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发布日期:2018年12月07日  来源:佛山岭南天地马哥孛罗酒店



The “Silver and Blue” Christmas Lighting Ceremony was held at Marco Polo Lingnan Tiandi Foshan on December 6, when was the traditional “St. Nicholas Day” (Santa Claus was originally named Saint Nicholas) for people to express gratitude with gifts and delicacies. The Hotel chose this unique day for the lighting ceremony to send sincere greetings and blessings to its guests.


Marco Polo Lingnan Tiandi Foshan piles up a dreamlike Christmas with silver, blue and white decorations. The Gingerbread House at the lobby and the fresh cream diffuse their scents to the air around. The Gingerbread House is exquisite, with nearly 10,000 pieces of gingerbread pasted by hand for 3 days and 2 Nights, and within which are dozens of Christmas gifts for you to choose as you wish.


In order to let the diners have early experience of Christmas, the Hotel will start to promote the Christmas Dinner from December 21. Diners who would like to wake up naturally can enjoy the delicacies of the Christmas Brunch prepared by Café Marco leisurely and relaxedly. During the brunch, Christmas delicacies will unfold before your eyes. You will witness a rare fish slicing ceremony of the 50kg yellow fin tuna delivered by air from Japan and there will also be a Christmas Cart with sea cucumbers, abalones, lobsters and so on.  Christmas lucky prizes of the Lucky Draw includes Apple laptops, electric karts, Samsung 55-inch TV sets, home theatres and so on, which makes the participants feel excited and from where they can go on full of expectations.

佛山岭南天地马哥孛罗酒店用银色、蓝色奇幻景象,用圣诞主题美食住宿为您绽放新奇圣诞!圣诞热线 0757-82501888。

With its wonderful Christmas delicacies and accommodations services, Marco Polo Lingnan Tiandi Foshan will bring a fantastic silver and blue Christmas to its guests. For further reservation, please call 0757-82501888.

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