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发布日期:2018年04月20日  来源:上海新天地朗廷酒店


这个夏天,约上您的挚亲好友,同来上海新天地朗廷酒店凯旋户外餐厅(Al Fresco) 或「新」吧 (XTD elevated),品尝多姿多彩的各类小吃及夏日特饮,尽享户外餐饮之乐。

Cachet Al Fresco and XTD elevated of The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, are the cool places to be for enjoying this summer.

在凯旋户外餐厅(酒店一层),您可以悠然地一边享受和熙的阳光、温柔的微风,一边欣赏新天地熙来往攘的游人。身处申城的生活时尚核心地带, 我们建议您放松心情,选点一杯Brander Urstoff德国啤酒,配搭我们行政总厨Tom精心为您呈现的进口生蚝、海鲜汉堡、高级和牛汉堡或瑞士巧克力魔术水果汉堡等,沉醉于夏夜的温柔。

At Cachet Al Fresco (level 1 of the hotel) in the heart of Shanghai – Xintiandi’s entertainment and lifestyle hub, you may enjoy the warmth of the sun, a light breeze brushing your cheeks while watching the world go by. It is the place to spend your leisure time with a glass of Brander Urstoff German beer.  Complement it with a selection of savoury sliders (highlights featuring seafood burger, The Langham Burger with premium Australian Wagyu and Swiss chocolate magic season fruit burger and more) to complete your day.

酒店五层的「新」吧氛围温馨私密,Tom带领他的厨师团队,隆重推出夏季特色Mezze环球小吃美味系列;每个周六这里的烧烤菜单, 还供应优质进口牛肉,沙拉,面包和其他烧烤美味。

You may also enjoy delightful dining at our XTD elevated terrace restaurant (level 5 of the hotel).

Mezze新菜单甄选上乘食材,新鲜呈献来自中东、欧洲、东南以及美国的国际小吃, 其中亮点有自制印度皮塔饼,鹰嘴豆饼,咖喱角;德式香肠配芝士色拉,传统意式薄脆面包,地中海风味牛肉及羊肉丸,特色鸭肝配青苹果,香煎脆皮芝士,菲律宾式炸豆腐配风味猪肉,自制榴莲春卷,以及美式经典玉米脆片和小吃等。让您和三五知己,无须踏出国门,就可尝遍国际特色美食。

Mezze selections from around the world are available in this summer time – from Middle-eastern Falafel to Mediterranean Beef, Lamb meatballs or South-east Asian Tokwababoy and lots more. On Saturdays, a barbeque menu with highlights of imported beef, salads, breads and other grilled food items is also on offer.

饮料方面,「新」吧提供以富含鲜果元素的“海滩”为主题的缤纷鸡尾酒和冰冻西班牙桑格利亚汽酒 (Sangria)。

“Beach-style” cocktails with elements of fresh fruits and an icy jar of Sangria will complement the above offerings.

上海新天地朗廷酒店「新」吧 (XTD elevated)露台餐厅可容纳80位宾客,而吧台区域最多可容纳20人。凯旋户外餐厅全天营业,「新」吧餐厅营业时间为周一至周日每晚5点至凌晨1点。如需包场进行私人派对, 我们更会为您量身定制适合您的菜单和场地布置。

XTD elevated at The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, features an outdoor dining space with a capacity of 80 diners.  20 guests can also be seated at the bar area. The restaurant is open daily 5 pm to 1am.  Cachet Al Fresco is open all day.

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