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发布日期:2018年12月08日  来源:旅游休闲

Mr. Mansoor Mohamed,南非旅游局亚太区首席代表


What is the performance of the Chinese market in 2018? What are the surprises and highlights in 2018?

Mr. Mansoor Mohamed:与去年相比,2018年4月至9月的旅游人次有所增加。我们实施了一些非常行之有效的推广活动,以社交媒体为例,我们在中国各大社交媒体平台(如微信、微博、抖音、知乎等)上推出了很多活动,以此提升南非旅游的知名度,促使中国游客将南非纳入下一站目的地的候选范畴之内。除此之外,我们也与南非各旅游供应商和中国旅游同业开展了紧密合作,以确保中国同业合作伙伴为宣传南非旅游做好充分的准备。








随着人民币兑南非兰特的汇率优势,南非对于中国游客而言是一处极富吸引力和消费竞争力的目的地。2015年,中国国航与南非航空签订了代码共享协议,推出了由北京直飞约翰内斯堡的航班(自2019年1月3日起JNB-PEK航线将加降深圳), 更有其它经由香港、新加坡和中东转机的航班,为中国游客赴南非旅行提供了更大的航空便利。



2018年8月,南非旅游局与大疆创新(DJI)、国泰航空(Cathay Pacific)携手推出了一项旅游视频征集活动,旨在通过中国游客使用的高科技技术探索曼德拉的光辉历程。大疆创新是世界上最大的民用无人机制造商,也是全球领先的商用、娱乐用飞行机、航拍飞控产品的研发商和生产商,独占90%以上的市场份额。此次的合作可借助高科技渠道,向游客展示与曼德拉一生密切相关的历史与社会遗迹、故地、景点和相关体验,也呼应了南非旅游局推出的曼德拉百年诞辰纪念计划。



In terms of monthly tourist arrivals, from April to Sep 2018, the data has increased compared with last year. We can see the improvement. We already put in place some very good marketing activities, for example, on social media. We are working a lot with different platforms (like WeChat, Weibo, Tik Tok, Zhihu etc.) in China to help create awareness and make sure the Chinese traveler considers South Africa as their next destination of choice. In addition to the marketing efforts to consumers, we also working very hard with the South Africa suppliers and Chinese trade to make sure the Chinese trade is well equipped and well trained to sell South Africa.

A robust calendar of travel trade and media events was launched in 2018 including familiarisation tours to South Africa, travel trade learning programs and trade and media road shows across Mainland China.

Big MICE groups in SA

China Travel Service Head Office launched a wonderful trip to South Africa for Metlife’s MICE groups comprising over 1,000 attendees in total, with joint efforts from South African Tourism, UnionPay International, as well as Ethiopian Airlines, and with the assistance of the South African Embassy.

Visa Policy

To make the travel experience even more seamless from China, South Africa has established visa facilitation centres in 11 Chinese cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xian, Shenyang, Wuhan, Jinan, Hangzhou, Kunming and Chongqing.

During FOCAC in September 2018 the South African government announced a 5 year multiple entry visa for Chinese tourists valid for up to 90 days.


South Africa’s appeal to Chinese visitors extends to a favourable exchange rate, making the country a very attractive and competitively priced destination, in 2015, Beijing-Johannesburg flights has been launched with shared code between Air China and South African Airways (From 3 Jan 2019, Beijing-Johannesburg flights will stop at Shenzhen), as well as many more via Hong Kong, Singapore and the Middle East, have established closer air links.
The non-stop seasonal flights was launched between Hong Kong and Cape Town this year by Hong Kong airline Cathay Pacific in November 2018. This is a seasonal flight which will last until Chinese New Year in February next year.


South African Tourism cooperated with DJI the world’s largest manufacturer of drones and Cathay Pacific, exploring Mandela’s Glorious Roads in Chinese high-tech way through an Integrated project that was produced in August 2018. DJI is a global leader in developing and manufacturing innovative drones and cameras for commercial and recreational uses. They have over 90% share in their market. The collaboration this time brings these experiences, attractions, and destinations that have strong historical and social ties to Mandela's life to audiences in a high-tech way and coordinate with the global plan of SA Tourism.

Nelson Mandela Centennial Celebration

In 2018, South Africa launched a number of events to celebrate Mandela Year, including a gala dinner, product exhibition, and Mandela Day social campaign on Weibo & WeChat.


What are the new characteristics and changes of Chinese travelers' travel preferences in 2018 (destination, hotel, mode of travel, length of trip, cost, etc.)? Will the proportion of in-depth travel and leisure travel continue to increase?

Mr. Mansoor Mohamed:中国游客的南非之旅平均为10天,总花费平均为42,500人民币(6,200美元)。南非是一个物超所值的目的地,这意味着普通游客只需额外支付极少费用,便可获得更多相应体验。






On average, Chinese tourists spend RMB 42,500 (US$6,200) on an average 10-day trip. South Africa is a value-add destination, meaning the typical visitor will experience much more for very little incremental cost.

The average length of stay is 10 days, usually with four days/three nights in Cape Town. The Chinese visitor spend is predicted to reach US$100 million this year, making the country a major contributor to the growth industry which supports one in every ten jobs in South Africa. From the latest data, we can see more revenue in 2018, the total spending increased by 187% from Jan to June 2018 compared with last year. Driving this are tourists spending 70% more than they did in 2017 and staying 66% longer.

One key focus is on cultural, adventurous, off-the-beaten-track and ‘bucket list’ travel experiences that no other competitor can offer.

These are especially targeting China’s new generation of millennials who are hitting the road and exploring the world in ever-increasing numbers. We know they’re looking for unique and immersive experiences that others have not yet tried. And we know South Africa can strike this chord with a new focus on authentic cultural and people-to-people experiences that make our ‘Rainbow Nation’ so uniquely warm and welcoming.

For the luxury jet-set traveler, we offer unspoiled, wide open spaces in wilderness that takes their breath away from hectic city life.

And of course, for wine lovers, our Winelands is a new world waiting to be discovered and enjoyed.

Among our numerous authentic cultural experiences, we also have another special reason to celebrate this year with a dedicated tourism campaign honoring our ‘Father of the Nation’, the beloved Nelson Mandela.


Does the proportion of FIT continue to expand? What improvements have been made in terms of products and services for FIT?

Mr. Mansoor Mohamed:越来越多的游客并不是首次出国,他们更希望能根据个人喜好寻觅独一无二的旅游体验,因此,自由行已取代传统的跟团旅行,成为当下的主流旅行方式。



As a growing number of travelers are no longer heading abroad for the first time, we see a move from traditional group tours to independent travel, seeking out unique experiences at their own pace.

South African tour companies have added Mandarin-speaking guides and translating their promotional materials into Mandarin, while South African Tourism has been holding exhibitions, Trade training and Consumer experience activities in major and secondary cities across China.

On the other hand, Chinese tourists are understandably sensitive to safety and security issues when traveling abroad, and South Africa is no exception. South Africa is a safe destination for travelers. Many travelers, more than 50%, from around the world and China are repeat visitors to South Africa, which is a key indication that South Africa is a safe and affordable destination to visit.

As with any other destination, visitors are advised to take the same wise, sensible safety and security precautions that they would when traveling. As long as Chinese visitors adhere to safety guidelines from guides and local South Africans, they will have a great, thrilling experience without any concern in a fantastic and beautiful country.


Are AI and big data used in destination marketing? What's the effect? How will we continue to move forward?

Mr. Mansoor Mohamed:南非旅游局欣然接受任何新兴媒体平台和市场趋势,以借此了解中国旅游消费趋势,并在日新月异的旅游业市场中一如既往地保留自身的竞争优势。我们的目标受众是那些具有冒险精神和文化猎奇精神、寻求新体验和有价值的旅游资源的游客,而彩虹之国南非恰好能满足这些游客的需求。因此,能更好地反映游客需求,并能与其进行有效沟通的宣传平台正是我们所要寻觅的合适平台。我们已了解电子商务和移动应用等新兴趋势,并且也已通过引人瞩目的社交媒体活动和多个新兴的社交媒体平台向大众宣传我们的新体验,从而参与到塑造中国大众市场的数字领域之中。

South African Tourism welcomes any emerging media and market trends in order to stay in tune with the consumers and competitive in the fast-paced market. To select the right medium, we aim to select platforms which best reflect and speak to our target audience of adventurous and culturally-curious travelers looking for new experiences and valuable offerings such as those that the “Rainbow Nation” offers. We are aware of the emerging trends of e-commerce and mobile app usage in everyday life and South African Tourism are already participating and taking part in the digital landscape that shapes China’s mass market, whether it be through exciting social campaigns or promoting new experiences through new and different social platforms that can reach the mass audience.


Are there any promotional themes in 2018? What's the effect?

Mr. Mansoor Mohamed:我们于2018年举办的旅游宣传活动融入了两大主题:中南建交20周年和南非前总统兼“近代南非之父”纳尔逊·曼德拉的百年诞辰。为了纪念曼德拉诞辰一百周年,我们今年重点推出了“2018年纳尔逊·曼德拉百年诞辰活动”,以“100种方式寻找你心中的马迪巴”(马迪巴是南非人民为表达对曼德拉的尊敬及爱戴而为其取的昵称)为主题,围绕曼德拉一生中具有里程碑意义的事件推出了100个旅行体验,以此来缅怀他的一生并将他的事迹和精神发扬光大。游客可通过手机APP“马迪巴之旅”('Madiba's Journey'),在地图上查看遍布南非全境、与曼德拉有关的景点。

Tourism promotion in 2018 also leverages on the 20th anniversary of Diplomatic relations between South Africa and China, as well as the centenary of the birth of former President and “father of modern South Africa” Nelson Mandela. The focus this year is our ‘Nelson Mandela Centenary Campaign 2018’ paying tribute to the 100th anniversary of his birth with 100 travel experiences curated around the major milestones of his life. His affectionate nickname was Madiba and the campaign is themed ‘100 Ways to Find the Madiba in You’, with Mandela-inspired tourist attractions introduced and mapped on a ‘Madiba's Journey’ mobile app.


What are your expectations for the performance in 2019?

Mr. Mansoor Mohamed:2019年对于南非旅游局而言将是令人振奋的一年。首先,中国的出境游快速发展。从2018年上半年的数据来看,中国出境游市场日益扩大。根据所有的预估数据和专家预测来看,在2019年以及今后的5年内,中国出境游将持续升温。因此,我们计划与业内媒体及大众媒体建立全新的、具有建设性的合作关系,以此来抢占更多市场份额。我们还将与中国的旅游业界伙伴开展合作,以保证他们能为南非做出有力的宣传,同时我们也会在中国各大社交平台上探索新的推广机遇。不管是线上还是线下平台,亦或是社交媒体、电视或户外广告,我们都希望能与其中的某个中国推广团队开展合作,也希望能与中国更多的旅行社建立合作,来帮助我们吸引更多中国游客前往南非旅游。

The year of 2019 for South African Tourism in China is going to look very exciting. Firstly, we know China outbound is growing at a rapid rate. We have seen the first of the year the figures, it looks that China has grown more and more and more. The forecast and all the experts are showing us next year and for the next five years, china is continuing to grow in terms of outbound tourism. Our plan is to get more market share through new and constructive partnerships with the Trade and Consumer Media. We will put in place partnerships with trade in China to make sure they sell South Africa very well. We will explore new marketing opportunities on many platforms in China. Whether it is online platform and offline platform, whether it is on social media, on TV, outdoor banners, we are looking for partnerships with a marketing community inside China, and we are looking for more partnerships with trade agents the people who are going to sell the tours.




About The ‘Annual Interview of Tourism and Leisure Industry’

The Annual Interview of Tourism and Leisure industry is a series of interviews on the whole industry chain organized by the TRAVEL & LEISURE all-media platform. Those interviews cover the industries of destination, hotel, aviation, cruise, travel agency, travel equipment and so on. The purpose is to share the latest data of that year and predict the development trend of the industry in the coming year. To strengthen exchange between those industries, light spark of ideas and inspire innovation, we hope to contribute to the coordinated and efficient development of tourism and leisure industry from a media platform. The first operation of the annual interview in 2017 received positive response and support from many industry leaders, they issued many in-depth, detailed and unique views. It won a prize from Industries and readers! The 2018 Annual Interview is launching at the end of November 2018, we are look ing forward to your joining us!

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