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Savour Canada 舌尖上的加拿大电商美酒美食节成功举办
发布日期:2017年11月24日  来源:旅游休闲

近日,Savour Canada 舌尖上的加拿大电商美酒美食节成功举办,加拿大农业及农业食品部部长劳伦斯·麦考利阁下莅临此次活动,并发表致辞。

近日,Savour Canada 舌尖上的加拿大电商美酒美食节成功举办,加拿大农业及农业食品部部长劳伦斯·麦考利阁下莅临此次活动,并发表致辞:加拿大农场主在洁净自然的环境下种植出并收获了具有最高品质的农业和海鲜产品。我们今天很高兴展示我们美味可口的海鲜、牛肉、猪肉、蓝莓、芥籽油、枫糖浆和葡萄酒。加拿大一直努力满足中国市场的需求。互利互惠的商机无穷,电子商务是推动商务发展的一个巨大因素。令人兴奋的是,中国的顾客们只需轻轻一点鼠标或者出动屏幕就可以下单购买加拿大的食品和葡萄酒。我们感谢中国对于加拿大食品品质、食品安全和口味的认可。我们很自豪,能与中国为促进两国繁荣以及推动两国中产阶级的壮大而共同努力。

Canadian farmers grow and produce the highest-quality agriculture and seafood products, in a clean, natural environment. We are pleased to showcase our delicious seafood, beef, pork, blueberries, canola, maple syrup, and wines.Canada is committed to serving the needs of the Chinese market. Our opportunities for mutual prosperity are endless, and E-commerce is a big part of that growth. It’s exciting to know that Chinese customers can order Canadian food and wine with just a click of a mouse or tap on a screen.We greatly appreciate that China recognizes the quality, safety and amazing taste of Canadian food, and we are proud to work in partnership with China to achieve prosperity and grow the middle class in both our countries.

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