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发布日期:2018年05月29日  来源:上海新天地朗廷酒店


温布尔登网球锦标赛(简称“温网”)是一项历史悠久、极具声望的世界性网球公开赛事,由全英俱乐部和英国草地网球协会于1877年创办,是享誉全球的网球四大满贯之一。每年夏季都会在英国伦敦郊区美丽的温布尔登小镇举办。上海新天地朗廷酒店特别为您呈现朗廷「温布尔登」下午茶(人民币888*元, 适合两位享用), 其创作灵感来源于温网于夏季举行的草地冠军网球赛盛事。让您在品尝酒店经典下午茶甜点和咸味小食套餐的同时,彷如置身于绿茵球场上, 亲自观赏激动人心的比赛过程。

This summer, The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, presents Afternoon Tea at “The Wimbledon”, which is specially crafted by our pastry chef in the likes of “The Wimbledon”, the tennis tournament with the longest history since 1877.   In June and July, you may enjoy sweets and savouries on the “Wimbledon court”, the world famous lawn.


The Langham, London is famed as the place where the tradition of afternoon tea was originated 153 years ago.  The legend still lives on today at Cachet Lobby Lounge of The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, as patrons can enjoy the classic afternoon tea with live piano music from 2pm to 5pm daily.

朗廷「温布尔登」下午茶包含六款匠心独运的西式咸味小食, 其中有油封鸭腿搭配芒果及奶油慕斯; 鹅肝搭配红酒冻,开心果,海盐及松饼; 虾肉冻搭配芒果,酸奶油,鲟鱼籽及莳萝; 秘制龙井三文鱼搭配龙井啫哩及龙井茶叶; 秘制黄瓜三明治;  小青龙搭配泰式甜辣酱,西芹及苹果丝。

Afternoon tea at “the Wimbledon” features an intriguing combination of six  mouthwatering savouries, namely Duck confit served with mango and cream mousse,  Foie gras served with wine jelly, pistachios, sea salt and scone, Prawn pate served with mango, sour cream, Sturgeon egg and dill, Homemade “Longjing” salmon served with jelly; Traditional cucumber sandwich;  and Baby lobster served with sweet chili sauce, celery and apple.

另外,丰富诱人的甜品系列也在等待您去细细品尝--香槟雪芭球;开心果马卡龙;焦糖香蕉巧克力塔搭配牛奶巧克力香提奶油;风味菠萝椰子奶油搭配芒果奶油芝士慕斯;草莓香草奶油慕斯搭配香草布列塔尼; 柔软杏仁蛋糕搭配马斯卡布尼芝士奶油。另外,「温布尔登」主题下午茶套餐还包含了自制的传统英式新鲜烤松饼配奶油,苦橙果酱和草莓果酱。

The innovative tea set also highlights an exquisite selection of tempting pastries, including Champagne sorbet lollipop, Pistachio macaroon, Caramel banana chocolate tart , milk chocolate Chantilly cream,  Sweet pineapple and coconut panna cotta , mango cream cheese mousse, Strawberry vanilla cream bavariose  served with vanilla Breton, Soft almond cake served with mascarpone cream.


Afternoon Tea at “the Wimbledon” is on offer at Cachet Lobby Lounge at RMB888* (for two persons) including coffee or tea.

查询更多详情,请致电(86 21) 2330 2420或发邮件tlshx.fnbinfo@langhamhotels.com 。

For more information, please contact tlshx.fnbinfo@langhamhotels.com or call (8621)23302420.


* All prices are subject to a 16.6% service charge.

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