Hameau Albert Ier
At the foot of Mont Blanc, Pierre Carrier, Perrine and Pierre Maillet have taken over this hotel, devoted to fine dining, founded in 1903 by “great grandfather Carrier”. The rooms in the main hotel or the chalets in the garden offer both modern and warm comfort. On the one hand, there is the superb menu at the Albert Ier with its recipes influenced by the Piedmont and Liguria and, on the other, the Maison Carrier with its specialities to be enjoyed in the atmosphere of an old farmhouse or with a view of the maj…
Jw Marriott Essex House New York
这间豪华酒店位于曼哈顿中城区,坐落在中央公园的理想位置,设有雅致的餐饮场所,提供spa服务、24小时健身中心和配有定制设计家具的客房。 JW Marriott Essex House New York酒店优雅的客房配有一台平面有线电视和一个迷你吧。客房享有酒店内部的景致,而套房可能享有纽约市的景致。 客人可以放松身心,并享受多种美容和水疗护理。礼宾服务台可为客人提供当地旅游、娱乐和购物等信息。…
The Halkin By Como
The Halkin By COMO 坐落于 Belgravia 的一条安静的大街上,距 Hyde Park、骑士桥和维多利亚区仅信步之遥,坐计程车 15 分钟可到达 低调雅致的 The Halkin 位于伦敦的核心位置,到 Sloane Street 购物中心,Piccadilly 的剧院以及 Mayfair 的餐厅都十分方便。仅5-15 分钟车程便可到达连接 Gatwick 和 Heathrow 机场的高速铁路站。酒店设计体现了当代典雅主义风格,是深谙伦敦人士喜爱的休憩乐土;宁静平和是这家酒店…
Uma By Como, Paro, Bhutan
Uma by COMO, Paro, is an intimate, 29-room resort featuring the most exclusive private villas in Bhutan with an enviable location in the Paro Valley. This puts you within striking distance of the country’s great cultural landmarks. The style combines local artisanship with COMO’s contemporary style, while activities range from yoga to Himalayan camping adventures. Our Bukhari restaurant is a royal favourite.…
Uma By Como, Punakha, Bhutan
度假酒店 Uma by COMO, Punakha, our second hotel in Bhutan, is an intimate, luxury lodge located at the far western end of the lush Punakha Valley. From our picturesque base overlooking a snake-like bend in the Mo Chu river, Uma Punakha is ideally located for those who wish to explore this remote Himalayan Kingdom.…
Uma By Como, Ubud
Uma by COMO, Ubud, immerses you in the culture of Bali while also providing luxury amenities, from food to spa to exquisite accommodation—all among the paddy fields and hills of this lush Indonesian island. All 46 rooms and suites at our luxury Bali hotel exude the charm of a traditional Indonesian village. Except the feel is also quietly contemporary, from bedrooms to landscaped courtyards to infinity-edged plunge pools. The result is a fresh, original spirit that feels sleek even as it recognises Uma Ub…
Riviera Maya
Zoetry Paraiso De La Bonita Riviera Maya
Zoëtry Paraiso de la Bonita 是一座豪华的精品度假村,提倡安全、环保、健康、安静和浪漫的新式度假体验。酒店极富特色,坐落在 500 码长的私人海滩上,可提供多种尊享服务,其中包括:个性化豪华专车机场接送;有机食物和各式当地餐饮;无限全球通电话服务和互联网接入;48 英尺双体帆船日落之旅;Visia® 皮肤检测分析;乘船购物游;20 分钟海水浴疗体验等。酒店内有久负盛名的 La Canoa餐厅…
Villa Del Parco Spa At Forte Village
立鼎世水疗酒店 Villa Del Parco 座落在撒丁岛的 Forte Village Resort 度假酒店得天独厚的自然美景中,远离喧嚣,可提供周到的专属服务,是一处顶级的疗养度假胜地。平房式客房隐匿在宁静的树林中,私密幽静的海景套房沿海滨分布,二者共计 59 间,另有配备了管家服务、私人花园和泳池的豪华别墅。超一流的水疗会所 Thalasso Del Forte 拥有 6 个泳池,可提供各式海水保健和护理服务,达到舒缓身心…
Grand Hotel Miramare
Grand Hotel Miramare 位于意大利里维埃拉 (Riviera) 的黄金地带 Santa Margherita Ligure,俯瞰宛如蓝宝石般闪耀的提古里奥湾 (Tigullio Gulf)。Fustinoni 家族掌管酒店 70 余年,酒店亮眼的白色外墙上绘有错视壁画,恍惚间仿佛回到了 20 世纪之初。无论是布置精美的露台与光鲜华丽的 Barracuda Piano Bar 酒吧,还是繁花似锦的地中海花园和硕大无朋的海水泳池,都营造出一种时尚复古的氛围。Grand Hotel Miramare 华美精…
Terme Di Saturnia Spa Golf Resort
Terme di Saturnia Spa & Golf Resort 所在之处是温泉之源,在伊特鲁里亚 (Etruscan) 时代以前,世世代代的人们就已经在尽情享受着这片舒缓的温泉水,其出水量每秒可达 500 升,水温始终保持在 37°C /98.6°F。度假村内的高级水疗会所正是利用这片温泉的治愈功效,打造出一系列高端奢华的再生护理。客房和 18 洞高尔夫球场均采用优雅现代的设计,旨在与周围的乡村风光完美融合,达到浑然天成的效果,…