
中国 乌鲁木齐 友好北路 669 号 (86)(991) 699 9999 官方网站
Presidential suite: King Bed

265sqm, premier design for luxury living room, sitting and r eading area with private bar, wide view of snow topped mountain, 24 hours bulter service 2,853 sq ft / 265 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed Buffet breakfast Executive lounge access Internet for free

Premier suite: King Bed

166sqm suite, premier design for luxury living room, sitting and reading area with private bar, wide view of snow topped mountain, bulter service. 1,787 sq ft / 166 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed Buffet breakfast Executive lounge access Internet for free

Ambassador suite: King Bed

120sqm suite, contemporary design in living room and larger sitting area, wide view of city and mountain, larger bathroom with window, butler service 1,292 sq ft / 120 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed Buffet breakfast Executive lounge access Internet for free

Executive premier suite: King Bed

78sqm, contemporary design in living room, sitting room with bar, bathroom with window, Red Mount and Yaomo Mount view, bulter service 840 sq ft / 78 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed Buffet breakfast Mountain view Executive lounge access

Premier suite: King Bed

78sqm, contemporary design in living room and sitting room w ith bar, oversized bathroom with window, the Red Mount & Yaomo Mount View 840 sq ft / 78 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed Executive lounge access Floor-to-ceiling windows City and mountain view

Executive premier room: King Bed

52sqm,premier room with glasswall,larger working area and ba throom, wide view with snow topped mountain and city view, butler service 560 sq ft / 52 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed Buffet breakfast Floor-to-ceiling windows Executive lounge access

Executive deluxe : 2 Double Beds

spacious room from 40sqm to 48sqm with glasswall, upper floo r, wide view of mountian and city, free access to Executive Lounge, 24 hours butler service 431-517 sq ft / 40-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed Buffet breakfast Executive lounge access Internet for free

Executive deluxe : King Bed

from 40sqm to 48sqm room with glasswall, higher floor, mount ain view free access to executive lounge with butler service 431-517 sq ft / 40-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed Buffet breakfast Executive lounge access 32-inch flat screen LCD TV

Business deluxe room: King Bed

52sqm, spacious deluxe room with glasswall, larger sitting a nd area working area, oversized bathroom, city view, 32 Inch LCD TV 560 sq ft / 52 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 32-inch flat screen LCD TV Floor-to-ceiling windows Internet for free

Deluxe room: 2 Double Beds

40sqm, separate bath and shower, free access to health club, large working area and 32 Inch LCD TV 431-517 sq ft / 40-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 32-inch flat screen LCD TV Rainforest shower head Internet for free

Deluxe, non-smoking: 2 Double Beds

40sqm, separate bath and shower, free access to health club, large working area and 32 Inch LCD TV 431-517 sq ft / 40-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 32-inch flat screen LCD TV Rainforest shower head Internet for free

Deluxe room: King Bed

spacious room from 40sqm to 48 sqm, separate bath and shower , free access to health club, large working area and 32 Inch LCD TV 431-517 sq ft / 40-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 32-inch flat screen LCD TV Rainforest shower head Internet for free

Deluxe, non-smoking: King Bed

spacious room from 40sqm-48sqm, separate bath and shower, fr ee access to health club, large working area, 32 inch LCD TV 431-517 sq ft / 40-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 32-inch flat screen LCD TV Rainforest shower head Internet for free

Superior room: King Bed

spacious room of 40sqm with city view, separate bathtub and shower, free access to health club, 32 Inch LCD TV 431-517 sq ft / 40-48 m² Sweet Sleeper Bed 32-inch flat screen LCD TV Rainforest shower head Internet for free


行政楼层双卧套房,现代化的高雅品位,为您提供无与伦比的住宿体验。配备40英寸纯平高清电视和家庭影院,以及高速宽带上网服务,享受现代商务和休闲设施的优越。位于高层的希尔顿逸林套房俯拥北城天街最繁华的美景。宽阔的居住环境,独具艺术气息的装修,现代的设施,让您独享山城悠闲生活。房间内设有奢华的独立生活区,八人用餐区,酒吧台及书房。行政套房的客人尊享行政酒廊的各种设施服务。希尔顿逸林套房 立即预订


豪华的装潢,宽阔的视野,让您体验完美的舒适度。宽大舒适的客厅;舒适的床垫带给您如家般温暖。宽大工作桌和高速上网服务,让您随时保持工作进度。卧室配备40英寸纯平高清电视,您可在工作之余听音乐放松心情。行政套房的客人尊享行政酒廊的各种设施服务。  精品套房 立即预订


位于行政楼层的贵宾套房,装潢典雅,舒适的床垫带给您高品质睡眠。客厅卧室均配备40英寸纯平高清电视。独具品味的艺术装饰品彰显生活品质;独立的工作、吧台区域让您轻松转换于工作及社交。行政套房的客人尊享行政酒廊的各种设施服务。  贵宾套房 立即预订


精致单卧套房,功能及配套设施齐全的客厅。独立浴室及高效工作区。工作区配有宽大的工作桌,椅子和高速上网服务。家庭影院和40英寸纯平高清电视,带给您无与伦比的放松与舒适。  豪华套房 立即预订


装潢高雅,独特飘窗设计带给您舒适的居住体验。最先进设施,为您的商务及娱乐提供最佳便利。高速及无线上网服务,40英寸纯平高清电视。独立浴室及浴室设施,让您感受如家般舒适。  行政套房 立即预订


装潢高雅,时尚舒适的飘窗设计。风尚套房设有一个工作间及用餐区,工作、休闲皆宜。高速及无线上网服务。室内保险箱,桌面电话插孔和提供多个频道及点播电影的40英寸纯平高清电视,供您愉悦放松。  风尚套房 立即预订


独立的生活、工作区域和干湿分离的卫浴设计,方便您的工作和休闲。高速及无线上网服务。设施包括室内保险箱和40英寸纯平高清电视。  行政豪华客房 立即预订


时尚现代的行政客房拥有开阔视野。卧室内带玻璃墙的独立浴室,设有热带雨林淋浴。无论商务或旅游,行政客房为您提供最大方便。设施包括室内保险箱和37英寸纯平高清电视。  行政客房 ( 大床 ) 立即预订行政客房 ( 双床 ) 立即预订


独特的飘窗设计,您可享受到极佳的市中心景色,每间客房都设有带玻璃门的独立浴室和淋浴。希尔顿逸林酒店舒适的床垫让您拥有高品质睡眠,使您的身心重获充沛精力。  豪华客房 立即预订


希尔顿逸林酒店舒适床垫让您拥有高品质睡眠,使您的身心重获充沛精力。透明玻璃门设计的浴室,独立淋浴。室内配备37英寸纯平高清电视,在软椅上放松的同时,您可以享受您喜爱的节目。  逸林客房 ( 大床 ) 立即预订逸林客房 ( 双床 ) 立即预订





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