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发布日期:2017年12月12日  来源:丽思卡尔顿酒店集团

大阪丽思卡尔顿酒店La Baie餐厅与京都丽思卡尔顿酒店日本天妇罗料理MIZUKI餐厅荣登《米其林指南东京大阪2018》星级餐厅榜单。

丽思卡尔顿酒店近日宣布,《米其林指南东京大阪2018》授予东京丽思卡尔顿酒店的法国餐厅Azure 45米其林一星,这也是该餐厅连续三年获此殊荣。此外,大阪丽思卡尔顿酒法餐厅La Baie和京都丽思卡尔顿酒店的日本天妇罗餐厅MIZUKI也首次荣登2018年度米其林星级榜单,获得米其林一星。《米其林指南》是全球最具代表性的高端美食风向标,每年在世界各个地区评选杰出餐厅,备受大众推崇。

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. today announced that the 2018 Tokyo-Osaka Michelin Guide, the regional edition of the most distinguished culinary reference in the world with its celebrated annual awards of excellence in international haute cuisine, has awarded Azure 45 at The Ritz-Carlton Tokyo a Michelin star for the third consecutive year, and newcomers to the list this year, La Baie at The Ritz-Carlton Osaka and Tempura Mizuki at The Ritz-Carlton Kyoto, one brand-new Michelin star each.

万豪国际集团亚太区(大中华区以外)奢华品牌副总裁Victor Clavell表示:“连续多次成为《米其林指南》的推荐餐厅,我们倍感荣幸。祝贺Azure 45餐厅主厨Shintaro Miyazaki、La Baie餐厅主厨Christophe Gibert、天妇罗MIZUKI餐厅主厨Kenji Fujimoto及他们所带领的卓越的烹饪团队。每一位团队成员兢兢业业、齐心协力为餐厅赢得了备受瞩目的米其林星级荣誉。同时,我也要感谢餐厅的每一位绅士淑女,是他们每一天的付出,成就了客人独一无二的餐饮体验。得到餐饮行业最重要指南的认可,实至名归。”

“We are extremely honoured that the Michelin Guide has once again recognized the outstanding work of our chefs,” said Victor Clevall, Vice President, Luxury, Asia Pacific Excluding Greater China. “I would like to congratulate Shintaro Miyazaki at Azure 45, Christophe Gibert at La Baie and Kenji Fujimoto at Tempura Mizuki along with their respective teams for their well-earned, highly coveted Michelin stars. Their talent, hard work and dedication has placed them at the pinnacle of their extremely demanding art. These awards are also made possible by the outstanding professional skills of all the Ladies and Gentlemen of The Ritz-Carlton who create the exceptional experiences for our guests each day. It is fitting that their achievements have now been recognised by this most important of gastronomic guides.”


Mr. Clavell also said, “The Ritz-Carlton name is synonymous with excellence in luxury and its signature fine dining across Asia, with a total of 9 stars in eight Michelin-starred restaurants at seven Ritz-Carlton hotels for 2018. Overall, 2018 promises to be an exceptional year for fine dining at The Ritz-Carlton hotels across the region, with three out of four Ritz-Carlton hotels in Japan alone now featuring Michelin-starred restaurants.”

东京丽思卡尔顿酒店的Shintaro Miyazaki主厨烹饪技艺精湛,早在2016年,他就曾巧妙结合创意手法与食材本味,为法国餐厅Azure 45赢得了米其林一星。这间餐厅更是连续第三年喜获米其林一星殊荣。Miyazaki主厨融合悠久的美食传统和丰富的烹饪经验,打造出新颖的现代美食,如搭配精致芥末酱的芝香半熟三文鱼,令人眼前一亮。

Chef Shintaro Miyazaki’s confident, creative touch and balanced flavours earned Azure 45, the signature French restaurant at The Ritz-Carlton Tokyo, its first Michelin star in 2016, and this is the third consecutive year that the restaurant has been awarded a star. Chef Miyazaki creates modern masterpieces against a background of tradition and experience, such as his salmon mi-cuit suffused with the ephemeral fragrance of white sesame seeds and accented by an exquisite wasabi sauce.

大阪丽思卡尔顿酒店法国餐厅La Baie以融入新意的经典法式菜肴为特色,今年也凭借卓越的品质摘得米其林一星。招牌菜“北海道毛蟹肉腌萝卜·香米奶油海参粥”,集中展现了Christophe Gibert主厨的深厚经验,将闻名于世的Escoffier与Bocuse餐厅悠久的历史传统与珍贵的日本食材相结合,呈现精妙的味蕾体验。餐厅提供的佐餐佳酿,同样是甄选上品,不容错过。

La Baie, at The Ritz-Carlton Osaka, has earned its Michelin star for its inspired takes on classic French cuisine. La Baie’s Kegani crab effilochée with marinated turnip, jasmine rice cream and sea urchin showcase Chef Christophe Gibert’s experience and assured touch in marrying the time-honoured traditions of Escoffier and Bocuse with rare and exquisite Japanese ingredients. Complementing the menu is an exceptional, award-winning wine list that is not to be missed.

京都丽思卡尔顿酒店的天妇罗餐厅MIZUKI今年首次摘得米其林一星。主厨Kenji Fujimoto于1997年在大阪丽思卡尔顿酒店的Hanagatami餐厅开始其职业生涯。2014年京都丽思卡尔顿酒店开业,Kenji Fujimoto被任命为日本天妇罗料理MIZUKI餐厅的主厨,为宾客提供品质上乘、难以忘怀的天妇罗美食。

This is the first Michelin star for Tempura Mizuki, helmed by Kenji Fujimoto, who began his career at Hanagatami, the signature Japanese restaurant at The Ritz-Carlton Osaka in 1997. When The Ritz-Carlton, Kyoto opened in 2014, he was appointed head chef at Tempura Mizuki, which specialises in tempura dishes of inimitable quality and delicacy.


Chef Fujimoto elevates traditional Japanese tempura to a high art form. Exquisite seasonal ingredients are quickly and expertly deep fried in perfectly hot, first-pressed benibanayu or safflower oil. The chefs at Tempura Mizuki cook in front of diners at the counter; the visual beauty, exquisite scents and outstanding flavours becoming a treat for all five senses. The must-try signature creations at Tempura Mizuki are its Omi beef filet with Japanese basil, and the feather-light egg yolk tempura.


In 2017, other restaurants at The Ritz-Carlton hotels across the Asia-Pacific region also received Michelin stars, including Tin Lung Heen, where diners savour spectacular views over traditional Cantonese dim sum on the 102nd floor of The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, which was awarded 2 Michelin stars. Tosca at The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong, Summer Pavilion at The Ritz-Carlton, Millennia Singapore, Lai Heen at The Ritz-Carlton, Macau and Jin Xuan at The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong were all honoured with 1 Michelin star each.

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