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发布日期:2018年02月27日  来源:汉莎航空


德国汉莎航空推出全新营销活动#SayYesToTheWorld邀您一道向世界问好,虚拟探索激动人心的目的地。借助“Open Seats”增强现实技术装置,参与人员只需在优选经济舱入座,接入传感器和相机便开始进行捕捉。然后,在一个7平米的屏幕上,你会发现自己正在游览引人入胜的目的地——就像电视宣传片一样。

The new Lufthansa campaign #SayYesToTheWorld invites you to say "yes" to the world and discover exciting destinations virtually. The augmented reality installation of "Open Seats" makes this experience possible where participants will be seated on Premium Economy seats and captured by sensors and cameras. On a seven-square-meter screen, they will then find themselves – just like in the TV spot – as visitors at a spectacular destination.


In India, China or the USA, they can interact in real time with a mix of animated 3D elements, actors and real-world environment to playfully discover the destination. This experience is made possible by a sophisticated combination of skeleton tracking and depth detection, which interprets the participants' movements and triggers corresponding reactions in extended reality. 

在体验过程中,您可以在纽约欣赏自发性的即兴演奏,也可以向少林武僧学习功夫。营销传播负责人Benita Struve表示:“Open Seats不仅将#SayYesToTheWorld转化成一场互动式体验,还强调了汉莎对于营销技术的理解。不过这并非目的本身,只是我们用来传播热情和独特体验的媒介。”

The travel experiences range from a spontaneous jam session in New York to a kung fu lesson with Chinese Shaolin monks. Benita Struve, Head of Marketing Communications said, “Open Seats is not only the translation of #SayYesToTheWorld into an interactive experience but also underlines our claim to understand marketing technology. This is not as an end in itself, but as a vehicle for enthusiasm and unique experiences.”

从2月22日开始,人们就可以在法兰克福和慕尼黑机场附近的Main-Taunus-Zentrum踏上虚拟之旅,体验由汉莎代理公司Kolle Rebbe和混合现实专家3spin开发的装置。计划将来在纽约设立Open Seats环球之旅体验站点。

From 22 February, people can go on a virtual journey and experience the installation developed by Lufthansa lead agency Kolle Rebbe and mixed reality expert 3spin at Main-Taunus-Zentrum near Frankfurt and Munich Airport. A world tour of the Open Seats with a stop in New York is planned at a later stage.

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