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发布日期:2017年09月08日  来源:丽思卡尔顿酒店集团


近日,丽思卡尔顿酒店集团再次荣膺全球领先人力资源咨询公司怡安翰威特颁发的“2017年中国最佳雇主”(Aon Best Employer– China 2017)称号。这也是丽思卡尔顿酒店集团中国区继2014年来,连续四年蝉联此项殊荣。

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is proud to have been recognized once again as the "Aon Best Employer – China 2017" by Aon Hewitt, the leading global human resource consulting company. This marks the fourth consecutive year where The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company China has received the accolade since 2014.


Due to its professionalism and objectivity, Aon Hewitt is renowned as the most comprehensive and authoritative employer brand award in the Asia-Pacific region. It aims to recognize employers for attracting and managing talent while inspiring excellent performance through effective leadership. With the commencement of the Aon Best Employer – China 2017 survey, a total of 113 local and multi-national corporations covering 138 cities, 12 sectors and 436,000 employees have taken part in the survey. This survey is conducted based on four quantifiable indicators, including highly dedicated employees, attractive employer brand, leadership that is continuously evolving and high-performance culture.

万豪国际集团大中华区豪华品牌区域副总裁博瑞恩(RAINER BURKLE)表示:“丽思卡尔顿的绅士淑女们是我们品牌文化中不可或缺的组成部分。再次获得最佳雇主的殊荣,恰恰反映了我们对于员工始终如一的承诺。借此机会,我想对所有的绅士淑女表达最衷心的感谢。是他们对每一天对卓越的不懈追求,不断地实践着丽思卡尔顿的核心文化。他们是集团最富价值的资产。”

‎Rainier Burkle, Area Vice President, Greater China, Luxury Brands, Marriott International said: "The Ladies and Gentlemen of The Ritz-Carlton are an indispensable component of our brand culture. The fact that we are honored with the best employer award again precisely reflects our unwavering commitment to our employees. I would like to take this opportunity to express my most heartfelt gratitude to all the Ladies and Gentlemen. They incessantly practice The Ritz-Carlton's core culture through their relentless and tireless pursuit of excellence on a daily basis. They are the our most valuable assets."


The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company currently manages 12 hotels in 10 cities in Mainland China as well as in Hong Kong and Macau, including The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street, The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai, The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, The Ritz-Carlton Sanya, Yalong Bay, The Ritz-Carlton, Haikou, The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin, The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong and The Ritz-Carlton, Macau; Currently, The Ritz-Carlton, Jiuzhaigou, located in Sichuan Province, is under preparation, and its opening is scheduled for 2018.

如需了解丽思卡尔顿酒店集团及其旗下全球酒店及度假村名录,敬请登录官网 www.ritzcarlton.com

For more information on The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company and the directory of its hotels and resorts around the world, please visit www.ritzcarlton.com

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