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海口丽思卡尔顿酒店全新别墅客房华丽揭幕 引领奢华体验新风尚
发布日期:2018年02月11日  来源:丽思卡尔顿酒店集团

新春将至,丽思卡尔顿酒店集团旗下国内首座高尔夫度假酒店— 海口丽思卡尔顿酒店别墅客房将于2018年2月15日华丽揭幕。

新春将至,丽思卡尔顿酒店集团旗下国内首座高尔夫度假酒店— 海口丽思卡尔顿酒店别墅客房将于2018年2月15日华丽揭幕。以壮阔迷人的黑石球场(Black Stone Course)为背景,全新开设的别墅共16栋,包括12间双卧室别墅及4间四卧室别墅。每栋别墅均配备独立的花园和户外泳池,无论您追求的是与家人共度天伦之乐,还是在冠军级球场挑战挥杆,海口丽思卡尔顿酒店的雅致别墅,都将是出行度假期间,收获独特难忘回忆的不二之选。

With the upcoming Chinese New Year, The Ritz-Carlton, Haikou will open its enchanting 16 villas on February 15th, 2018, including 12 Two-bedroom Villas and 4 Four-bedroom Villas, which are set in adjacent to the legendary 350-acre Blackstone Golf Course. Set among tropical gardens, each villa features an outdoor private pool and  pavilion. With more space to enjoy the exhilarating surrounding, this luxurious villa would be the perfect retreat for golfers, families or a group of friends.

海口丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理沈思墨先生(Christopher W. Sommers)表示:“海口作为省会城市及国际知名旅游目的地,坐拥潜力巨大的消费市场。而在丽思卡尔顿酒店,我们致力于为客人创造独特难忘的回忆,这也是为什么这个品牌能更好的让消费者理解它的价值。我相信,海口丽思卡尔顿酒店别墅的全新启幕,不仅提供更多元化的下榻选择,还将为这座城市的客人们更全面的诠释奢华体验。”

“As the growing economic, financial and tourism hub of Hainan Province, Haikou presents outstanding opportunities for the hospitality industry,” said Christopher W. Sommers, General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Haikou. “In The Ritz-Carlton, we are always delighted to create special memories and experiences for our guests. I think this is what makes the Chinese truly understand the value of this brand. With the opening of The Villas at The Ritz-Carlton, Haikou, our guests will receive a whole new and unique option for luxury experiences in Hainan.”


These newly opened villas are extending the classic detailing, generous spaces and tasteful interiors of The Ritz-Carlton, Haikou. Guestrooms feature fabrics and patterns inspired by vintage golf elements, ensuring no two spaces are alike. Wall panels and light fixtures incorporate stitching that evokes handmade golf shoes, while antique leathers make references to a vintage golf bag. Tartan flooring remind guests of Scotland, the birthplace of golf. Step in the private garden through floor to ceiling glass windows, it is time to escape the noise of the city, relax and rejuvenate yourself.


The Villa Club House is a place pairing exclusive and elevated services with a classic residential ambience. Guests can chat about their golf stories by a stone fireplace, or share a private moment in the library sitting room with an English inspired design, surrounded by bookshelves and art for a cultured atmosphere.


To elevate the luxury experience, The Ritz-Carlton, Haikou offers a host of exclusive amenities and privileges to Villa guests. Such as exclusive check-in at The Club House upon arrival, enjoy the Morning Sunrise Refreshment Basket, personal mini-bar, Club House Afternoon Tea and Happy Hour, as well as Tennis & Golf putting during their stay. In addition, the Ladies & Gentlemen of the Villa team would love to tailor-make special occasions such as Poolside BBQ parties, in-villa game nights, and  in-villa private dinners to truly create unforgettable #RCMemories# for our guests from arrival to departure.


For more information about Villas at The Ritz-Carlton, Haikou, please refer to www.ritzcarlton.com/haikou 

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