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上海浦东嘉里大酒店The BREW·酿餐厅 呈现全新周末早午餐
发布日期:2017年11月07日  来源:上海浦东嘉里大酒店

位于上海浦东嘉里大酒店1楼的The BREW·酿餐厅,即日起推出全新周末早午餐,提供一系列中西式早午餐的经典美味供您挑选。

位于上海浦东嘉里大酒店1楼的The BREW·酿餐厅,即日起推出全新周末早午餐,提供一系列中西式早午餐的经典美味供您挑选。行政总厨吴建安(Otto Goh)融合中、西、马来与印度风味,呈献如烟熏三文鱼炒鸡蛋、猪肉汤粉与波士顿龙虾配扬州炒饭等传统与创新兼备的早午餐之选。搭配The BREW自酿啤酒,与家人、朋友闲聊,畅享一个温暖惬意的秋日午后。

The BREW, restaurant & bar located on the 1F of Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai, now presents a new Weekend Brunch menu to include a list of Western and Asian Brunch classics and many more delightful creations. From Smoked Salmon with Scrambled Eggs to Pork Vermicelli, and Grilled Lobster with Yangzhou-Style Fried Rice, The BREW has it all. Come feast on the luscious meal, and spend a lovely time with family and friends in a relaxing and stylish ambience at The BREW this weekend!

于大多数亚洲人而言,一碗带有温度的食物最能慰籍冬天的寒冷,身为上海浦东嘉里大酒店行政总厨的吴建安(Otto Goh),拥有几十年的酒店餐饮经验,深谙本地人特有的饮食喜好。于早午餐菜单中,选用鱼饼、鱼丸、虾仁、菜心、鸡蛋汁勾芡,为宾客烹制出一款带有温度的新加坡美食——滑蛋炒河粉;撒上葱花、炸干葱的猪肉粉配以辣椒酱油碟,温暖鲜辣的魅力,令人忍不住分泌口水;而只选用高质量排骨烹制的肉骨茶,浓郁汤汁浸润着带有特殊香气的鲜嫩排骨,齿颊留香中也不禁想起那些热带时光的淋漓畅快。最深得吴建安(Otto Goh)偏爱的是那一碗令人“闻之潸然泪下,食之黯然销魂”的广式叉烧饭。一份普通的叉烧饭经吴建安(Otto Goh)之手,配上单面煎蛋与一定不能漏撒的点缀青葱,用格外显眼的鸡公碗盛载的不仅仅是一碗并不普通的叉烧饭,也是他对灵感来源电影的思念情怀与文艺复刻。

To many Asians, comfort food should be warm and soothing, especially in the wintertime. Otto Goh, Executive Chef of Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai, has decades of experience in the hospitality industry, fully understands and appreciates the needs of local guests. Therefore in the new brunch menu, he includes quite a few authentic Asia comfort foods – Seafood Hor Fun, a classic Singapore dish which uses fresh shrimp, fish cake to wok-fry with glass noodles and egg; Pork Vermicelli in Bee Hoon Soup, served with deep-fried green onions and house-special chilli sauce, another mouth-watering dish full of aroma and character; Bak Kut Tea, a dish using the only highest quality pork ribs served in a long-simmered broth. You will also be able to find Chef Otto’s personal favourite Char Siew Rice on the menu. Marinated and barbecued with extra care, the beautiful Cantonese Char Siew with fried eggs and steamed rice is the one of the ultimate comfort dishes for any gourmand.


Apart from the Asian flavours, you cannot afford to miss the Western classics. The abundant choices range from Steak frites with Eggs, House-cured Salmon with Scramble Eggs and Salmon Roe, to meat-lover’s favourite Ham & Cheese Omelette with Bacon, Pork Sausage and Baked Beans. There are some light options as well such as Egg White Omelette with Mushrooms, Tomato, Avocado served with Rocket Salad.

颇有创意大师风采的吴建安(Otto Goh)为独特品味的吃客,毫不吝啬地选用整只波士顿龙虾经黄油焗烤,配上营养丰富的五彩扬州炒饭,一道菜便可品味中西料理精粹。 追寻异域风情的您,更可以在The BREW·酿餐厅发现热火鲜嫩的韩式炸鸡华夫饼,与印度风味鸡肉咖喱飞饼的吮指滋味,就着The BREW酿酒师精选啤酒,周末好时光莫过于此!

Grilled Boston Lobster with Yangzhou-style Fried Rice is a fusion dish at its best. A whole Boston lobster is butterflied and simply grilled with butter as to highlight the sweet and succulent taste of the meat itself. Then Chef Otto matches the lobster with the very delicate Yangzhou-style fried rice. The colourful and aromatic fried rice not only elevates the flavours to a new level, but also makes this East-Meet-West dish a true feast for all the senses. Guests can further explore and find some exotic yet finger-licking flavours such as Indian Roti with Curry Chicken and Korean-style Fried Chicken and Waffle Served with Honey Mustard Sauce. All are delicious and worth a good try. Enjoy a cold draft beer without hesitation.

除了风味独特的酿酒师精选啤酒,The BREW·酿餐厅更有多款适合搭配的自酿啤酒,供您选择。如:




As a highlight of the restaurant & bar, The BREW has a wide choice of craft beers to pair. The Award-winning Indla Pale Ale, another signature favourite at The BREW, is a typical British malt beer and a rare Anchor beer.

垂询或预订,请致电(86 21) 6169 8886或发邮件至fbreservations.khpu@thekerryhotels.com

For enquiries or to make a reservation, please call (86 21) 6169 8888, e-mailreservations.khpu@thekerryhotels.com or visit www.thekerryhotels.com.

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