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发布日期:2018年11月01日  来源:丹麦驻华大使馆

丹麦发展合作大臣乌拉·特尔奈斯女士将作为丹麦首相拉尔斯·勒克·拉斯穆森先生的特别代表,于 11 月 3 日至 6 日期间赴上海代表丹麦出席首届中国国际进口博览会官方开幕式。

丹麦企业代表团将参加于 11 月 5 日至 10 日期间举行的中国国际进口博览会。丹麦发展合作大臣乌拉·特尔奈斯女士担任代表团团长,强调丹麦在可持续发展和食品安全领域的国际领先地位。

A delegation of Danish companies will visit China for the upcoming China International Import Exposition from the 5th to the 10th of November. The delegation will be led by Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, Ms. Ulla Tørnæs, and highlights Denmark’s status as a leading nation within the areas of sustainability and food safety:


“The Danish presence at CIIE testifies to the strong commitment of many Danish companies in China and the importance of the Chinese market for Danish exports and the internationalization of Danish companies,” says the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation.


The theme for Denmark’s National Pavilion and the delegated companies is ‘Sustainability’ - a theme that sums up areas where Danish Companies have a stronghold.


“Denmark has taken the lead when it comes to solutions and technologies that can ensure a sustainable future, and Danish enterprises have tangible and innovative solutions to the challenges that Chinese society is facing,” says Danish Minister, Ulla Tørnæs.


As such, Danish companies that will represent Denmark at CIIE are forerunners in the areas of green energy, environment and food as well as offer world-class solutions that are in high demand in China, including: efficient green technologies, high quality food products, innovative ideas and liveable cities.


Safe and sustainable Danish food and agriculture


Denmark also has a stronghold within the areas of food safety and sustainable agriculture. For the upcoming CIIE, the Danish Food Exhibition ‘Food Nation’ will showcase the expertise of Danish companies in the area of high quality food.


“In Denmark, we have high confidence in our food products because our companies are committed to delivering safe, high-quality products to our own and foreign consumers. Denmark also has an effective control system, which is established in close cooperation between the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and the Danish food industry,” says Ulla Tørnæs.


Danish Minister for Development Cooperation to sign MOU on poverty alleviation and the Sustainable Development Goals

在上海之行前,乌拉·特尔奈斯大臣还将于 11 月 1 日至 3 日访问北京,会见中方相关官员。

Ahead of her trip to Shanghai, Minister Ulla Tørnæs will travel to Beijing from the 1st to the 3rd of November to meet her Chinese counterparts.

大臣还将和中国国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室续签 2014 年签署的丹中减贫合作谅解备忘录,强调到 2030 年实现联合国可持续发展目标的这一共同目的。

The minister and her colleague from State Council Leading Group Office on Poverty Alleviation and Development will renew the memorandum of understanding on poverty alleviation from 2014, highlighting shared objectives in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.


The minister and her counterparts expect to address a number of development priorities of key importance to reaching the SDGs, including youth, gender equality and the strong prospects for development cooperation and sustainable green growth in Africa.

特尔奈斯大臣说:“联合国可持续发展目标反映了新的全球挑战和机遇。为了在全世界实现这些目标,合作势在必行。这就是为什么我期待着与中国同行一起讨论共同努力的方向,交流在实现 2030 年目标过程中所获得的经验教训。”

Minister Tørnæs says: “The SDGs reflect new global challenges and opportunities. To achieve the global goals, partnerships are imperative. That is why I look forward to discussing joint efforts and exchanging lessons learned on working towards the realization of the 2030 agenda with my Chinese counterparts.”


Further background on Danish-Chinese relations

丹麦和中国在 2018 年庆祝两国建立全面战略伙伴关系十周年。丹麦是欧洲为数不多、同时也是北欧地区唯一一个与中国建立全面战略伙伴关系的国家。

In 2018, Denmark and China celebrate the 10th anniversary of Strategic Comprehensive Partnership. Denmark is among the very few European and the only Nordic country that has a comprehensive partnership with China.


The first ten years of partnership has resulted in a large number of projects and collaborations between government organisations and Chinese and Danish business within the areas of energy and environment, health and food.

丹麦和中国将在 2020 年庆祝两国正式建交 70 周年。

In 2020, Denmark and China will celebrate 70 years anniversary of establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties.

