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发布日期:2018年01月24日  来源:旅游休闲

Adrian Rudin,瑞士人,于2013年8月正式出任北京诺金酒店总经理。Adrian先后在香格里拉、东方文华、半岛等顶尖五星级酒店从事过管理工作,拥有超过30年的酒店从业经验,他正以其丰富的管理经验带领诺金团队共同打造符合国际标准、具有本土特色,并且物超所值的中国服务,让客人在诺金寻找到一份独特的生活方式。

T&L: 您觉得2017年中国的高端酒店业市场有何变化?贵酒店如何应对这些变化?

What changes do you think about China's high-end hotel market in 2017? How did your hotel respond to these changes?


It’s more and more difficult to hire qualified employees, at NUO Hotel Beijing we now offer employee accommodation for up to 400 employees in order to attract the best candidates. Also we just started our incentive program which will make it possible for the team to participate on the success of the hotel.

T&L: 越来越多的高端酒店进驻中国市场,竞争也越来越激烈,贵酒店有哪些措施应对激烈的竞争环境?

More and more high-end hotels are entering the Chinese market, leading more and more fierce competition. What measures will you take to deal with the fierce competition environment?
At NUO we decided to offer innovative Food & Beverage offerings, quality produce keeping in mind value for money. Of course Service, friendliness is also very important … and all that executed with a lot of passion.

T&L: 您认为过去一年酒店业在服务创新、管理创新、科技创新等方面有哪些值得关注的案例?

What noteworthy cases of service innovation, management innovation, scientific and technological innovation within hotel industry in the past year?
We are working with a external coach, we have quarterly workshops “ inspired by the book from good to great” we are constantly looking on how we can improve and create a great Hotel Brand. … also we are working with on TICDA  … “today I can do anything” it’s a motivational tool for us in order to stay positive all the time which I think is a key ingredient for success.


What do you think about the hot issue on the contradiction and cooperation between hotel and OTA in 2017?
We are working very well with OTA’s it’s like any supply channels … one has to find a good balance which can benefit to two parties.


What’s the most memorable event or accomplishment of your hotel in 2017?
We did win over 50 awards which is fantastic for NUO Hotel Beijing and a new Brand, for me personally was the Conde Nast Gold List 2017 nomination for ”Movers and Shakers” China.

T&L: 2018年贵酒店的工作重点是什么?您有什么特别的计划或想法吗?

What will be the focus of your hotel in 2018? Do you have any particular plans or ideas?
At NUO Hotel Beijing we will focus on brand building, as we are in our 3rd Year of operation, the Brand needs further exposure to the worldwide market. As we are operating already two hotels in Beijing now and working on the 3rd, we hope to grow further in due course.


Could you sum up in one sentence to introduce what’s the most worthy to be experienced in your hotel to our readers?

Stay a weekend in our fantastic guest rooms, enjoy Sunday Brunch(Caviar&Bubbly) and finish off with a signature spa treatment.

T&L: 2018年您个人有什么样的旅行计划?您个人选择酒店的标准是什么?

What’s your travel plan in 2018? What’s your personal standard to choose a hotel?

Would like to visit Sicily, especially hike up Mount Etna.  As for hotels, Location, size of rooms and quality of service.

