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2019新冠肺炎的对尼泊尔的威胁 | 情况更新
发布日期:2020年02月28日  来源:旅游休闲

2019新冠肺炎的对尼泊尔的威胁 ,情况更新

Kathmandu | 26th February, 2020

加德满都| 2020年2月26日

This is to bring you all the updates on the status of Nepal regarding the threat of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19).



  • Ministry of Health Government of Nepal has confirmed the only"positive" case registered so far has been a Nepali national, who isnow fully recovered. He has been discharged from the hospital within the weekonce the last observations on the test results were done. (Source: Ministry ofHealth, Government of Nepal)
  • To date, besides the above-mentioned case no other Nepali or citizenof another country has been identified as being infected by the virus. (Source:Ministry of Health – Government of Nepal)

  • The 175 university students and Nepali nationals who were brought toNepal on 14th of February 2020, from Wuhan, China, were sent to the specialquarantine unit away from human settlements with all modern testing andmonitoring facilities. They will remain in quarantine for 2 weeks before theirdischarge. So far none of them have shown signs of the infection nor confirmedas being infected by the virus. (Source: Ministry of Health – Government ofNepal)
  • The security measures taken at the Airports, Borders, and Hospitals etc.are still active in the same manner and a special Task Force team is activelyoverseeing the measures taken, under the direct supervision of the ministry ofhealth. The Ministry is also furnishing a daily SITREP to the World HealthOrganization (Source: Health Ministry – Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, CAAN)
  • Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital (STIDH) –Kathmandu is now equipped with a special unit with all the required medical /staffing facilities and is ready to serve the public in any situation thatmight occur. Other hospitals under the instruction of the Ministry of Healthhave certain sections isolated and kept ready for any eventuality should thatarise. (Source: Ministry of Health – Government of Nepal)
  • Steps are already been taken to create awareness on the outbreakamong tourism industry and general. Accordingly, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Tourism and Nepal Tourism Board are working closely to combat the spread ofthe Coronavirus within all tourist hotspots of the country. The Government isvigilant to ensure that the safety of everyone.


As such, we are pleased to inform that weare doing our best to keep Nepal safe with whatever resources we have from theCOVID 19 threat. Should there be any changes on the ground we will keep youupdated.


As of now, no cancellations or alterationsare required for travel to Nepal.


Please visit the World Health Organization(WHO) link below for safety tips while travelling:


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