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苏梅岛丽思卡顿酒店揭幕 尊享原生态泰式海岛生活
发布日期:2017年10月23日  来源:丽思卡尔顿酒店集团



Marking its first presence on the Eastern coast of Thailand, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. is pleased to announce the newest addition to its collection of renowned global properties with the opening of The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui. Located on the tropical island paradise of Koh Samui on the Gulf of Thailand, The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui seamlessly combines the brand’s legendary service with the traditional spirit of Thai hospitality and colorful Samui island life culture to create a unique melting pot of indelible new memories.

“苏梅岛以其充满魅力的原始自然风光闻名,深受喜爱海岛风情的旅客青睐。位于静谧岛屿中的苏梅岛丽思卡顿酒店,是丽思卡尔顿品牌与泰式文化融合的绝佳体现。“我们期望为游客创造全新的难忘回忆”丽思卡顿酒店总裁兼首席运营官Hervé Humler表示,“我们相信苏梅岛丽思卡顿酒店将为苏梅岛旅游业的发展做出积极的贡献,为来自世界各地的客人打造难忘的旅行体验。”

“Known for its charm and pristine natural beauty, Koh Samui is a favorite destination for travelers. An island sanctuary amid breathtaking and diverse beauty, this resort is an exceptional blend of both The Ritz-Carlton and Thai cultures and fulfills our mission to offer inspiring new memories in sought-after locations,” said Hervé Humler, President and Chief Operations Officer, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. “We are confident that The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui will make a valuable contribution to the long-term success of this destination and enhance the memorable travel experience for guests from around the world.”


The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui offer 175 suites and pool villas nestled amid 58 acres that overlook the turquoise waters of The Gulf of Thailand. Built on the site of a former coconut plantation, the resort pays homage to its past through the extensive use of coconut and other natural materials such as ceramics, touches that imbue a sense of place and help immerse guests in their destination.

这一海滨度假酒店配有总面积达3800平方米的苏梅岛水疗中心(Spa Village Koh Samui)宾客可以在这里感受当地治愈身心的古老文化。水疗中心有8间理疗套房,3间按摩凉亭,1间瑜伽馆,1座健康吧和1个带有更衣室的小型健身泳池。7家极具苏梅岛特色的餐厅与酒吧为客人打造丰富多彩的美食美酒体验:以泰国南方传统佳肴为主打北帝餐厅(Pak Tai)拥有静谧的观景露台,宾客可在此观赏形色各异的暗礁群。时尚互动餐厅Shook!提供创意十足的亚洲菜和西餐。轻松优雅的海盐餐厅(Sea Salt)则以各国经典美食及最受欢迎的泰式菜品为亮点想在阳光中享用美馔,浪潮餐厅(Tides)是理想的选择,宾客可在池边酒吧享用一杯清新鸡尾酒,或是美味的酸橘汁腌鱼。One Rai餐厅设有圆形酒吧和休息室,供应鸡尾酒及亚洲风味小食。此外,酒店还定期举办斑塔莱(Baan Talat户外美食集市,宾客可以在集市品尝街头小吃,欣赏当地的特色舞蹈及精美工艺品。

The oceanfront resort features Spa Village Koh Samui, a 3,800-square-meter haven anchored in the healing culture of the region, complete with eight treatment suites, three massage pavilions, a yoga pavilion, health bar, and a lap pool with intimate cabanas. The hotel’s culinary offerings reflect Koh Samui’s destination across seven dining experiences including Pak Tai, offering fine dining interpretations of traditional southern Thai cuisine with views over the swim reef from its secluded individual dining terraces. Additional venues include Shook!, a stylish interactive dining space serving innovative Asian and Western dishes complemented by a superb selection of fine wines; Sea Salt, offering international classics and Thai favorites in a relaxed dining atmosphere; and Tides, an ideal spot for sun-lovers to unwind with a refreshing cocktail from the poolside bar and enjoy a citrus-cured specialty from the cevicheria. With its circular bar and lounge, One Rai offers cocktails and Asian-inspired small bites. Additionally, on select days guests can enjoy Baan Talat, an outdoor food market experience with street food stalls, dancing and crafts.

为了让宾客更好地融入当地文化,苏梅岛丽思卡尔顿酒店还精心打造了正宗泰国南方文化的体验活动宾客可在设有室内拳击台的泰拳馆(Muay Thai Gym),跟随教练学习具有当地特色的泰拳(或称为“八肢体艺术”,或是参观当地集市,购买应季特产,参观结束后还可参加南方泰式烹饪课程。

To further draw guests into the local culture, The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui has curated some of the best authentic southern Thai experiences to explore and experience, including the Muay Thai Gym with its indoor kickboxing ring, where guests can learn the martial art of Muay Thai (or ‘The Art of Eight Limbs’) with trained instructors. Additionally, guests can sign up for a journey to a local market to source seasonal produce, followed by a class to unlock secrets of southern Thai cooking.

苏梅岛丽思卡顿酒店的恒温潜水泳池(Swim Reef)也是特色之一。其面积是东南亚酒店同类泳池中最大的。池水温度适中,拥有50多种鱼类,为宾客带来独特的浮潜和喂鱼体验。此外,酒店还配设施完备的健身娱乐活动中心:两个白色沙滩,一个沙滩泳池,一个水上运动中心和两个网球场。Ritz Kids丽思儿童项目也为小宾客们贴心准备了相关儿童用品装备,及一系列室内或室外活动,让宾客在享受亲子时光的同时增进家庭关系。

The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui also offers a one-of-a-kind temperate Swim Reef within the resort that teems with over 50 species of fish. It is the largest of its kind in Southeast Asia, and offers unique snorkeling and fish-feeding experiences. The Swim Reef also features expansive facilities including two white sand beaches, a beach-side resort pool, a water sports center and two floodlit tennis courts. The Ritz Kids program, with dedicated kids check-in and amenities for children, offers indoor and outdoor activities helping to strengthen family ties through shared moments.

酒店还提供泰式和西式婚礼服务,将每一对新人的婚礼都打造为经典盛事。新人可在俯瞰泰国湾美景的Sala Thai高亭上交换相伴终生的誓言,珍藏一段浪漫回忆。

This resort also makes each wedding is a signature event. Offered in either Thai or Western style, lifetime vows are exchanged at Sala Thai, an elevated pavilion overlooking the Gulf of Thailand.

苏梅岛丽思卡顿酒店的揭幕再次见证了万豪国际与酒店业主方杨忠礼酒店集团的成功合作。杨忠礼酒店集团执行总裁拿督杨肃佳(Mark Yeoh)表示,“苏梅岛丽思卡顿酒店的揭幕,意味着我们与万豪国际酒店集团强有力的合作又达到一个新的里程碑。随着度假村的开业,我们在亚太及欧洲地区与万豪国际酒店集团合作的酒店已达9家。”

The opening of The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui affirms the long-standing relationship between Marriott International and YTL Hotels, which owns the property. “The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui marks another milestone of our strong partnership with Marriott International. With the opening of this hotel, our portfolio, together with Marriott International, now encompasses nine properties across Asia-Pacific and Europe,” said Dato’ Mark Yeoh, Executive Director of YTL Hotels.


For more information and to book reservations for The Ritz-Carlton, Koh Samui, please visit http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/hotels/koh-samui.

文章关键词:丽思卡尔顿酒店 苏梅岛
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