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发布日期:2018年01月18日  来源:旅游休闲


What changes do you think about China's high-end hotel market in 2017? How did your hotel respond to these changes?

Mr. Akmal Soliman:在过去一年中,政府开始将扩大基础设施这一项目作为发展愿景的重要组成部分。许多酒店企业都打算在中国进行投资,区域甚至全球的酒店行业不断在中国引进新品牌和新项目,而这就导致房间供给不断增加。在激烈竞争之下,要想脱颖而出就必须提供更优质的服务。我们的宾客在此寻求独一无二的至臻感受,而南昌万达文华及万达嘉华度假酒店也以“人为本,礼为先”的至臻待客之道为理念,以体贴卓越的服务成功为宾客带来一次次奢享体验。

In the past year, the government has been embarking an ambitious infrastructure development projects as part of its development vision. Hotel companies are interested in investing in China. This approach encouraged some of the largest companies in the regional and global hospitality industries to introduce new brands and more properties in China, leading to a growth in rooms supply.

We had to sharpen our offering to ensure that we stay ahead of the competition. We managed to offer our guests the luxurious experience accompanied with excellent service and welcoming staff. Guests seek unique, authentic experiences and at Wanda Vista & Realm Resort Nanchang, we offer our guests the real sense of genuine hospitality.


More and more high-end hotels are entering the Chinese market, leading more and more fierce competition. What measures will you take to deal with the fierce competition environment?

Mr. Akmal Soliman:目前高端酒店业正面临着巨大的挑战,也即如何在维持有竞争力价格的基础上为宾客提供优质的入住体验。当然,瞬息万变的市场是推动我们在不同市场细分上去开拓新市场的前进动力。今年我们除了继续开发休闲度假以及商旅市场之外,还将更加重视MICE市场。南昌万达文华酒店地理位置优越,且拥有南昌最大的宴会厅,一次性能容纳多达2300位客人;这也成为举办会议宴会及婚宴的绝佳之所。

Currently hotels are facing a tremendous challenge to offer luxurious accommodation at reduced prices. However, the ever-evolving market is pushing us to work on different market segments and to open new markets. We will keep on targeting both leisure and business travelers, and at the same time, will keep special emphasis on the MICE business. Wanda Vista Nanchang is the ideal location for business meetings and wedding events as it has the biggest ballroom in Nanchang, that can accommodate up to 2300 guests.


What noteworthy cases of service innovation, management innovation, scientific and technological innovation within hotel industry in the past year?

Mr. Akmal Soliman:通过投资新技术来不断提高宾客体验,使日常营运更为高效并增加收入这一现象是十分值得关注的。在愈加激烈的市场竞争之下,我认为收益管理及渠道优化问题将一直是最为需要的投资和创新领域。另外,使得信息管理更为高效的另一重点即是利用客户关系管理以及客户忠诚计划,这将更好的迎合个别客人的需求和喜好。

Investing in new IT technology to improve customers’ experience, to make the daily operational issues more efficient and to increase revenue. The market is becoming more and more competitive, so I believe that revenue management and channel optimization will always remain the most important area of investment and innovation. Enhancements to CRM and loyalty programs is another key point to be able to manage the information effectively, to be able to target the individual guests’ needs and preferences.


What do you think about the hot issue on the contradiction and cooperation between hotel and OTA in 2017?

Mr. Akmal Soliman:OTA(线上旅行社)作为线上营销平台,为酒店带来更多宾客,但是,线上旅行社的佣金成本不断增长将影响酒店收益。且由于激烈的市场竞争环境以及房价供给的不断增加,我们必须维持有竞争力的房价。因此,酒店收入随着线上旅行社佣金的增加,并未成正比例增长。在我看来,线上旅行社是一个绝佳的生意来源,然而与此同时,我们必须提高酒店自身网络平台预订以带来更多的生意流。

OTA provide a sales and marketing platform to send guests to hotels. Online travel agencies commission costs growing versus hotel revenue. Due to the fierce competition that we have in the market and the increase of rooms supply, we have to keep our rates competitive. So the hotel revenue is not growing at the same speed of the OTA commission costs. In my opinion, OTA is a great source of business however, and at the same time, we have to work on increasing our own website’s booking process to drive more traffic.


What’s the most memorable event or accomplishment of your hotel in 2017?

Mr. Akmal Soliman:2017年是我们第一年的全年营运,我们获得了驴妈妈颁发的百强度假酒店奖、美团点评颁发的优质互联网营销酒店等众多OTA颁发的奖项。


2017 was our first year of operation. We got the awards from many OTAs, such as Top 100 Resort Hotel from Lvmama.com, Great Online Marketing Hotel from Meituan.com etc.

In 2017, we managed to create memorable experiences for our guests. We managed to build a team of professional and loyal staff who were the reason for having satisfied guests who became loyal customers as well. I believe that investing in our employees is one of the most important assets that we have and one of the most important accomplishments in 2017.


What will be the focus of your hotel in 2018? Do you have any particular plans or ideas?

Mr. Akmal Soliman:我们将把提升酒店的入住率作为工作的重点,因此,我们将继续开发更多包含增值产品的套票和促销活动。例如,增加优惠的万达乐园、电影乐园及海洋乐园门票。这些套票产品不仅能带来更多预订,增加客人的消费;与此同时,因为我们为客人同时为他们提供了其所需的度假休闲活动以及奢华的入住体验,这也提升了他们的满意度。

Our focus is to increase the occupancy levels over 2017. So, we will continue creating packages and promotions with add-ons, such as discounted tickets to Wanda Theme park, movie park and Ocean Park. These packages encourage the bookings, increase guest spending and at the same time increase guest satisfaction. We offer our guests all the leisure activities they need and at the same time luxurious accommodation.


Could you sum up in one sentence to introduce what’s the most worthy to be experienced in your hotel to our readers?

Mr. Akmal Soliman:奢华的客房配备、独一无二风格各异的餐厅及酒吧、精致可口的美食将给我们的宾客带来视觉和味觉的双重盛宴,并提供家庭活动以及休闲娱乐的多重选择。更重要的是,令我们与众不同的是,我们还将为客人提供个性化的贴心服务,旨在为宾客带来一次次身心愉悦的入住体验。

Luxurious accommodation, unique food and beverage outlets; authentic restaurants and great quality of food that offer our guests a gastronomic experience, in addition to family activities and leisure facilities . However, what keeps us special is our unique approach to personalized service and our promise to offer our guests a delightful experience.

T&L: 2018年您个人有什么样的旅行计划?您个人选择酒店的标准是什么?

What’s your travel plan in 2018? What’s your personal standard to choose a hotel?

Mr. Akmal Soliman:2018年我个人打算去北京上海以及深圳旅行。酒店位置、房价以及景观是影响我选择酒店的三大因素。尽管我并不会花太多时间呆在酒店房间里,但对我来说,拥有绝佳的景致、舒适的床以及高清的电视还是十分重要的。

In 2018, I am planning to visit Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. When choosing a hotel, I care mostly about the hotel location, room rate and the view. Although normally I don’t spend too much time in my room, but still it is important to have a nice view, comfy bed and a nice TV screen.

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