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上海凯宾斯基大酒店举办圣诞点灯仪式 开启您的缤纷圣诞季
发布日期:2018年12月04日  来源:上海凯宾斯基大酒店

2018年11月29日晚,上海凯宾斯基大酒店成功举办了“点亮 ‘金’ 彩”的圣诞点灯仪式,在场百余位来宾共同见证和分享了这一温情时刻,开启了这个传递着欢乐的圣诞季。

相传16世纪,德国传教士马丁·路德把蜡烛放在树林中的枞树枝上,然后点燃,使它看起来像是引导人们到伯利恒的星光。德国品牌凯宾斯基在中国的旗舰酒店——上海凯宾斯基大酒店秉承这一传统于2018年11月29日晚,成功举办了“点亮 ‘金’ 彩”的圣诞点灯仪式,在场百余位来宾共同见证和分享了这一温情时刻,开启了这个传递着欢乐的圣诞季。

It’s that time of year again – a time for festivities, happiness, and giving. The much awaited Christmas tree lighting ceremony at the main lobby of Grand Kempinski Hotel was held on the 29 November to herald the start of the Christmas season.

本次点灯,酒店再次携手希悦尔(中国)将酒店内废弃的客用香皂,经过消毒与再加工制成新的环保皂,筹得的善款全部再投入到来年制“皂”希望的项目中。整个项目不仅用于为“我和你”助残服务社的残障人士创作更多的就业机会及更多的关怀,同时他们辛苦再制的环保皂最后将分发给贫穷社区的家庭或是困难群体,改善中国贫困山区小朋友的卫生条件,减少患病几率。此慈善项目对于上海凯宾斯基大酒店来说,回收客用肥皂是非常有意义的 - 环保 助残 扶贫 并且让酒店的全体员工都可以积极的投入和参与到社会公益中。

This year, we teamed up with the charity Soap for Hope once more to raise money for the distribution of soap to poor communities in rural China in order to improve sanitation and reduce the chances of serious infections, as well as create a livelihood for the local communities by making and recycling soap. It gives hotels such as our own a meaningful way to recycle and involve staff members in a project that makes a positive impact on society.


Guests to the ceremony arrived to the heavenly voices of the Wellington College International Shanghai choir and a festive spread of traditional European Christmas food and drinks, including Glühwein and yule cake. A cotton candy machine was also on-site whipping up sweet treats for the young ones, while the two life-sized gingerbread houses in the lobby filled the space with an enchanting festive atmosphere.


Our EAM Mr Gregor Raible welcomed the guests and personally lit the Christmas tree lights. Following the lighting of the tree, Santa Claus emerged to give out candies and take photos with the guests. For our annual prize draw, the lucky winners received prizes of vouchers for our sister hotels but even those who didn’t win a prize this year didn’t leave empty handed; goody bags were handed out to all guests in attendance, marking the end of yet another successful lighting ceremony.

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