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槟城今旅酒店 Hotel Jen 焕新揭幕 亮相联合国教科文组织遗产乔治城中心
发布日期:2017年11月07日  来源:今旅酒店

香格里拉酒店集团旗下酒店槟城今旅酒店 Hotel Jen经过历时十五个月、耗资1,400 万美元的改造装修后,于11月3日在联合国教科文组织世界遗产乔治城中心全新亮相。

香格里拉酒店集团旗下酒店槟城今旅酒店 Hotel Jen经过历时十五个月、耗资1,400 万美元的改造装修后,于11月3日在联合国教科文组织世界遗产乔治城中心全新亮相。酒店自三十多年前在槟城开幕以来,始终坚持对本地多元文化的传承。多彩的娘惹文化元素被巧妙地融入到了酒店的设计中,通过丰富有趣的细节,将当地特色淋漓精致地表达呈现。

Hotel Jen Penang, a 17-storey landmark in the heart of UNESCO World Heritage Site George Town, today unveiled its new look following a USD14 million renovation. The hotel’s prominence in the multicultural capital of Penang dates back over 30 years and in staying true to its roots, elements of the colourful Peranakan culture were whimsically mixed into the hotel’s design to sport playful details and create a sense of place.

这幢 17 层高的地标建筑分三个阶段完成改造,全新亮相的区域包括大堂、贵宾阁、全日餐厅Cafe Jen,原 443 间客房和套房,以及两个全新推出的房型——面积为32平方米的家庭间和及60平方米的公寓。

The three-phase transformation of the hotel, which took 15 months to complete, included the lobby, Club Lounge, Café Jen – the all-day dining restaurant, all 443 rooms and suites, as well as the introduction of two new room categories – the Family Room (32 square metres) and Apartment (60 square metres).


New rooms with contemporary features  

全新装修的客房和套房面积从28平方米到78平方米不等,宾客可以欣赏到历史古城乔治城的迷人风景。客房以特别定制的墙纸装饰,分别展现了槟城的三大传统特色——街头的三轮车、五彩的娘惹瓷砖和传统商铺里的百叶窗。房间采用浅色地板和暖色调装饰,配备有独立工作区、国际通用插座、USB 充电插座和步入式淋浴间及浴缸等设备,令入住体验更加轻松便捷。

Each new room and suite, ranging from 28 square metres to 78 square metres, offers a view of historical George Town while showcasing one of Penang’s three heritage features on customised wallpaper – the trishaw, colourful Peranakan tiles and traditional shop-house louvered shutters. Complemented with light wood floors and a colour palette of warm tones, guests can enjoy thoughtful touches such as a working area, universal sockets, USB charging outlets, and a walk-in shower or bath tub.


Additional perks include:

· 配备在家庭间、公寓和套房内的折叠沙发床

· A stylish pull-out sofa bed in the Family Room, Apartments and Suites

· 配备在公寓内的洗衣机和冰箱的现代化小厨房

· A modern kitchenette with a washing machine and refrigerator in each Apartment

· 配备在公寓、行政套房和特色套房内的雀巢咖啡机

· A Nespresso coffee machine in each Apartment, Executive Suite and Specialty Suite  

槟城今旅酒店 Hotel Jen 的贵宾阁酒廊为入住贵宾阁楼层客房的宾客提供专属服务。迈入酒廊,宾客即可通过多面观景窗将周边景色一览无余。酒廊内部装饰采用深色木纹底色,与黄色、绿色及蓝色进行色彩的碰撞。摆放在各处的壁龛式舒适餐位和酒吧风格的座椅,在位于16楼的贵宾阁打造出了多个空间,客人既可在这里稍作休憩,也可享用美味的早餐、晚间欢乐时光的小食及饮料。

With large picture windows throughout, the stylish Club Lounge of Hotel Jen Penang has encompassing views of the neighbourhood. Exclusive to guests staying in a Club Floor room, the interior is predominantly dressed with dark wood panels and pops of yellow, green and blue. Cosy alcoves and bar-style seating for relaxing or having breakfast or evening canapes and drinks make up the different sections of the 16th floor space. 


A fresh take on all-day dining 

经全新设计的今旅咖啡馆 (Cafe Jen) 为食客带来丰富地道的亚洲菜肴和国际美食,特别是深受意式风味影响的美味佳肴。室内装饰简约,木质餐桌和盆栽植物与浅灰色地板形成了鲜明对比。

Completely redesigned, Café Jen offers diners authentic Asian cuisines and international flavours, mainly inspired by Italian cuisine. Its decor is minimal with wooden tables and shelves of potted plants to stand out against the light grey flooring.

大堂酒廊设有一个外卖美食吧,提供由厨师团队创新改良的当地特色美食。装饰风格保留了槟城今旅酒店 Hotel Jen 的主调,木纹质感的材料运用贯穿于整个酒廊,以娘惹风格的特色装饰和绿松石瓷砖点缀。酒廊摆放有多个舒适的沙发,打造舒适自如的空间感,是聚会及会议的场地首选。

The Lobby Lounge houses a ready-to-go snack bar offering local specialties with a twist. Like the rest of Hotel Jen Penang, a wood theme runs throughout and transforms the area to a cosy space for gatherings and meetings. Its interior is a showcase of Peranakan style and comfort with decorative turquoise tiles and comfortable sofas.


Featuring a combination of contemporary furniture pieces and hanging rattan sofas in the Lobby, travellers are greeted by an arrival experience that reinforces the distinct elements of the Peranakan culture, while enjoying the modern conveniences of fast and free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel, as well as mobile charging stations to stay connected and ready to go.

槟城今旅酒店 Hotel Jen 总经理 Ody Odayappan 说道:“我们非常激动能向宾客和当地社区揭幕焕然一新的槟城今旅酒店 Hotel Jen。全新的槟城今旅酒店 Hotel Jen有着更加鲜明的个性,并将带给宾客现代化的居停体验,将全面展现今旅品牌‘告别沉闷’的品牌承诺。”

“We’re excited to introduce the new and chic Hotel Jen Penang to our guests and the local community,” said Hotel Jen Penang’s General Manager, Ody Odayappan. “We were able to successfully enhance the hotel’s personality, modernise guest experiences and keep to our brand promise to #LeaveBoringBehind.”

槟城今旅酒店 Hotel Jen 位于头条路,距离槟城国际机场仅20分钟车程,步行即可到达主要公共交通枢纽、商场、美食中心以及遍布街头艺术和现代咖啡馆的窄巷。酒店设有免费班车服务,每日从酒店发车,前往站点涵盖Batu Ferringhi 海滩以及槟城岛和大陆的部分工业区。

Located on Magazine Road, Hotel Jen Penang is a 20-minute drive from the Penang International Airport and a short walk to the main public transport terminal, shopping malls, local hawker centres and narrow lanes dotted with quirky street art and modern cafes. A free daily scheduled shuttle service operates from the hotel to Batu Ferringhi Beach and selected industrial zones on Penang island and on the mainland. 


Hotel Jen Penang has a 24-hour well equipped Health Club with a sauna and steam room for post-workout relaxation. Also available are an outdoor swimming pool for children and adults, and massage treatments which can be conducted in the room. 

如需了解更多信息,请访问 www.hoteljen.com/penang

For more information, visit www.hoteljen.com/penang.



豪华客房焕新礼遇【 2018 年 1 月 31 日】 

每间客房每晚 280 林吉特起,含两人自助早餐

Exclusive Introductory Deluxe Room Offer [until January 31, 2018] 

From MYR280++ per room, per night with breakfast buffet for two persons

Café Jen开业特惠【至 2017 年 12 月 23 日】

国际自助午餐 每位成人 35 林吉特

主题自助晚餐 每位成人 50 林吉特

咨询或预订,请致电 +604 262 2622 或发送电子邮件至 hjp@hoteljen.com

Café Jen Opening Offers [until December 23, 2017]

International lunch buffet at MYR35 nett per adult

Themed dinner buffet at MYR50 nett per adult

To book or for enquiries, call +604 262 2622 or email hjp@hoteljen.com 

