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《旅游休闲》杂志助阵儿童癌症慈善音乐会 Travel & Leisure magazine Supports Benefit Concert for Children’s Cancer
发布日期:2018年10月19日  来源:旅游休闲

An inspiring Benefit Concert exceptionally crafted by Ms. Duangchai Bersier and her team was held in Zurich, Switzerland, and Travel & Leisure magazine s

An inspiring Benefit Concert exceptionally crafted by Ms. Duangchai Bersier and her team was held in Zurich, Switzerland, and Travel & Leisure magazine supported it. Ultimately it is the underlying cause that brought everyone together. She has been living and working in Switzerland for over 26 years. Travel & Leisure magazine was founded in 2001, which has been the mainstream media of travel industry.

《旅游休闲》杂志携手Duangchai Bersier女士,在瑞士苏黎世举办儿童癌症慈善音乐会十分振奋人心。最终,大家由于心底最本真的原因汇聚一堂。Duangchai Bersier女士已在瑞士生活并工作超过了26年。 《旅游休闲》杂志创刊于2001年,已经成为旅游业界的主流媒体。

Supporting the children’s cancer aid is particularly important to Ms. Duangchai Bersier since someone from her closest environment was diagnosed with this disease.

Duangchai Bersier女士来说,支持儿童癌症援助尤为重要,因为曾经在她身边有儿童被诊断出患有这种病症。

We hope that this first benefit concert will help as many people as possible to be made aware of this disease. Everyone here tonight at this concert came to support this good cause and solidarity is the key for this benefit concert


Thanks a million to Poom Prommachart, high talented Pianist, Mrs. Teodora Ducariu,  Mr. Emre Can Ayadin for contributing a wonderful article for the Womenbiz-Magazin and as well as Mr.Xiong Yihan (Jason) 13 year olds who played some awesome songs for contributing the benefit concert from his rented studio and sending warm wishes from Beijing to the children’s cancer Switzerland on 8th of October 2018.

在此万分感谢才华横溢的钢琴家Poom Prommachart先生、Teodora Ducariu太太、Emre Can Ayadin先生,感谢他为Womenbiz-Magazin所做的优美篇章,还要感谢熊一涵 (Jason) 先生,13岁的他在所租的工作室,为慈善音乐会演奏了美妙的乐章,并于2018108日在北京向瑞士儿童癌症援助组织致以诚挚的问候。

Especially a Big Thanks go to H.E Mr. Chakri Srichawana, Royal Thai Ambassador Berne to Switzerland, Mr. Tuck Seng Low, Co-Chairman Sigapore Committee and Asian – Swiss Chamber of Commerece, Mrs. Daniela Dommen, Vice President Kinderkrebshilfe Schweiz, Dr. med Hani Oweira, Hirslanden Zug and Mrs. Engi van Waterschoot, former president Pink ribbon breast cancer Switzerland and also thank you very much to all sponsors : Doctor Apiruj Thongwattana, Doctor Ja Rattapol from TheKlinque , Mr Tim Moitzi Managing Director and team, Hotel Château Gütsch, Mr. Rainer Zulauf, CEO Tastenträume and Mrs Andrea Berger, Amorino Luzern

在此,要特别感谢Chakri Srichawana先生,泰国王室驻瑞士伯尔尼大使;Tuck Seng Low先生,新加坡委员会及亚洲--瑞士商会联合主席;Daniela Dommen太太,Kinderkrebshilfe瑞士副主席;医学博士Hani OweiraHirslanden Zug,以及Engi van Waterschoot太太,瑞士粉红丝带乳腺癌组织前任主席;另外还要万分感谢各位赞助商:Apiruj Thongwattana医生,来自KlinqueJa Rattapol医生,Tim Moitzi董事总经理及其团队,Château Gütsch酒店,Rainer Zulauf先生,首席执行官Tastenträume以及Andrea Berger太太和Amorino Luzern

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