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发布日期:2018年02月09日  来源:旅游休闲

Ms.Barbara Muckermann 现任银海邮轮首席市场官,驻摩纳哥总部。在此之前四年,她在银海邮轮担任副总裁。她还曾经担任一家线上旅游公司Yondebound 的首席执行官。凭借着在邮轮行业15年的经验,她还为国际邮轮协会提供市场和传播咨询意见。


How do you think the cruise industry will change in 2018? How will Silversea respond to these changes?


2018 will confirm the continuous grow the cruise industry has enjoyed for the last 20 years. The industry will surely surpass the 26M passengers mark in 2018 and the luxury and expedition segment are growing even faster.


We are seeing more and more demand from the Chinese market of Expedition cruising, of course in the established Polar Regions destinations but also in other, less known destinations such as Russian Far East, Kimberly and Galapagos.

同时,愈来愈多首次接触邮轮的旅客选择我们的航程,尤其是被我们的远征航程所吸引。 我认为2018年的一个强劲趋势将会由航程目的地主导,而银海邮轮作为提供最多目的地的邮轮专家,将会大大受这趋势影响而出现增长。(银海邮轮提供超过1,000个目的地,包括9艘邮轮)。

We see more and more “new to cruising’ customers coming to our products, particularly on the expedition side, attracted by the destinations. And if I have to sum a strong trend for 2018 is “all about the destination” Of course Silversea is very well placed to profit from this macro trend as we are the cruise line with the highest number of destinations (we offer 964 destinations with 9 ships).


More and more cruise brands are entering the Chinese market, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. How will Silversea cope with this competitive environment?


Competition is always a good thing: it signals health in the underlying fundamentals of the market and, in the cruise industry, will serve to promote growth in a sector that has been going from strength to strength for some time now. As the first luxury and expedition cruise line, Silversea will focus on what it knows and does best:

提供优越的奢侈产品。 银海女神号已经于20174月加入船队,而银海皎月号也将于2020年制造完成。加上现有的船队翻新工程,银海邮轮将凭借独特的奢华邮轮体验,屹立于行业领导地位。

Delivering an outstanding luxury product. Having welcomed Silver Muse to the fleet in 2017 and with the anticipated delivery of Silver Moon in 2020, not to mention the continued refurbishment efforts that discern the ships in our existing fleet as the best afloat, Silversea stands at the forefront of the industry and offers cruise experiences that are quite unique in their indulgence.


Continuing to bring innovation to the market with new itineraries and superior experiences on land. Our rewarding itineraries include many of Europe’s most iconic cities, such as Venice, Barcelona, Monte Carlo, Rome, Lisbon, and Dubrovnik, to name but a few, as well as many destinations in the Polar Regions, such as Ushuaia, the Antarctica Peninsula, and Drake Passage.


Building strong ties within the travel agent community to introduce more of our audience to the Silversea brand. We recognize that trade partners are key to success in China and play a very important role in developing the luxury travel sector there.


In your opinion, what are the new trends in cruise travel in China? Does Silversea have measures in place to respond to these new trends?


In increasing quantities, people are travelling in Asia for reasons of health and wellness, with the Asian market’s largest demographic coming from China. More specifically, massages and fitness classes are the most desired amenities while on luxury cruise experiences. Silversea is heeding the call, rolling out new concepts for onboard wellness and spa facilities across the fleet.

位于银海女神号上的Zàgara水疗中心为旅客提供独特的全面感官艺术性体验,而此创新概念亦将会扩展到其他银海邮轮船只。 Zàgara融合意大利传统美感及沉浸式的身心哲理,唤起旅客对水疗的认识,并带来幸福感。旅客将可在休闲舒适水疗中心感受一片宁静以及理想的感官体验:以宁静和谐令旅客心情放松; 用充满艺术感的按摩令精神饱满; 以迷人香气及芳香疗法令旅客心情愉快; 并在最后用精致小食使身心得到滋润。

Offering a uniquely artistic, holistic sensory experience, the Zàgara Spa on Silver Muse is one such innovation that is now being extended to the other vessels that bear the Silversea hallmark. Zàgara melds the beauty of its Italian heritage with an immersive mind and body philosophy to evoke awareness and nurture well-being. A sanctuary of leisure and comfort, this elegant refuge is the gateway to serenity, a place where guests will experience a desirable state of sensuousness: lull the soul with curated harmonies; invigorate the mind with art in motion; capture a mood with enchanting scents that harness the power of aromatherapy; and soothe the palate with refreshments to calm and hydrate the body and mind.


A truly unique approach, the Zàgara concept encourages guests to create their own spa experience. Blending artistry through a myriad of experiential elements and holistic therapies, Zàgara promises peace and beauty at every touch point. From the Mood Room, where music, video and lighting are personalised, to the selection of infused treatment oils and teas, each detail has been handpicked to deliver a truly luxurious escape. These elements complement a choreographed menu of services that features award-winning products and treatments that were previously unseen on Silversea ships, including the technology-driven range of BIOTEC facials, the Amethyst Crystal Sound Bath Healing Treatment, the ELEMIS Thousand Flower Detox Wrap, and a barber shop that offers exclusive men’s facial and shaving services.

旅客可在健身中心中沉浸于艺术性的运动疗法中。减压及和心血管课程将以动态视觉效果传递 “艺术运动”的主题,同时中心提供先进的泰诺健®设备及自由重量供旅客训练,亦有私人教练在旁提供个人课程,或是按旅客要求提供量身打造的高级训练课程。

At the fitness centre, guests can immerse themselves in athletic regimens with a touch of artistry. During relaxation and cardiovascular classes, moving visuals are streamed to convey the theme of ‘art in motion.’ State-of-the-art Technogym® equipment and free weights provide guests with an array of facilities for workouts. Personal trainers are on hand for individual sessions, and training with bespoke, premium programmes are also available upon request.


Silver Muse’s pool deck and Jacuzzi area, the epitome of open-air living, defines the ultra-luxury lifestyle offered by Silversea. Guests can take a dip in the pool, relax in one of the whirlpools, or simply take in the incredible views from one of the many comfortable sun loungers, while a pool attendant remains on hand to satisfy their every need.


In 2018, any cases/news about service improvement, cruise experience, and technological innovation that we should notice in the cruise industry?


Silver Cloud, is the first crossover vessel which is actually a great innovation in the market as it is a ship “for all terrain”, it is like having a luxury 4x4 car. She can cruise the polar regions thanks to her ice class but at the same she has a wonderful pool which makes her a perfect ship for the Caribbean. On the Cloud we have recently introduced another pioneering and successful concept: My Photo Academy, which utilises the ship's new Photo Studio as a hub for a multifaceted enrichment programme.


Another news for us 2018 will be Expedition in the Philippines, it is the first time we approach this amazing destination with our expedition vessel and of course we launched the North East Passage for 2019 which will be a unique itinerary basically circling around the North Pole.

而对我们来说,今年最精彩的技术重点将是银魂号的延伸改建。我们迫不及待地见证一艘能装满500人的邮轮被切成两半,再在船上加上配件,再次合成。这将是现代历史上第一次加长一艘豪华邮轮,而此将于3月的在Fincantieri 船厂发生。

The most amazing technical feature of the year for us will really be the lengthening of the Silver Spirit. I can’t wait to be in the yard to witness how a 500 passenger ship is cut in half and a piece is added to it. This is the first luxury ship lengthening in modern history and it will happen in March at the Fincantieri Palermo Yard.


What is the most memorable event or achievement of Silversea in 2017?







2017 was a very important year for Silversea:

We successfully issued a bond for $550M

We launched our ninth ship, Silver Muse, in April 2017

Silver Cloud, our first ship, was converted to an ice-class Expedition ship in November 2017

We announced the arrival of the 10th ship, Silver Moon, in the autumn of 2020

We implemented large refurbishment projects on Silver Explorer, Silver Galapagos and others

We insourced our technical department from Vships


What is the focus of Silversea in 2018? Do you have any particular plans or ideas?

Barbara银海邮轮将于2018年进行多项活动, 其中最值得一提的是银海远征航线十周年庆祝活动。银海邮轮将会继续将强其深度旅行的概念,与著名野外摄影师Steve McCurry 合作拓展多个全新目的地,同时7大主题航程的成功推出,亦将丰富我们的海上历程。

Silversea will undertake many projects in 2018, the most important one being the celebration of the 10-year anniversary of Silversea Expedition. Silversea will also keep investing in its ‘travel deeper’ concept, with many new destinations being explored thanks to a partnership with Steve McCurry. New projects will also enrich our land programme, following the good results of the Couture Collection launch.


Can you introduce the most rewarding experience of Silversea to our readers in one sentence?


At Silversea, we believe that nothing can rival the wonders of our world. Our mission is to unlock the most amazing experiences and destinations, and to deliver them to guests in superlative comfort and luxury.


What kind of travel plans do you have in 2018? What experiences do you value most on a cruise ship?


Having worked in this industry for many years, I believe travelling is part of my DNA. I love travelling and I fully enjoy each and every opportunity I have, even when I am travelling for business which is often the case. I have travelled the world, but whenever I visit a place - even if it’s not the first time - I enjoy it as if I have never been there. I see it with different eyes and renewed enthusiasm.

2018年,我将经常到各处旅行,每个月到访银海邮轮全球不同办公室,同时寻找全新目的地,以作为工作的一部分。我希望能在向旅客提供专业建议前先亲身体验,找到最合适的词语形容这些地方,同时确保这些地方符合银海邮轮的标准。当然,我自己不能涵盖所有地区,所以我们亦设有一个专家团队进行这些工作。今年,我将与摄影师Steve McCurry和银海邮轮主席Manfredi Lefebvre D'Ovidio到访蒙古,作为Couture Collection的一部份来体验这个迷人的地方。
I will travel a lot during 2018 – to visit Silversea branches all around a world on a monthly basis, as well as to scout new destinations, which is also a part of my job. I want to live experiences before proposing them to our guests; I want to ensure that I can find the right words to describe them; and I need to see if they are in line with Silversea standards. Of course, I cannot visit all destinations – we have a team of experts that do that. This year, I will visit Mongolia with the photographer, Steve McCurry, and the Silversea Chairman, Manfredi Lefebvre D’Ovidio; we want to experience this amazing trip, which is part of the Couture Collection.


The secret of Silversea’s success? Keeping our boutique vessels in the perfect size range for optimum luxury. We provide an intimate onboard atmosphere, with a personalised service that is simply second to none. The small dimensions of our ships allow us to easily access hard-to-reach destinations, which enables our guests to discover more and travel deeper. But our real secret is our crew – the best crew at sea. Without it, Silversea would be just another product. They are our real treasures, who define the difference between just being a guest on a ship and being at home. I will never stop thanking them for their tireless and incredible work, as without them we would not be here today.

