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屡获殊荣的世界著名调酒师ERIK LORINCZ将在11月14日至18日亮相丽嘉阁
发布日期:2017年11月09日  来源:上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店

上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店在本月即将迎来屡获殊荣的世界著名调酒大师Erik Lorincz。

Erik Lorincz

上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店在本月即将迎来屡获殊荣的世界著名调酒大师Erik Lorincz。从11月14日(周二)至11月18日(周六),Erik将亮相酒店一层丽嘉阁,于酒吧内的图书馆区域进行连续五晚的快闪酒吧调酒体验,为上海的鸡尾酒爱好者们带来多款精选鸡尾酒。这次难得的高规格客座调酒盛会是酒店Movers and Shakers客座调酒师系列之一,并与饮迷商务咨询(上海)有限公司及美夏携手呈现。

Internationally acclaimed bartender Erik Lorincz will take up residence at The Ritz Bar & Lounge in The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai for five nights from Tuesday, November 14 to Saturday, November 18 as part of the hotel’s Movers & Shakers guest bartending series, in partnership with Thirsty Work Productions and Summergate Fine Wines & Spirits. The Library at The Ritz Bar & Lounge will feature a pop up bar, where Erik will shake up his signature cocktails.

上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店丽嘉阁 / The Ritz Bar & Lounge at The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai

Erik是斯洛伐克人,早年从学校毕业就开始进入位于布拉迪斯拉发的酒吧圈。2004年,为了拓展个人职业生涯并提升英语水平,他搬到了伦敦,先在几家日式酒吧任职,后来进入酒店酒吧领域,每一步都稳扎稳打,在业内渐渐打响了名气。2010年,Erik赢得了帝亚吉欧世界级调酒大师赛冠军,屡获殊荣,更曾被美国《Conde Nast Traveler》和新奥尔良鸡尾酒传奇大会的鸡尾酒精神大奖分别评为年度最佳调酒师和全球年度最佳调酒师。

Erik was born and raised in Slovakia and began his career straight out of school, working in bars in the capital, Bratislava. He then moved to London in 2004 to further his career and learn English, going on to work his way up the career ladder via a number of Japanese bars and hotel bars. In 2010, Erik won Diageo World Class, the first in a long list of honours that have also included being named Bartender of the Year by Conde Nast Traveler US and Best International Bartender at Tales of The Cocktail’s Spirited Awards.

Erik的调酒生涯充满了传奇的经历。他曾经为女王伊丽莎白二世登基60周年庆典特别创造一款鸡尾酒;曾经在Petra Ecclestone的奢华婚礼上担任首席调酒师;也为《007 大破天幕杀机》的赌场戏担当调酒顾问;为卡地亚新品发布会打造主题鸡尾酒等。Erik目前依然在伦敦工作,在第九届《Drinks International》全球最佳50家酒吧榜单排名第一的美利坚酒吧The American Bar担任首席调酒师,成为了全世界调酒行业里数一数二的风云人物。

Some of Erik’s most interesting achievements include creating a cocktail to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, being a consultant and head bartender for Petra Ecclestone’s lavish wedding, a consultant on the casino scene for the James Bond film Skyfall and working with Cartier to create a signature cocktail for a product launch. Still based in London, Erik is currently the head bartender at The American Bar, the number one bar in the world according to the ninth annual World’s 50 Best Bars ranking from Drinks International.

丽嘉阁的图书馆区域将在2017年11月14至18日期间转身成为Erik Lorincz的快闪酒吧 / The Library at The Ritz Bar & Lounge


For his residency at The Library, Erik will be creating four of his signature drinks and showcasing the skills that have seen him become one of the most recognisable faces in the industry. These four cocktails will feature Teeling Irish Whiskey, Delamain, London No.1 and Beluga Noble Russian Vodka from the Summergate Fine Wines & Spirits portfolio.

如需预定或查询更多信息,请与丽嘉阁联系 +86 21 6279 8888 *5976。

For reservations and enquiries, please contact +86 21 6279 8888 *5976.


Or email rc.sharz.lobbylounge@ritzcarlton.com

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