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发布日期:2018年02月13日  来源:旅游休闲



What the changes of China's high-end hotel market in 2017? How did your hotel face these changes?

Mr. FRANK Mueller : 有一点显著的变化是,越来越多的高端酒店进入市场,但同时有高消费能力且对高端酒店有需求的群体也在增加。中国消费者的消费能力和出游需求在不断上涨,他们会把国内的酒店和国外的酒店进行比较,他们现在更看重的是体验,而不是单纯的食物和床,因此,根据消费者的需求趋势来不断改革创新是非常关键的。

Well the major change I saw is that for one, there are more and high-end hotels are coming to the market, but as well the group of travelers which can and want to spend a premium price and a high level hotel went up. Chinese traveler continue to travel more and can afford more. They start comparing hotels in china and/or Chinese hotels to oversea hotels they visited. Chinese traveler are looking for an experience rather than food and bed now. Therefore it is important that you keep up with the trend and keep improving and innovating.


More and more international high-end hotels are entering Chinese market, making the competition fiercer. What’s your measure against it?

Mr. FRANK Mueller : 就如前面说到的,高端酒店数量增加的同时,有消费能力和需求的群体也在增加。因此酒店自身需要迎合趋势和期望。了解你的顾客群体非常重要,客源,省份,年龄段,出游的目的等。只有掌握这些信息,才能有的放矢地调整我们的经营,提供精准的服务。城市酒店通行的,可能在度假酒店就行不通,反之亦然。酒店需要保持与客人的顺畅沟通,不断收集反馈,如果这种方式走不通,就需要马上改变,而不是一条路走到黑。旅游行业在不断地演变改革,酒店也需如此。

As said earlier, more hotels are entering the market, but as well more travelers use high end hotels. Nevertheless you need to keep up with the trend and expectations. It is important to understand where your guest are coming from. Which Province, which age group, what’s their purpose of traveling. With knowing and understanding this it is vital that you adjust your operation and offers in order to serve exactly those guest. What is right in a city hotel, is not in a leisure resort and vice versa. You need to constant talk to guest and get their feedback. Do not get stuck in one approach. If it does not work- change. Tourism business is constant evolving, so do we.

T&L: 您认为过去一年酒店业在服务创新、管理创新、科技创新等方面有哪些值得关注的案例?

During the past year, what are the best practices of service innovation, management innovation, and tech innovation and so on in the hotel market?

Mr. FRANK Mueller : 未来属于电子商务,目前电子商务已经占据我们业务的较大部分,而且比例还在扩大。所以我们需要跟着趋势走,重新考虑我们广告的投放方式,营销方式,运用的系统等。现在大家都在用智能手机,酒店预订大部分是通过手机和App,而不是其他渠道,因此我们的时间和资金就应该投入到如何让预订和互动更加便捷和有吸引力。

Ecommerce is the future. It takes already a large part of our business and it will keep growing. Therefore it is important that you grow with it. The way we advertise, the way we sell and systems we use is important. Everyone has smart phone and already and today much more hotel bookings are done from phone and Apps than from any other sources. This is where you need to invest your time and money to make it more interesting and easier to book and interact.


The cooperation and conflict between hotel and OTA is a hot topic in 2017, what’s your opinion on this?

Mr. FRANK Mueller : 和OTA合作一直很重要,双方都在做生意,彼此需要。与OTA的合作以及关系的好坏取决于公司和个体,事实上我们始终还是需要OTA,即使酒店在不断提升他们官网,开发直接预订app, 但是也无法达到OTA的市场渗透率。

Working with OTAs is and will remain important. We are running a business and so do they, and we need each other. It is up to the company or individual property how you deal with them and how good or bad your relationship is. Fact is they are here to stay and we will need them. Even though hotel companies keep improving their web sites and direct booking Apps, you will still not be able to penetrate the market in a way most OTAs can.


What’s the most memorable event or accomplishment of your hotel in 2017?

Mr. FRANK Mueller : 我们的2017年,总体来讲,是很好的一年。我的工作重点仍然是提升服务质量和顾客满意度。每一个客人都是重要的,我们每一年都在不断进步和改变。让我具体挑一件事情出来,还真比较为难,但是除开服务和照顾好我们的客人外,之前我们邀请媒体和记者团前来考察酒店,是非常有意义的一件事情,不但展示了我们度假酒店,同时也通过这些媒体人把好的体验和感受传达和分享给更多的人。

2017 in general was a good year for us. My focus is just to keep improving service and guest satisfaction and with that the business. Every guest is important to us and we want to improve and grow from year to year. Picking a specific event is difficult for me, but besides taking care of any guest I do enjoy having Media and Journalists Fam Trip where we can showcase our resort, so they can go out and tell other about us.

T&L: 2018年贵酒店的工作重点是什么?您有什么特别的计划或想法吗?

What will be the focus of your hotel in 2018? Do you have any particular plans or ideas?

Mr. FRANK Mueller : 我希望能增加来自其他东南亚国家的生意,中国地大物博,我希望能有更多境外游客过来,尤其是到西双版纳。2018年是2017年的延续,我们需要抓住客人的趋势和期望,不断创新,让客人感受到惊喜。

2018 will just be a continuation of 2017. We need to go with the trend and expectations of our guest, keep improving and surprise our guest. I do hope to be able to increase the inbound business from other South East Asian countries. China has so much to offer and I really hope we will have foreign travelers coming to visit it, especially here Xishuangbanna.


Could you sum up in one sentence to introduce what’s the most worthy to be experienced in your hotel to our readers?

Mr. FRANK Mueller :置身热带花园里的别墅度假酒店,享受国际奢华酒店标准和服务--繁忙都市的完美逃离。

We are offering you the perfect get away from your busy city life in our villa type resort set within a tropical garden whilst giving you international luxury hotel standards and services.


What’s your travel plan in 2018? What’s your personal standard to choose a hotel?

Mr. FRANK Mueller :我喜欢东南亚,暂时没有具体的出行计划,但一定会去印尼。
I like south East Asia. I have no concrete travel plans yet but defiantly will visit Indonesia.

