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万豪国际集团任命高炜东先生为万豪杭州区副总裁 及杭州JW万豪 & 杭州武林万怡酒店总经理
发布日期:2018年06月27日  来源:杭州JW万豪酒店

万豪国际任命高炜东(Alfred Gao)先生为万豪杭州区副总裁,并同时兼任杭州JW万豪及杭州武林万怡酒店总经理。

近日,万豪国际任命高炜东(Alfred Gao)先生为万豪杭州区副总裁,并同时兼任杭州JW万豪及杭州武林万怡酒店总经理。高炜东先生除负责杭州JW万豪及武林万怡酒店的管理及日常运营外,将同时监管杭州区的9家万豪旗下酒店及4家筹备开业酒店。

Recently, Marriott International is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Alfred Gao as Multi-Property Vice President, Hangzhou. In his new role, Alfred will be managing the operations of JW Marriott Hangzhou and Courtyard by Marriott Hangzhou Wulin as General Manager of these 2 hotels, in addition to overseeing 9 operating hotels and 4 pre-opening properties in the Hangzhou area. 

高炜东先生自1990年加入酒店行业,至今拥有长达28年的酒店从业经验,且效力于万豪集团达17年之久。高炜东先生以其深厚的专业知识、扎实的酒店营运背景,丰富的酒店管理经验先后在昆山万怡酒店,上海浦西万怡酒店,浙江安吉JW万豪酒店担任总经理并取得了骄人成绩。高炜东先生曾多次获得万豪国际钻石总经理奖及年度最佳总经理奖,并在2015 & 2016年分别荣获了万豪亚太区最佳领导力奖及服务精神奖,被酒店行业奖项评为“十大杰出总经理”及“酒店业杰出总经理。

Alfred Gao start his career from 1990 which has 28 years working experience in hospitality industry and he has been serving Marriott International for 17 years. Through his professional hotel knowledge, strong hotel operation background and rich hotel management experience, He successively achieved marvelous and impressive results in Courtyard by Marriott Kunshan, Courtyard by Marriott Shanghai Puxi and JW Marriott Zhejiang Anji. Alfred was awarded several times by Marriott International as Diamond General Manager, General Manager of the year, He also gets Marriott Asia Pacific Leadership Excellence Award and Spirit to Serve Award in 2015 & 2016 respectively. He was named as “Top 10 outstanding GM” and “Outstanding GM in hospitality industry”.


Alfred Gao was appointed as the Chairman of East China Business Council in 2017, which he leads more than 90 Marriott hotels in East China to preserve and drive Marriott’s Culture, enhance Marriott’s reputation through community and charity engagement and raise company’s profile in individual markets; collaborate to pool resources that enhance market performance. Due to his excellent management skill and performance, he was promoted as the Multi-property Vice President, Hangzhou, also General Manager of JW Marriott Hangzhou & Courtyard by Marriott Hangzhou Wulin in May.2018.

高炜东先生将凭借其丰富的酒店运营管理经验,优秀的领导才能及敏锐的商业思维和创新思维,继续传递万豪精神。为杭州区万豪旗下酒店注入全新的活力, 并由此带领酒店管理团队和全体员工共同开启杭州区万豪酒店新篇章。

With his strong operations management skills, excellent leadership and innovation mindset, Alfred will bring a new vigor and vitality into the hotels in Hangzhou area and leading the team to a new chapter.  

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