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上海世博洲际酒店奇趣复活节 探寻童梦之旅
发布日期:2021年03月29日  来源:上海世博洲际酒店


春暖花开,万物复苏,生机勃勃,复活节近在眼前。上海世博洲际酒店咖啡厅1188为您和孩子们准备了一系列复活节童趣活动,萌化你的眼睛, 萌翻你的餐桌,与你分享这初春重生的喜悦,送给你和孩子一个探寻童梦之旅的复活节。


2021年4月4日 12:00 – 15:00



· 创意画彩蛋
· 别墅花园寻蛋活动
· 亲子游乐角+童趣小丑

复活节奇趣自助早午餐,成人每位288元,家庭套餐价588元/套(包含2位成人及1位12岁以下儿童),详情咨询或预订,请致电:021 – 3858 1208。


Get ready for an egg-citing Easter at InterContinental Shanghai Expo, which will be holding a festival featuring plenty of delicious eats, games and other entertaining activities for guests of all ages. Bring your friends or loved ones along to the hotel on April 4, for a fun-filled holiday escape perfect for the whole family.  

Over at Café 1188 on the first floor, they’ll be serving up an extensive array of Easter-themed seafood and BBQ delights at the buffet counters. Fill up on a mouth-watering selection of Asian specialties, fresh seafood and Indian Specials. 

For the perfect finale, savor the delectable sweets over at the Dessert Corner. The chefs has meticulously concocted a range of festive desserts for the whole family to enjoy, including bunny and carrot-shaped chocolates and cakes.

There are also plenty of other activities planned to keep the little ones entertained throughout the brunch, including a colorful egg painting, egg hunting in the garden, Clown balloon show and kids game corner. 

Walk into a world of Yellow and Green and make this the perfect family weekend escape.

Easter Brunch 
Date: 4 April, 2021
Time: 12:00 am – 3:00pm
Price: Adult RMB288, Family Package RMB 588, (including 2 adults and 1 kid below 12 years old)

For more information and reservations, please contact us via 3858 1208.

1188 Xuye Road, Shanghai
InterContinental Shanghai Expo

* 图片由酒店提供

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