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发布日期:2018年04月27日  来源:费城会议旅游促进局

2018年4月26日, 费城会议旅游促进局 (PHLCVB) 媒体沙龙北京站成功举办。

2018年4月26日, 费城会议旅游促进局 (PHLCVB) 媒体沙龙北京站成功举办。活动中旅游局代表介绍了费城经典旅游景点和路线,以及2018费城最新推广重点。 此次媒体沙龙旨在加深费城与中国媒体的旅游资源推介及交流,拉近费城与中国旅游市场的距离,进而促进更多中国游客至费城旅游。

On 26 of April 2018, the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau (PHLCVB) media salon was successfully held in Beijing. During the event, the representative of the PHLCVB introduced the classic tourist attractions, routes and 2018 What’s New in Philadelphia. This media salon aims to deepen the relations and exchange of tourism resources between Philadelphia and Chinese media. Besides, it helped the relationship build-up and maintain between PHLCVB and China's tourism market, so as to attract more Chinese tourists to travel to Philadelphia.

活动中,费城会议旅游促进局介绍了2018年接下来的各种亮点活动,包含即将于5月开幕的 ” 啤酒花园” 迎春夏系列活动,6月将举办的美国费城独立日庆典,以及即将在11月份隆重开幕的 ”时尚费城区”——此横跨3个街区的大型时尚区域,将与时尚零售商店、知名餐厅和各类的娱乐组织和项目合作,为下半年的费城带来耳目一新的旅游感受。 

During the salon, the representative of PHLCVB introduced the following highlights in 2018, including the “Philadelphia’s Beer Gardens” in May, the independent festival “Wawa Welcome America! Festival” in June; as well as the grand opening of "Fashion District Philadelphia" in November. This fashion destination will cross three large blocks and cooperate with fashion retail stores, famous restaurants, and various entertainment venues. They believe that this development will create a new tourist experience in Philadelphia in the second half of the year.

作为过去的美国首都,距离纽约只有1.5小时火车车程的费城,不但没有被其抢走既有的风采,反而还散发着耐人寻味的人文历史气习。据统计,不管是博爱公园内的著名的LOVE雕塑,亦或是有”网红墙”之称的费城壁画计划 (City of Philadelphia’s Mural Arts Program) 都是中国游客们最喜爱的”打卡”地点。而费城经典的起司牛肉三明治,更是国人到当地不可不尝的美食。费城丰富的文化和深厚的历史,使它拥有多个” 美国第一”: 第一家百货公司–华纳美可百货 (Wanamaker)、第一座造币厂 (United State Mint)、第一所的股票交易场,第一间蒸汽轮船场,第一间医学院、第一间艺术学校,以及历史最悠久的监狱——东州监狱 (Eastern State Penitentiary)等。

As the former capital of the United States, Philadelphia, with only 1.5 hours' train drive from New York, the city emanates an cultural and creative atmosphere. According to statistics, whether the famous LOVE statute, or the most popular mural arts program in the United State, Chinese tourists enjoy these attractive places and willing to share photos on the social media. Philadelphia's original Cheesesteak is a must-try local food to Chinese travellers. Philadelphia's rich culture and profound history made it have multiple "American first": the first department store – Wanamaker, the first United State Mint, the first stock exchange, the first steamship factory, a medical school, the first art school etcetera and the most historical prison – Eastern State Penitentiary.

近年来访问费城的中国游客逐年增加,一举成为全球第二大前来费城游览的来源国。根据2016年统计数字, 当地旅馆的住房数在过去一年内达到了一百万的创新纪录,相比过去10年,总共成长了296 %。同时,为了吸引中国市场,费城在每年的年度活动中都精心加入中国的元素,像是很受欢迎的 ”中国彩灯节” 和连续举办12年的 ” 费城独立龙舟赛” 都将在5月和6月接连登场。费城会议旅游促进局也宣布在未来的旅游规划上,将会更加重视中国市场。费城会议旅游促进局热情欢迎中国游客拜访这座值得放慢脚步;仔细品尝这历史韵味和艺术气习的魅力城市。在这城市的各个色彩缤纷的角落游客们都可找到自己喜爱的特色,想体验美国灵魂之旅由费城启航。

In recent years, the number of Chinese tourists visiting Philadelphia has increased year by year. It has become the 2nd largest number of Philadelphia tourists. According to 2016 data, the most recently available, the number of occupancy in local hotels has reached a record of one million in the past year. Moreover, this rate has increased by 296% over the past 10 years. Furthermore, in order to attract the Chinese tourist market, the Philadelphia has joined the Chinese elements in its annual activities, such as the popular “Chinese Lantern Festival” and the “Independence Dragon Boat Regatta”, which have been held for 12 years. These activities will be held in May and June.

