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发布日期:2025年02月28日  来源:印度尼西亚共和国驻华大使馆

Embassy of Indonesia in Beijing Hosts Media Gathering to Update Chinese Media on Indonesia's Latest Development

印度尼西亚共和国驻华大使馆再次举办“印度尼西亚最新发展动态”吹风会。中国各大媒体 60 余名记者出席了此次会议。本次活动旨在介绍印尼最新发展动态和进一步加强印尼与中国业已存在的关系。

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Beijing organized a Media Gathering to update the media regarding Indonesia’s latest developments. More than 60 journalists from leading media in China attended this event, which aimed to provide the latest information on 
developments in Indonesia and strengthen the long-standing relationship between Indonesia and China.


The Indonesian Ambassador to China, H.E. Djauhari Oratmangun, expressed his appreciation to all journalists who have contributed to enhancing Indonesia-China relations. "The media has been playing an important role in strengthening relations between the two countries. We greatly appreciate the cooperation and support from the media in promoting Indonesia in China," said Ambassador Djauhari.

今年是印度尼西亚和中国建交 75 周年,周浩黎大使还强调了媒体对扩大庆祝两国建交活动的精神和势头的支持的重要性。

As this year coincides with the 75th anniversary of Indonesia and China diplomatic, Ambassador Djauhari invites the media to help expand the momentum of the celebration to further strengthen the bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

借此机会,周浩黎大使阐述了在 2024年 10月上任的印度尼西亚总统普拉博沃的领导下,印尼的最新发展动态。周浩黎大使表示:“普拉博沃总统致力于带领印尼实现‘黄金印尼2045’愿景”。普拉博沃总统还强调了通过粮食、能源、数字和国防等领域加强国家安全的重要性。

On this special occasion, Ambassador Djauhari briefed the media on the latest developments in Indonesia under the new President, Prabowo Subianto. "President Prabowo is committed to bringing Indonesia to realize Indonesia's Golden Vision 2045. President Prabowo also emphasized the importance of increasing national resilience by strengthening the food, energy, digital, and defense sectors."

2025 年印尼经济增长预计将达到 5.1%,在应对全球不确定性表现出强大的韧性。这是受到印尼经济政策的影响,即支持财政稳定,稳健的国内消费以及对下游、能源和粮食安全及数字经济等优先领域投资的提高等。

Indonesia's economy is projected to grow by 5.1% in 2025. Strong economic policies supporting fiscal stability, solid domestic consumption, and investment in priority sectors such as downstream, energy, food security, and the digital economy are crucial to helping attain economic growth in Indonesia. 


Ambassador Djauhari also briefed the media concerning President Prabowo's priority programs, such as Free Nutritious Meals for Students and Free Health Checks, which are part of the national economic strategy.


Following the Ambassador's remarks, other representatives from the Embassy, including the Trade Attaché, Budi Hansyah; the First Secretary for economic affairs, Ari Handayani; the Immigration Attaché, Herawan Sukoaji; and Dewi Irianingsih, elaborated on the latest developments on Indonesia-China relations, such as trade, investment, tourism, and the golden visa program. 

在贸易领域,根据中国海关总署的数据,2024 年中国仍是印尼的最大贸易伙伴,两国的贸易额达 1477.8 亿美元,增长了 6.4%。在投资方面,2024 年中国在印尼的实际投资额达 81 亿美元,增长了 9.4%。与此同时,香港在印尼的投资额达 82 亿美元。

In the trade sector, based on data from the Chinese Customs (GACC), the bilateral trade in 2024 reached USD 147.78 billion, an increase of 6.4% compared to last year. China's investment realization in 2024 was recorded at USD 8.1 billion, an increase of 9.4% compared to the previous year. Investment from Hong Kong recorded at USD 8.2 billion.

在旅游方面,2024 年中国游客赴印尼旅游的人数达 110 万人次。印度尼西亚驻华大使馆将继续推介巴厘岛以外的自然风光和文化底蕴丰富的旅游目的地。在教育和文化领域的合作也十分重要,而且也取得了积极的发展,例如在文化交流领域以及在中国的多所大学设立印尼文化中心。

In tourism, 1.1 million Chinese tourists visited Indonesia last year. The Indonesian Embassy in Beijing will continue to promote Indonesian tourist destinations such as Bali, Lombok, Raja Ampat, Pulau Komodo and other destinations to attract more Chinese tourists to Indonesia. Indonesia and China's cooperation in education and culture has also progressed intensively through cooperation among universities, students, and cultural exchange programs, as well as the establishment of Indonesian cultural centers at various universities in China.


To further support economic and people-to-people exchanges, the Indonesian Embassy also encourages partners in China to take advantage of the Golden Visa program. This program provides opportunities for foreign investors to stay and invest in Indonesia, especially in priority sectors such as the downstream industries and the development of the new capital city, Nusantara.


The ambassador also invites Einar Tangen, a leading commentator of CGTN (China Global Television Network), to deliver short remarks. Einar expressed his appreciation for the rapid development of bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and China, including in the field of trade, which has almost doubled in the last 7 years. Chinese investment has also increased significantly, including in thedownstream industry, which helped raise the added value of Indonesia's natural resources development and supports job creation.

最后,周浩黎大使向为推进印尼与中国关系发挥重要作用的各位媒体,表示感谢。周浩黎大使表示:“借助两国建交 75 周年的契机,我们希望两国全面战略伙伴关系将通过在各领域的互利合作,得到进一步加强。媒体在此将永远是最重要的合作伙伴。”

Ambassador Djauhari conveyed his appreciation to the media for their role in advancing Indonesia-China relations. "Taking advantage of the momentum of celebrating 75 years of diplomatic relations this year, we hope the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries will continue to flourish and benefit the people of the two countries. The media will always be a very important partner on this journey," concluded Ambassador Djauhari.

在活动期间,大使还接受了中国五家主要报社、电视和网络媒体的独家采访。探讨了两国经济合作的发展以及庆祝两国建交 75 周年的计划。

On the sidelines of the program, Ambassador Djauhari also had exclusive interviews with five leading Chinese media outlets, discussing the development of economic cooperation and the celebration of the 75th anniversary of bilateral relations between Indonesia and China.

* 图片由官方提供

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