghai, an explosive juxtaposition of modernity and heritage to create a vibe unique to the city.”

音乐——街头说唱彰显自我本色 Sassy street sounds


W酒店全球品牌领导人Anthony Ingham携手新锐说唱歌手VAVA“撩动魔都”,共庆上海外滩W酒店首映礼 

Anthony Ingham, Global Brand Leader, W Hotels Worldwide and Chinese rap queen VAVA at the WET Deck of W Shanghai – The Bund for the celebration of the Premiere 

上海外滩W酒店力邀新锐说唱歌手VAVA在首映礼现场首秀单曲《Happy Everyday,歌曲创作灵感来源于W酒店VAVA被称为中国女性说唱先锋之一,拥有超百万的社交媒体粉丝,因参加风靡全国的音乐选秀节目——《中国有嘻哈》而名声大噪,成为推动中国嘻哈文化发展的一份子。当晚,VAVA通过大胆率性的歌词和燃情人生的态度,将上海外滩W酒店大胆无畏和崇尚自由的精神全然表达,为现场观众带来一场趣十足的视听盛宴。

W Shanghai – The Bund owned the night with headlining act Chinese rap queen VAVA, performing ‘Happy Everyday’, which was inspired by the passions of the W brand. VAVA, with close to a million followers on her social platform, is a true trailblazer in the thriving female rap scene in China, sparked a feisty and flirty presence with her skilled vocal range. Risen to fame through The Rap of China TV show, she has been credited with propelling Chinese hip hop mainstream. With daring lyrics and a ‘lust for life’ attitude, VAVA perfectly embodies the bold and spontaneous spirit of W Shanghai – The Bund, always embracing the limitless ambition of the city.


“I am pleased to be part of the grand opening of W Shanghai – The Bund, a hotel that takes fashion and music to new levels in Shanghai,” said VAVA. “I have long been a fan of W; and it’s a great privilege to perform in an electrifying new venue bringing people closer through music.”

首映礼当晚VAVA还为嘉宾带呈现了充满活力的舞蹈表演,通过动感摩登的方式重新演绎广场舞。舞蹈表演巧妙运用高科技手段,通过背景巨幕带给现场嘉宾一场炫目视觉体验。嘻哈舞者身着睡衣,营造上海广场舞这一司空见惯的生活场景,将现代摩登与弄堂文化形成鲜明对比,诠释上海外滩W酒店流光彩的设计理念。此次首映礼更邀请到本土知名 DJ Cara,献上动感音乐节拍,将整场派对“撩动”至最高潮。

VAVA also performed alongside an energetic dance routine – the brand’s take on China’s signature ‘Square dance’ – set against a backdrop of hi-tech visuals on gigantic screens. Perfectly capturing the design concept of ‘Captivating Contrasts’ in true W Style, the dancers dressed in pajamas – a common scene amongst Shanghai’s elderly – revealed their modern hip hop outfits. The glam party scene continued with local A-list DJ Cara delivering a killer set of tunes to finish on a high.

潮流派对——释放活力能量  High octane energy and glamour throughout the night 

首映礼上,从 WOOBAR®酒吧到全日制标帜餐厅,再到WET® 泳池酒吧,随处可见前卫表演,变装皇后以及身着时尚的侍者。WOOBAR®酒吧巧妙融合高雅艺术和数码科技,呈现令人眩目的GIF派对;全日制标帜餐厅提供当地热门经典菜肴和现代风情的国际美食;WET® 泳池酒吧呈现了花样水上芭蕾,完美诠释泳池遮阳伞的独特设计。当晚备受期待的灯光秀伴随着来自地下音乐团队可乐乐队的电音节拍,带来令人震撼的听觉和视觉盛宴。

From the WOOBAR®, to the hotel’s all-day dining venue, The Kitchen Table, to the WET Deck, guests were treated to a myriad of performances in true W edgy, sassy style served by fun-tastic drag queens and waiters and waitresses in high fashion outfits. WOOBAR® displayed a melting pot of high art and digital technology through a captivating GIF party, while the WET Deck pool party revealed hidden images found under the sun umbrellas and brought to life by performing synchronized swimmers. The daring visuals amidst a gripping light show were accompanied by eclectic soundtracks of acclaimed underground band Cola. 

舌尖美味——行走的小笼包  Xiaolongbao on the road

为庆祝上海外滩W酒店开幕,W酒店推出高达3米以上海小笼包为灵感的创意装置——“小笼包手推车。创意装置小笼包手推车的结合W品牌现代设计理念,采用粉色、紫色及绿松色亚克力材料,致敬穿梭于都市高楼大厦的外卖车。近日,创意装置小笼包手推车已在上海外滩W酒店炫彩走廊亮相,引来过往宾客拍照并分享在社交平台。随后,小笼包手推车 将进驻北京、广州、香港、伦敦及纽约五大国际都市的W酒店,最终将在即将开业的苏州W酒店亮相,并为各地宾客准备了以小笼包及上海目的地为灵感的创意菜单及W特色鸡尾酒菜单,还有上海外滩W酒店音乐创意总监监制的音乐。

In celebration of the opening of W Shanghai – The Bund, W Hotels debuted a 3-meter-tall Xiaolongbao cart installation, kicking off a tour series that will soon see the installation at select W hotels in Asia, New York and London; eventually returning at the soon-to-open W Suzhou. A nod to Shanghai’s iconic bicycles often stacked sky-high with delivery goods – a scene common on the Shanghainese streets – and Shanghai’s famous soup dumplings, the cart features playful colours such as pink, purple and turquoise intertwined with eye catching acrylic materials. Hotels across Asia will feature special food and cocktail menus inspired by Xiaolongbao and the city of Shanghai, including a specially curated music playlist by W Shanghai’s music curator. Currently on display at W Shanghai’s Electric Laneway, the installation is a stirring photo and epicurean opportunity.

上海外滩W酒店坐落于北外滩,因其特有的曲面型结构,几乎所有的客房都可以坐拥黄浦江炫彩迷人的城市天际线,让宾客将上海悠久的历史与飞速发展的现代间的魅力差异尽收眼底。饱受赞誉的设计公司G.A. Design以流光彩作为设计理念,融合上海的城市历史以及海派文化,艺术性地呈现东西文化以及新旧时光。这一设计理念在上海外滩W酒店得天独厚的地理位置上得以体现——酒店位于黄浦江和苏州河之间,装饰艺术风格建筑与中式建筑环绕周围,为宾客上演了一场流动的时光之旅。

Located on the North Bund, W Shanghai – The Bund draws upon colonial glamour and futuristic motifs, with nearly all 374 guestrooms featuring views of the Huangpu River due to the uniquely curved frame of the building’s edifice. Designed by the acclaimed G.A Design, the hotel showcases an exciting combination of historic and modern influences, such as Hai Pai – the art of combining the old and the new, East and West.  This is evident in both the hotel’s location, perfectly positioned between the Suzhou Creek and the Huangpu River, as well as the surrounding locale, where Art Deco buildings sit alongside opulent Chinese mansions. 


For more information or to make a reservation, visit www.whotels.com/shanghai


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