
美国 阿灵顿 南奥玛街 900 号 (1)(703) 521-1900 官方网站
City view, non-smoking: King Bed

252 sq ft / 23 m² Evening hors d'oeuvres served Sunday - Thursday Continental breakfast served Monday - Friday in Club Lounge Available in all rooms in the hotel: Luxury pillow-top bed High speed internet access for an additional charge

Club floor, non-smoking: 2 Double Beds

252 sq ft / 23 m² Evening hors d'oeuvres served Sunday - Thursday Continental breakfast served Monday - Friday in Club Lounge Available in all rooms in the hotel: Luxury pillow-top bed High speed internet access for an additional charge

Club floor, non-smoking: King Bed

252 sq ft / 23 m² Evening hors d'oeuvres served Sunday - Thursday Continental breakfast served Monday - Friday in Club Lounge Available in all rooms in the hotel: Luxury pillow-top bed High speed internet access for an additional charge

City view, non-smoking: 2 Double Beds

252 sq ft / 23 m² Armchair and ottoman Available in all rooms in the hotel: Luxury pillow-top bed High speed internet access for an additional charge

City view, non-smoking: King Bed

252 sq ft / 23 m² Ergonomic chair & large desk Available in all rooms in the hotel: Luxury pillow-top bed High speed internet access for an additional charge

Pavillion building: 2 Double Beds

234 sq ft / 22 m² Non-smoking Ergonomic chair & large desk Available in all rooms in the hotel: Luxury pillow-top bed High speed internet access for an additional charge

Pavillion building: King Bed

234 sq ft / 22 m² Non-smoking Loveseat Available in all rooms in the hotel: Luxury pillow-top bed High speed internet access for an additional charge

Pavillion building: Double Bed

198 sq ft / 18 m² Non-smoking Armchair and ottoman Available in all rooms in the hotel: Luxury pillow-top bed High speed internet access for an additional charge

Accessible, non-smoking: King Bed

210 sq ft / 20 m² Armchair and ottoman Loveseat Available in all rooms in the hotel: Luxury pillow-top bed High speed internet access for an additional charge

Traditional, non-smoking: King Bed

252 sq ft / 23 m² Ergonomic chair & large desk Loveseat Available in all rooms in the hotel: Luxury pillow-top bed High speed internet access for an additional charge





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