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杭州JW万豪&杭州武林万怡双品牌酒店任命市场销售总监 林微女士
发布日期:2018年11月19日  来源:杭州JW万豪酒店



Recently, JW Marriott Hangzhou Hotel and Courtyard by Marriott Hangzhou Wulin, a complex hotel is pleased to announce the appointment of Ivy Lin as Director of Marketing. She will be managing the business of JW Marriott Hangzhou Hotel and Courtyard by Marriott Hangzhou Wulin.

林微女士自2006年加入酒店行业,至今拥有12年酒店销售经验。她于2009年加入万豪国际集团,之后便开启了长达8年万豪职业之旅。林微女士凭借其对销售的热情,敏锐的市场分析能力,先后在上海扬子江万丽酒店, 上海绿地万豪酒店、上海西藏大厦万怡酒店、上海龙之梦万丽酒店担任销售要位,并取得了骄人的佳绩。

Ivy Lin starts her career from 2006 which has 12 years working experience in hospitality industry. she joins Marriott Group since 2009 which serves for Marriott International for 8 years. Through her great passion in sales and acute marketing sense and logical mind set, She successively achieved impressive results in Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Riverside, Courtyard By Marriott Shanghai Xujiahui, Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel.


Ivy has excellent leadership skills and takes great pride in her team , She also developed and cultivated many sales elite for the company. In her free time, Ivy is a creative person who loves  life, art and gourmet. 


With her strong sales skills and excellent leadership, Ivy will bring a new vigor into JW Marriott Hotel Hangzhou and Courtyard by Marriott Wulin, this complex hotel.  And she will try her best to lead the team to achieve splendour success for hotel.

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