
中国 深圳 大中华国际交易广场, 福田区福华路 (86)(755) 8383 8888 官方网站
Sheraton suite: King Bed

Sheraton Ste Smoking (88 SQM) with a contemporary living roo m and kitchen, Sheraton Club benefits and free wi-fi internet. 947 sq ft / 88 m² Spacious separate living room Dining room with kitchen Sheraton club benefits Free Wi-Fi internet

Sheraton suite: King Bed

Sheraton Ste Non-smoking (88 SQM) with a contemporary living room and kitchen, Sheraton Club benefits and free wi-fi internet. 947 sq ft / 88 m² Spacious separate living room Dining room with kitchen Sheraton club benefits Free Wi-Fi internet

Sweet Sleeper Bed: King Bed

Studio Suite Non-Smoking (75 SQM) with modern design and spa cious sitting area. 807 sq ft / 75 m² Studio suite, non-smoking One-bedroom studio, non-smoking Garden/city/pool view Luxurious marble bathroom

Club studio suite, non-smoking: King Bed

Club Studio Suite Non Smoking (75 SQM) with modern design an d spacious sitting area, Sheraton Club benefits and free wi-fi internet. 807 sq ft / 75 m² Sheraton club benefits Free Wi-Fi internet Evening cocktails Complimentary pressing of two pieces of clothing

Executive suite: King Bed

Exec Suite Smoking (85 SQM) with modern design and a separat e living room, Sheraton Club benefits and free wi-fi internet. 915 sq ft / 85 m² Spacious separate living room Sheraton club benefits Free Wi-Fi internet Evening cocktails

Executive suite, non-smoking: King Bed

Exec Suite Non-Smoking (85 SQM) with modern design and a sep arate living room, Sheraton Club benefits and free wi-fi internet. 915 sq ft / 85 m² Spacious separate living room Sheraton club benefits Free Wi-Fi internet Evening cocktails

Club grand deluxe, non-smoking: King Bed

Club Grand Deluxe Non Smoking(55 SQM) with a spacious bathro om or walk-in closet, Sheraton Club benefits and free wi-fi internet. 592 sq ft / 55 m² Sheraton club benefits Free Wi-Fi internet Evening cocktails Complimentary pressing of two pieces of clothing

Club deluxe, non-smoking room: 2 Double Beds

Club Deluxe Twin Non Smoking(42-45 SQM) Sheraton Club benefi ts and free wi-fi internet. 452-484 sq ft / 42-45 m² Sheraton club benefits Free Wi-Fi internet Evening cocktails Complimentary pressing of two pieces of clothing

Club deluxe, non-smoking room: King Bed

Club Deluxe King Non Smoking(45-48 SQM) Sheraton Club benefi ts and free wi-fi internet. 484-517 sq ft / 45-48 m² Sheraton club benefits Free Wi-Fi internet Evening cocktails Complimentary pressing of two pieces of clothing

Club superior, non-smoking: 2 Double Beds

Club Sup Twin Non Smoking (42-45 SQM) Sheraton Club benefits and free wi-fi internet. 452-484 sq ft / 42-45 m² Sheraton club benefits Free Wi-Fi internet Evening cocktails Complimentary pressing of two pieces of clothing

Club superior, non-smoking: King Bed

Club Sup King Non Smoking (42-45 SQM) Sheraton Club benefits and free wi-fi internet. 452-484 sq ft / 42-45 m² Sheraton club benefits Free Wi-Fi internet Evening cocktails Complimentary pressing of two pieces of clothing

Grand deluxe room: King Bed

Grand Deluxe King Smoking (55 SQM) with a spacious bathroom or walk-in closet. 592 sq ft / 55 m² 55 square meters with modern work desk Garden/city/pool view Spacious walk-in closet Luxurious marble bathroom

Grand deluxe room, non-smoking: King Bed

Grand Deluxe King Non-smoking (55 SQM) with a spacious bathr oom or walk-in closet. 592 sq ft / 55 m² 55 square meters with modern work desk Garden/city/pool view Spacious walk-in closet Luxurious marble bathroom

Deluxe room, smoking: 2 Double Beds

Deluxe Twin Smoking (45-48 SQM) designed in earth tones and equipped with a working desk. 484-517 sq ft / 45-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 45-48 sq meters with modern work desk Garden/city/pool view High speed internet for an additional charge

Deluxe room, smoking: King Bed

Deluxe King Smoking (45-48 SQM) designed in earth tones and equipped with a working desk. 484-517 sq ft / 45-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 45-48 sq meters with modern work desk Garden/city/pool view High speed internet for an additional charge

Deluxe, non-smoking: 2 Double Beds

Deluxe Twin Non-Smoking (45-48 SQM) designed in earth tones and equipped with a working desk. 484-517 sq ft / 45-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 45-48 sq meters with modern work desk Garden/city/pool view High speed internet for an additional charge

Deluxe, non-smoking: King Bed

Deluxe King Non-Smoking (45-48 SQM) designed in earth tones and equipped with a working desk. 484-517 sq ft / 45-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 45-48 sq meters with modern work desk Garden/city/pool view High speed internet for an additional charge

Superior room: King Bed

Superior King Smoking (42-45 SQM) designed in earth tones an d equipped with a working desk. 452-484 sq ft / 42-45 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 42-45 square meters with modern work desk Garden/city/pool view High speed internet for an additional charge

Superior, non-smoking: 2 Double Beds

Superior Twin Non-Smoking (42-45 SQM) designed in earth tone s and equipped with a working desk 452-484 sq ft / 42-45 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 42-45 square meters with modern work desk Garden/city/pool view High speed internet for an additional charge

Superior, non-smoking: King Bed

Superior King Non-Smoking (42-45 SQM) designed in earth tone s and equipped with a working desk. 452-484 sq ft / 42-45 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 42-45 square meters with modern work desk Garden/city/pool view High speed internet for an additional charge


在这个现代风格的宽敞房间,城市美景尽收眼底。房间提供高速无线网络和一张舒适的大床。您可在宽敞的办公桌上工作,或打开42英寸的LED电视观看国际电视节目。此房间最多可容纳2名客人,拥有超大落地窗、配有沙发的独立休息区,和大理石浴室。可享用行政酒廊免费的早餐和茶点。行政全景大床房 立即预订


70多平米的全景套房,您可在大气明朗的起居室享受客房内餐点或与朋友一起喝茶聊天。全景套房 立即预订


豪华套房将奢华与优雅完美融合100平米宽敞舒适的空间,品味独到的卧室,温馨的客厅,全方位功能齐全的吧台,书房与可供招待贵宾的就餐区。步入式衣物间,以及设有双洗漱池、古典式猫脚浴缸及淋浴室的大理石装裱浴室。另外,嵌入式电视及豪华便利设施为您增添入住舒适感。浴室四面环绕气派之极,为方便客人另独立配有一组双洗漱池和淋浴,配有漩涡浴池,宽敞舒适。除了空间舒适,装修奢华之外,豪华套房全视角景观还可以让您尽情欣赏如画般的美景及壮观的上海天际线景观。完善的套房休闲设施使整套奢华的套房更显其高贵的格调。豪华套房 立即预订


上海希尔顿酒店全新总统套房由著名美国建筑和设计师Jackson Yen-Chun Huang倾情设计完成。设计师倾注了无数的创意和想象力,设计风格间于风尚和优雅之间,但或许风尚和优雅并不能完全涵盖所有的空间创想。当您步入上海希尔顿酒店总统套房,想象力仿佛插上了生命的羽翼,向宾客诠释着截然不同的尊贵生活方式。装饰一新的总统套房共192平方米,充盈着欢欣而愉悦的气氛。豪华内饰彰显经典法式设计的复古、奢华与内敛,并结合不同国家地区的多元化元素,同时兼具现代感观与时尚气息,所以经典永恒。无论是丝绸壁布,柔软而厚质的地毯,手工编织的纯羊毛块毯,奇思妙想的家居饰品,精雕细琢的手工模型,进口贝壳马赛克瓷砖,水晶吊灯,到每一件艺术藏品和东方手工艺作品,还是无处不在的高科技产品及先进设施——每一处都透露着精美执著和匠心独具的巧思。此为上海希尔顿酒店的又一大师级手笔。 东西方文化的碰撞 时尚与经典的融合 步入玄关,仿佛是回到了自己家中, 充满了浓厚的家庭氛围。特别在白天,阳光洒满了房间的每一个角落,豪华全景窗将上海错落有致的高楼和迷人城市景观一览无余。远处的高架路几乎与地平线相接,浸染在红砖屋顶中的前上海法租界公寓群落诉说着那个年代委婉动人的爱情故事。两个连通的会客区域拥有宽敞的空间,足以容纳一个小型私人聚会。华丽气垫沙发,高档木质座椅和进口面料装饰,每一件家具都堪称工艺品。细细品味,不经意地发现桌上的天然红珊瑚,书架上的古董相机,Tiffany吊灯和时钟,展露着低调而娴静的姿态。不得不赞叹的是窗边的古董留声机,手执香茗时,指针摩擦黑色胶片带出的音律,似乎思绪又回到了老上海时分。用餐区大理石台酒吧的背景墙是由无数羽毛组合而成的壁纸,形式更为独特。来自台湾山区的稀有雉鸡羽毛形状匀称、色泽圆润饱满。由高山族收集后,整齐得拼接成花朵图案,并覆盖上一层玻璃壁板,羽毛的形状依然清晰可见。此羽毛壁纸在阿联酋迪拜的皇宫里可以找到之外,上海希尔顿酒店总统套房中所展示的是另一个绝无仅有的版本。在通向书房的墙边,倚靠着中国近代闻名遐迩的“鸦片床”。感谢时间赋予的这份特殊的文化遗产。书房中的家具庄严而精巧,配有一个宽敞的办公桌和Herman Miller行政座椅。深色木质书架覆盖了整个墙面,凸显出主人的尊贵气质。从窗边的望远镜极目远眺,却发现城中精彩皆近在咫尺。 尊享城市至高点 总统套房中的主卧和客卧都备有豪华舒适的床榻,休息区域和42英寸的液晶电视。优质的被褥及床品,定制地毯上银丝镶嵌的立体压花设计,无不诠释着主人含蓄优雅的品位。不同基调的白色和自然感官的色彩组合,使整个房间充满了轻松的气氛。经过梳妆台,便来到了毗邻主卧室的盥洗室,其间有特别定制的热带雨林淋浴间和一个外裹双层防水雕花牛皮外包的复古式浴缸。双人组合式盥洗盆各配有一个Mester水晶品牌龙头。 独具匠心的衣柜设计总统套房拥有最为上乘的酒店衣柜套组,整个区域占地16 平方米。既不过分严肃,也决不会因为美观需要而降低其实用性。我们考虑到,酒店衣柜的设置因为空间限制,往往缺乏足够的肘部伸展空间。但是希尔顿总统套房的更衣区域却十分宽敞,不失体贴入微的人性化设计。为了营造整体效果,扩展空间感,更衣区域的一面墙上安装了旋转暗门,而它看上去仅只是墙板的一部分而已。壁橱以透明隔断安装分区,增强了其容积率和功能性,足以满足长住贵客的需求。区别于普通的步入式更衣室,希尔顿总统套房更衣区域的独特之处在于透明亚克力和镜面材质的运用,与圆形波普镜面图案镶嵌设计交相呼应,使空间通透明亮,同时让主人可以从各个角度欣赏自己的心爱之物,又增添一份舒适私隐的尊贵感受。 秉承一如既往的优质服务理念夺身定制的服务项目同样也是入住总统套房的尊贵宾客不容错过的体验内容。常规的管家服务之外,我们为您考虑得更为周到。无论何时,当您有特殊需求的时候,亦或是需要专伺的太极或瑜珈私人管家等,以达到身心的全然放松,我们都将一如既往提供竭诚服务。总统套房 立即预订


上海希尔顿酒店的客房和套房,均拥有大理石浴室,内设双化妆台、浴缸、淋浴、镜嵌42英寸电视等高级设备。199间豪华客房,配有独立客厅和饭厅,方便您的娱乐和用餐。宽大的办公桌和免费高速无线网络,也可满足您的工作需求。105间超豪华客房,带开阔城市景观。164间行政套房更特设一个书房和两个相通的房间。每间客房宽达33平方米。希尔顿客房 ( 大床 ) 立即预订希尔顿客房 ( 双床 ) 立即预订


房间舒适明亮,可俯瞰城市美景。配有大床、休息区和大型办公桌。部分客房有独立的办公和用餐区域。来宾礼遇包括新闻报纸、浴袍和矿泉水。豪华房 ( 大床 ) 立即预订豪华房 ( 双床 ) 立即预订


10间73平方米的宽敞全景套房,带独立会客厅,您可以在房内浪漫用餐或与朋友共度美好夜晚。在行政景观套房内,可一览美丽的上海全貌。行政全景套房 立即预订


 装修后的行政楼房间体现了明快的室内装潢风格,并配备了全新的家具陈设。 极具现代感的暗色木质家具与明快的黄色墙面,淡色的东方地毯,在行政楼房间中完美和谐地搭配在一起。卫浴间里,高雅的黑色大理石墙面与大理石地面形成对比,洁白的台柜和浴盆营造出清爽与时尚的氛围。房间里的工作区域让商务游客工作得更加轻松自如。工作区域内配备了高速宽带连接,豪华办公台,42寸纯平电视及两部带有语音信箱的电话。行政房 ( 大床 ) 立即预订行政房 ( 双床 ) 立即预订


在这个现代风格的宽敞房间,城市极致全景尽收眼底。房间提供高速无线网络和一张舒适的大床。您可在宽敞的办公桌上工作,或打开42英寸的LED电视观看国际电视节目。此房间可容纳2名客人,拥有全景落地窗、配有沙发的独立休息区,和大理石浴室。豪华全景大床房 立即预订





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