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发布日期:2024年02月20日  来源:北京瑞吉酒店

Taste of Spring


With the arrival of spring, the culinary team at Celestial Court Chinese Restaurant in The St. Regis Beijing showcases the seasonal flavors and regional inspirations, offering a sensory experience of spring to luminaries.


Each season brings a unique taste, after being nurtured by rains, the tender shoots of spring vegetables are now ready for consumption. In the spring season of Grain Rain, it is customary to eat Chinese toon sprout, is freshly prepared with crunchy walnuts, embracing the gifts of nature with gratitude.



呈现春天的鲜美,选取肉质鲜美的黄鱼,搭配入口柔嫩的"春鲜第一味"——春笋,鲜美的汤汁浸透各个食材,让美食爱好者们感受春日暖阳在舌尖渗透的悠然滋味。 早春的鲜虾肉质肥美,口味宜人,与江南水八仙之共烹,饱清爽本色,富水性真味。

To capture the essence of spring, the Celestial Court selects the delicious yellow croaker fish and pairs it with tender bamboo shoots, creating a delightful combination that embodies the mild flavors of the season. The rich broth infuses every ingredient, allowing food enthusiasts to savor the gentle warmth of spring on their taste buds. Fresh shrimp, abundant in early spring, is cooked alongside the wild rice shoots, creating a light and refreshing dish that celebrates the true essence of water cuisine.



With lush greenery and flourishing foliage, spring is a season filled with hope and happiness. The home-style sautéed fresh broad bean, reminiscent of a grandmother's cooking, embodies warmth and affection. The sweet fragrance of the beans blends harmoniously with the salty aroma of Xiangxi pickles, offering a multi-dimensional culinary experience. The traditional Beijing-style spring pancakes with assorted fillings awaken distant memories, providing a sense of fulfilment that fills the mouth. It is not only about taste, but also about emotions, and even nostalgia.


Seize the opportunity to embark on a culinary journey, indulging in the vibrant flavors of spring. The Celestial Court presents a carefully crafted spring menu, selecting the freshest seasonal ingredients and infusing them with the lively elements of spring. Let the taste of spring bloom among your taste buds and enjoy the magnificent springtime at its finest.

垂询或预订请致电天宝阁中餐厅 +86 10 64606688转 2460或关注北京瑞吉酒店官方微信:“北京瑞吉酒店SRBJ”,获取更多优雅资讯。

For more information or to make a booking please contact +86 10 64606688 ext. 2460.

* 图片由酒店提供

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